JI shoora dares to question US quest against Iran

      Lahore, March 4: The Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan has passionately appealed 
the American people, comity of nations, Muslim countries and especially the 
government of Pakistan to make categorical disapproval for not becoming part of 
the Washington's maneuvering against Iran.

      "The Muslim countries should declare that attack on Iran would be 
considered an attack against the Muslim world. The Islamabad should make an 
irrevocable decision of not becoming part of any American aggression against 
Iran and instead voice that she will side with fraternal Iran to fight back 
such misfortune."

      These demands were made in a unanimously adopted resolution by the 
central council (shoora) of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan here on Sunday. The 
two-day extra ordinary meeting of the party was presided over by its central 
ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad.

      The JIP shoora took strong exception to various worn-out American 
allegations of developing nukes and weapons of mass destruction against Iran on 
the line its biased media brain-washed the world opinion ahead of attack on 
Iraq. "The military build-up in the Gulf Sea and stock piles of banned weapons 
and its synchronization with the pressure tactics against neighboring countries 
speaks about American designs to isolate Tehran before subjecting it to naked 

      The resolution noted with great concern the sectarian and linguistic 
plans unleashed by Washington in the region to divide people on parochial 
lines. The huge defence spending by the Iran's Arab neighbor countries to 
counter the Shiite hoax created by America media and think tanks also point out 
future American designs in the area.

      The JI shoora condemned Islamabad for ignoring Iran and its close ally 
Syria in Feb 26 moot of foreign ministers' in Islamabad. It also lambasted 
by-passing of the Palestinian and Lebanese officials in the FMs conference. In 
this milieu, Islamabad's contacts with the pro-American Palestinian president 
Mehmoud Abbas and Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora also irked the JI 

      The Washington would not succeed in hoodwinking its people by posing Iran 
as a great threat in the light of concocted media hype. Attack on Iran would be 
a fatal suicide for America because the oil-rich Iran is neither a 
resource-less country like Afghanistan nor it is feeble as that of Iraq 
undermined by prolonged long autocratic rule. Any misadventure in Iran would 
cause acute oil crisis. The entire region would be exposed to dangerous fall 
out of American attack on Iranian nuclear installations," the resolution warned.

      The meeting appealed the Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, Turkey and Syria not 
to bow before American threats and make serious efforts by taking their 
respective public into confidence and foil fatal American designs. "Any failure 
to respond this urgent call will embolden America to use the same pretext for 
attacking other Muslim countries one after another," the resolution concluded.
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