The Darfur conundrum  French and other European intellectuals are mobilizing 
for intervention in Darfur. Who are they really writing about, asks KA Dilday 
for openDemocracy.
   Image: Wikipedia
  By K A Dilday for openDemocracy (05/04/07)
  On 31 March 2007, five African Union peacekeepers in Darfur were killed in 
the most fatal attack on them since the force arrived in the western province 
of Sudan in 2004. At the time of writing, the spokesman for the African Union 
(AU) has been unable to say who was responsible for the attack. This is the 
conundrum in Darfur: The killers could have belonged to any of the several 
armed groups there, though most reports suggest that one of the rebel forces 
was likely responsible. 
  It was this same conundrum - whom to blame, and whom to support, in Darfur - 
which has, for the past two weeks, been distracting French intellectuals from 
the imminent presidential election. A battle raged in the opinion pages of 
France's main newspapers between France's intellectuals: It was a debate that 
at times, seemed to have a less noble subtext than the surface concern for 
dying Darfurians. It also raised the question that nags at all levels of global 
action: much more of the western world is aware of and concerned with the lives 
of others, yet the quality of action is not keeping pace with the quantity. 
  A French controversy  The debate began on 20 March when the group Urgence 
Darfour, comprised of more than 100 individual associations, organized a 
meeting at the Mutualité, a grand hall on the left bank of Paris. There, the 
most prominent of the twelve presidential candidates agreed - either personally 
or through their representatives - that if elected, they would use their 
position to try to stop the killings in Darfur. Even President Jacques Chirac 
sent a letter of support. The meeting was led by Bernard Kouchner, one of the 
founders of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), who has long since broken with the 
group and now stands (unofficially and officially) for various national and 
international offices; Jacky Mamadou, former president of Médecins du Monde, 
the group Kouchner founded after leaving MSF; and the journalist and 
philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, who had just written a long article in Le Monde 
about his recent journey to refugee camps in Sudan and Chad. 
  Urgence Darfour called for the United Nations and the European Union to 
immediately send an international force to Darfur to protect the civilians; 
create safe zones where aid workers can serve the population; and bring those 
responsible for killings before the international court. 
  Three days later, on 23 March, Paris's main leftist daily newspaper 
Libération published a polemic written by two representatives of Médecins sans 
Frontières. The authors responded strongly to what they perceived as the 
ignorant posturing of Urgence Darfour and invoked MSF's experience through 
two-decades of presence in Sudan to make a case for a different approach. The 
worst massacres in Darfur, wrote Jean-Hervé Bradol (president of the MSF's 
French chapter) and Fabrice Weissman (director of research for the MSF), were 
in 2003-04. True, there has been a recent resurgence of violence after a period 
of remission, but the civilian casualties are at present not as numerous, in 
part because much of the civilian population has already abandoned the 
  The Libé article appeared to break from the MSF's traditional role of not 
advocating political strategies, albeit while couching political 
recommendations in the rhetoric of protecting civilians. Bradol and Weissman 
warned that a small United Nations force would not be able to control an area 
as large as Sudan and that it would be resisted by the Sudanese government, 
resulting probably in more civilian deaths. A better option was to work with 
all of the armed factions to reach an accord. They ended by saying that MSF was 
disappointed in both Urgence Darfour and the presidential candidates: Urgence 
Darfour for using its prominence to demand an ill-advised and unlikely 
intervention, and the presidential candidates for showily and blindly signing 
onto it. 
  The next day, 24 March, a letter addressed to European Union leaders on the 
eve of its fiftieth anniversary summit in Berlin and signed by a group of 
prominent writers was published in newspapers in the EU's twenty-seven 
member-states. The group, which had been assembled by Bob Geldof, excoriated 
the EU for celebrating its birthday while the atrocities continued in Darfur. 
Many of Europe's most renowned intellectuals were among the signatories; they 
included Umberto Eco, Dario Fo, Gűnter Grass, Jűrgen Habermas, Vaclav 
Havel, Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, Franca Rame, Tom Stoppard and 
Bernard-Henri Levy. 
  Libération published the writers' appeal on 27 March on the same page as an 
article by Richard Rossin, a former secretary-general of Médecins sans 
Frontières. He responded in turn to his former colleagues' criticism of Urgence 
Darfour. Rossin accused the current MSF leadership of hiding behind statistics, 
of advocating positions that would only help those Sudanese already relatively 
safe in aid camps, and attempting to placate the Sudanese government for fear 
of angering it. He argued that Bradol and Weissman's 
"pox-on-all-of-their-houses" position that both pro-government and rebel sides 
were responsible for attacks on aid workers wasn't fair because in fact, the 
rebel forces wanted to make peace with the government and wanted a unified 
Sudan. It's the Sudanese government, argued Rossin, that expelled Kofi Annan's 
representative; that arrests, harasses, kidnap and sometimes kills aid workers; 
and that refuses journalists entry. "The butchers have been identified," Rossin
 wrote. "And we do nothing." 
  The debate spread to Le Monde, the most widely read general national 
newspaper in France, where two more observers - journalist Stephen Smith, an 
Africa specialist, and Robert Menard, the head of Reporters sans Frontières - 
threw another salvo. They argued that Urgence Darfour's prescriptions for 
stopping the violence in Darfur were half-baked and a naïve, manichean 
simplification of a complex situation. Merely crying "stop the genocide" was 
useless, they wrote. They further alleged that the information disseminated in 
the west about Darfur was limited, as the press and the advocates knew only the 
camps - to make an assessment based only on those would be like making an 
assessment of France after visiting its hospitals. 
  "Sudan has a government, rebels, a civil society. It's not only a 
slaughterhouse," Menard and Smith wrote. Those calling for the intervention of 
the UN's "blue helmets" from the global south should, if they believe so 
strongly that an external military force is needed, march in themselves like 
the international brigades in Spain's civil war. "What right" they ask, "(do) 
these journalists have to ask United Nations forces from the third world to die 
in their place?" 
  The discourse of others  The sum of the arguments in this series of articles 
was this: The situation in Sudan is intolerable; there are no purely good 
forces, but there are ones that are worse than others; and there are neither 
easy solutions nor ones unlikely to endanger civilians. But reading the debate 
one comes to a cynical but seeming true inference: Darfur has become a trendy 
cause. As one of the articles pointed out, for the past three years the 
Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, has had an exhibition of striking photos of 
the victims in Sudan. Their tragedy is art even as it continues. 
  Yet when situations like the long deadly war in the Democratic Republic of 
Congo rage almost ignored, (which even now is a more vicious and deadly crisis 
according to those with first-hand experience of both), one wonders why so many 
people like actors and college students lift themselves from blissful reverie 
to focus on Darfur? Perhaps a place like the DR Congo is ignored because in 
Darfur it's easier to paint the situation as genocide - although people who've 
experienced and studied the situation warn that it is far more complex even as 
the paradigm of dark-skinned Africans being slaughtered by Arabs does have some 
relevance and historical basis. It's difficult not to believe that the 
lighter-skinned Muslims versus darker-skinned Christians, conveniently adds 
another moral dimension to the global focus on the transgressions of Muslims. 
  As Gérard Prunier wrote in openDemocracy, the truth is that stopping the 
killings is not simply a matter of the west committing to Darfur: "In the real 
world, the options are grim. It is possible to let things run their course and 
see the ethnic cleansing result in several thousand casualties more. This is 
still the most likely probability, given the incapacity of the international 
community to think beyond a ritualistic wail for a UN force to be deployed 
(which, even were it to be deployed, is unlikely to be effective)" (see: 
"Darfur's Sudan problem," 15 September 2006). 
  Without getting into name-calling, since, as one of the participants in the 
French intellectuals debate told me, "after all we all want things to get 
better for the Darfurians," there is something slightly condescending in the 
idea that a conflict in a country that has been riven by war for decades, can 
be ended immediately by a little of the west's firepower and paternal presence. 
What to do is a question that bedevils even the most dedicated and 
knowledgeable analysts, as our traditional forms of aid have often failed 
miserably. A friend who has spent more than ten years on the ground as a 
medical aid worker in Sudan, DR Congo and other parts of Africa, once mentioned 
a book he often thought of writing: "The title is 'Peace, Development and 
Coordination, the Hidden Killers,'" he wrote me as he left for Liberia as it 
disintegrated at the end of 2005: "Maybe I should write it; it is close to my 
  France's intellectuals are notoriously competitive and combative with one 
another. The debate about Darfur in some ways felt like another act in a very 
long performance. This is not to say that there is not real concern, dedication 
and passion other than dislike of one another. MSF's people, for example, spend 
their lives risking their lives in the worst places in the world. But while the 
subject-matter is serious, the argument has still had the whiff of narcissism, 
as the crème of the French leftist intelligentsia took potshots at each other 
in the name of Darfurian victims. 
  In January I wrote that this year would bring new ways of seeing and that we 
would no longer be able to claim ignorance of tragedy. What is hard to stomach 
is that even as we embrace the modernity that compels us to bear witness, we 
still often are casting in the wind for solutions. This was particularly 
difficult for the French intellectuals to accept as they publicly played out 
old rivalries using Darfur as cover.

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