Assalamu aleikum.

Innaa lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'uun (from Allah we all come and to
Him is our return). 

" ... if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of
all mankind." (Al-Maidah - 5:32) 

May Allah (S.W.T.) raise the shaheed Waleed Shaalan to a choice place
in Jannah, near to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).  


Please note that 2 articles follow:

*Waleed Shaalan
*How Waleed Shaalan saves a classmate's life



Waleed Shaalan
New York Times
April 17, 2007

Did you know Waleed Shaalan? Share your thoughts and memories.

MSA National Memorial Fund for His Family

Memorial Site Created by Friends
(Registration Required)

Waleed Shaalan, a 32-year-old graduate student, came to the United
States from northern Egypt last year to study engineering. He lived
among other Egyptian students in Blacksburg, Va., and was planning on
bringing his wife and one-and-a-half-year-old son to America in May to
live with him.

He was gunned down on Monday while he was studying in Norris Hall, but
witnesses say he died a hero.

According to Randy Dymond, a civil engineering professor at Virginia
Tech, Mr. Shaalan was in a classroom with another student when the
gunman entered and opened fire.

Mr. Shaalan was badly wounded and lay beside the other student, who
was not shot but played dead, as the gunman returned two times
searching for signs of life. Just as the gunman noticed the student,
Mr. Shaalan made a move to distract him, at which point he was shot a
second time and died. The student believed that Mr. Shaalan
purposefully distracted the shooter to save him, Mr. Dymond said.

"Waleed was bright, energetic and caring," Mr. Dymond said. "The
reason we are in higher education is because there are students who
are the bright light to the future. Waleed was one of them."

Equally social and studious, Mr. Shaalan was active in the Muslim
Student Association at Virginia Tech, and he especially enjoyed
participating in the group's community activities.

The Egyptian Consul has notified Mr.Shalaan's wife and parents, all of
who live in Egypt. Mr. Shaalan's body will be flown back to his
country in the near future, the vice consul, Mohamed Elghazawy, said.

"This is a very emotional time for his entire family, but especially
his mother and father," Mr. Elghazawy said.



For Immediate Release:
How Waleed Shaalan saves a classmate's life
The Muslim Student Association of Virginia Tech

Story is narrated by Dr. Hesham Rakha, a professor in the Civil
Engineering Department. At this time, we DO NOT have the name of
Waleed's classmate who survived.

"I would like to share with you some additional information that I
received from a colleague in the CEE Dept. This colleague of mine is
the supervisor of a graduate student who was with Waleed in the class
and survived the massacre. I should mention that the description is
graphical so I apologize in advance. The student mentions that Waleed
saved his life and wants to convey this to Waleed's family.
Apparently, the murderer came into Norris 206 and shot Dr. Loganathan
and a number of students injuring Waleed. Waleed was sitting in the
front row where he always sat. Everyone jumped to the floor after
hearing the gun shots including the person narrating the story. The
murderer then left Norris 206 to go to another classroom.

The student that narrates the story was not shot but pretended to be
dead and lay on the ground beside Waleed who at that time was only
injured. The murderer then re-entered the classroom and was checking
for alive victims. He had approached the person narrating the story
who mentions that his heart was pounding out of fear. Waleed at that
instant made a movement to distract the murderer's attention and was
shot for the second time. At that time Waleed died and the murderer
left the narrator to search for other victims."

To Allah we belong and to Allah we will return.

We ask Allah to forgive Waleed and all of his sins and grant him paradise.

For Immediate Release:

Brother Waleed Shaalan, a victim of the Virginia tech shootings.

Waleed Shaalan, 32 years old, first stepped onto the Virginia Tech
campus in August 2006. An international student originally from
Zagazig, Egypt, with no family members in the United States, Waleed
quickly became an essential member of the Blacksburg Muslim community.
Among those mourning his death are his two roommates (Fahad Pasha and
Irfan Waseem) to whom Waleed was their loving older brother, cook,
academic and spiritual mentor.

Waleed initially began his PhD program in Egypt, but when Virginia
Tech offered him an assistantship position, he chose to leave his
original degree path and continue it in Blacksburg. Following in the
footsteps of his father, Waleed was a dedicated and passionate student
of Civil Engineering. Though he had a hectic schedule, juggling
classes, PhD research and TA responsibilities, he always made time for
the people around him. Waleed was known for his broad smile and wave
that he gave everyone.

"He was the simplest and nicest guy I ever knew.We would be studying
for our exams and he would go buy a cake and make tea for us," said
Fahad, Waleed's roommate. Fahad was the last person to have spoken to
Waleed, he remarked "He was studying late for an exam the morning of
the incident; it was about 4 am when I last saw and spoke to him. We
were talking about how amazing it would be once he brought his wife
and son to Tech after the summer. I could never have imagined that in
5 hours he'd be gone forever."

Waleed left behind Amira, his wife for 3 years, and Khaled his
one-year old son.

As we express our grief and sympathy for the families of all those
directly affected by this senseless tragedy, we honor them through
memory and reflection; and Waleed will always be smiling in our hearts.

We have set up a fund to support Br. Waleed Shaalan's family. Click
this link to donate.

MSA Official Statement about the VT Massacre

Monday, April 16, 2007. Peace to all. The Muslim Students Association,
along with the wider campus of Virginia Tech, extends its deepest
sympathies and condolences to the families of those victims affected
by today's events. We are shocked at this senseless loss of life and
we feel the pain and outrage of the student body. We open our hearts
and ears to anyone wishing counsel or comfort and pray that our
collective pain will be eased through patience and sharing. The
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tells us, "Patience comes only at
the first moment of grief." The Hokie family is in our prayers.

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