Dear Friends, 
  After several previous attempts, in May of 2006 several of us came together 
with the idea of establishing a national umbrella organization for all 
Palestinian Canadian organizations across Canada. The national body would serve 
as a strong and united Palestinian Canadian voice when speaking to the Canadian 
government, media and public. Teleconferences were held in May and July of 2006 
and an internet list serve was established to facilitate our work. Please see . The Nidah group sent an invitation to 
Palestinian community leaders and organizations across Canada to participate in 
this effort, and Palestine House hosted the first national conference January 
27-28 of 2007.
  An Interium Organizing Committee was elected and has been holding meetings to 
prepare for our next national meeting. The Interium Organizing meeting is made 
up of representatives from across Canada: Eyad Alnuwieri, Palestinian Community 
Centre, British Columbia; Susan Howard-Azzeh, Niagara Palestinian Association, 
St. Catharines, Ontario; Wael Ghanem, Palestinian Association of Hamilton, 
Ontario; Hazem Jamjoum, Executive Director Palestine House, Mississauga, 
Ontario; Samir Ishaq, Canada Palestine Association of London, Ontario; Hani 
Naser, Association of Palestinian Arabs of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; Laith 
Marouf, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights-National Office, Montreal, 
Quebec; Omar Shaban, Students for Palestinian Human Rights, Waterloo, Ontario; 
and Yacoub Amash. The Interium Organizing Commitee have met in Hamilton and 
London, and will be meeting in St. Catharines Saturday, April 14.
  The next National Conference will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6, 
in Ottawa. Invitiations are being sent to the executive of all Palestinian 
Canadian organizations across Canada. If you are aware of a Palestinian 
Canadian organization that has not been invited, please let us know. We want 
this to be a broad and inclusive endeavour.
  At the national meeting we will finalize our structure, decide on the 
membership accrediation process, approve our draft constitution and by-laws, 
and choose our official name. 3 to 6 months later we hope to host our Founding 
Convention with speakers and invited dignataries. Working papers will be sent 
to all Palestinian Candian organizations for discussion with their membership 
prior to the Ottawa Conference.
  If you would like further information on this important initiative please 
contact your local Palestinian Canadian organiziation, contact one of the 
Interium Organizing Committee members, or reply to this email.
  Wa sallam, Susan Howard-Azzeh
  Niagara Palestinian Association
  member, Palestinian National Voice Preparatory Conference.

                                              Susan's English as a Second 
Language Blog (updated weekly)

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