Dear brothers in faith!


Admiring your efforts in spreading the teachings of Islam, an old man has a 
little reminder for you


Please remember that Islamâ?Ts being superior can only be useful to us when we 
ourselves attain superiority by acting in accordance with it; leading a life of 
disgrace and objection, and remaining puffed up on the superiority of Islam is 
nothing but a stupidity.

It is true that action should spring from the soil of awareness but the 
awareness that does not transform into action is usually of no avail. An 0unce 
of action is said to be worth a ton of theory.

People want us to shoot the way we shout. The road to success passes through 
the world of action and the shortest answer is doing. We must understand that 
preaching point is not a meeting point. A talk that does not end in any kind of 
action is of no value. After that we have debated so much, let each of us now 
demonstrate Islam by implementing Islamic Laws in the state of his own self.

Only that person can present Islam to the world who is, not only in the company 
of his friends but also in the big crowd of his foes, able to project his life 
in proof of his truthfulness and then no one dare to oppose him. This is the 
only right mechanism for bringing people close to Islam.

May Allah show us the right path.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

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