Assalamu aleikum.

For years we've been bombarded with propaganda denouncing the Darfur
genocide of the Sudanese blacks by Sudanese Arabs.

First, the propaganda lies:

"The actions of President Bashir can only be rationally explained by
the inference that he shared the specific intent to eliminate the
targeted group by reason of its ethnic identity.  Regardless of other
possible motives or collateral benefits that the regime might have
perceived, the policy of the regime, when stripped to its essentials
is chillingly clear  President Bashir supported attacks directed at
the civilian population on a widespread and systematic basis and the
evidence shows that his overarching policy was intended to eliminate
non-Arab population of Darfur in whole or in part.   The concerted use
of governmental power to destroy all or part of the targeted group is
a fundamental abdication of the central purpose of government itself.
 Hence, President Bashir is criminally liable for genocide, war
crimes, and crimes against humanity on both a moral and legal basis."

"his overarching policy was intended to eliminate non-Arab population
of Darfur in whole or in part."

In this struggle of Sudanese Arabs versus Sudanese blacks, the racist
Arab Omar al-Bashir intends to "eliminate the non-Arab population".

Yeah, that's right. 

Now see these:

Official US Government State Department 
photo of the President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir

BBC photo of Omar al-Bashir

Voice of America photo of Omar al-Bashir


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