Top 10 Lessons to learn from the Apprentice
By Showkat Ali

The Apprentice is back for another series and this time we have 3 Muslims vying 
to be Sir Alan’s Apprentice, but competition is very hot and its hard to 
predict whose going to win the £100 000 a year job. Some of the tasks they are 
set and their behaviour is exactly the way people work and function in most 
companies in Britain. Its all about winning regardless of the consequences, 
makes no difference if you are liked or not after all “Business is business”. 
The list below gives us especially those who are naive into the inner workings 
of the corporate office culture an insight into some of the lessons one can 
learn from this show.

1. Always look for someone to blame

This diverts attention from you and makes someone else look bad, also have no 
pity or sympathy for the weak instead throw them to the wolves in order to save 
your own skin

2. Don’t own up to any mistakes

Contrary to popular belief this will not gain you any respect or friends and 
will actually lead to people thinking your weak and insecure and therefore a 
target for the bullies.

3. Don’t trust anyone

They are all out to win, and any confidences you share will be used against you 
to undermine you eventually. So look to play people off against each other, and 
play the mediator role. Also backbite people and expose their faults as much as 
possible. Also being nice to their face will give them a false sense of 
security and they will never see the knife about to be inserted into their back.

4. If you’re a woman act more aggressive than the men

Yes women are seen as weak so you need to act more aggressive than the blokes 
in order to gain their respect and beat them at their own game, work hard and 
play hard.

5. Swear as much as possible

This will ensure that people see you as a hard nut and not want to mess with 
you and sometimes kick of with someone in public to further enhance this 
persona and false image.

6. Try to show people up by outperforming them

If you can do this then you will fear you and won’t mess with you and see as a 
person to be respected and feared.

7. Working as part of a team is a slogan

Yes, it sounds good, but your on your own, people would rather back stab you 
than help you. So quote the slogans about team work but work on your own and 
take credit for the work as opposed to saying it was a team effort.

8. Winning is all that matters at any cost

All fair in love and war, so you have to win at any cost including dirty tricks 
like cheating without getting caught and allowing certain people to dig their 
own grave.

9. Remember when bosses are watching you need to perform for them

Exactly, they are watching so say something clever and appear to be a team 
worker and work hard, they can only write and comment on what they see and hear.

10. If your to blame make excuses

Never accept blame, always show mitigating circumstances and confuse the issue.

So as Muslims it’s very obvious that in order for us to reach the top in our 
careers we have to outperform our colleagues and outwit them by being better at 
these practices than them. 

But we face one major problem and that is our Islamic upbringing and conscience 
does not always allow us to behave in a selfish and individualistic manner 
regardless of the consequences, hence most of us do not use these practices to 
get to the top. Some of us actually refrain and are seen as lacking the “ 
killer instinct” but end of the day we know that our adherence to Islam 
prevents us not just from drinking alcohol as we have seen from the three 
Muslim participants but actually abiding by halal and haram in every single 
aspect of our life.

Also the values of individualism and pursuit of material wealth regardless of 
the consequences upon others, which is being promoted in this show has reduced 
the society to what it is now, a jungle where the strong devour the weak.

It is surely time now for the Muslims by our behaviour to demonstrate the 
values of Islam where care, compassion, love, respect, brotherhood and honesty 
are the way forward for a harmonious and productive society as manifested in 
the past under the Caliphate.

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