Israel views Darfur Tragedy as Hasbara opportunity
  Khalid Amayreh    
  News Analysis by Khalid Amayreh in East Jerusalem
  In a clearly propagandistic effort, the Israeli government, in coordination 
with American Zionist organizations, has decided to give a relatively small 
amount of aid to Refugees in Darfur. 
  Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who vehemently opposes the repatriation 
of Palestinian refugees to their homes, from which they were expelled at 
gunpoint by Jewish terrorist gangs in 1948, was quoted on Sunday, 13 May, as 
saying that the donation of $5 million dollars was intended to “relieve the 
intolerable situation” in the tragedy-stricken Western Sudan region.
  “As I said when I spoke before the United Nations last year, there are 
certain places in which the world must act.” Livni was quoted as saying.
  Livni, however, tacitly admitted that at least one of the reasons, if not the 
main reason, for the “Darfur aid program” was “to enhance Israel’s image” 
  In fact, this seems to be the main goal of the proposed aid to Darfur, namely 
“enhancing Israel’s ugly image.”
  Israel is probably one of the world’s premier criminal state as far as 
treatment of refugees is concerned, given its systematic persecution of the 
Palestinian people and rabid refusal to allow Palestinian refugees to return to 
their homes in what is now Israel.
  Indeed, apart from stealing Palestinian land, demolishing Palestinian homes 
and bulldozing Palestinians farms, fields and orchards, the Israeli government 
has been denying Palestinians free access to food and work, pushing numerous 
Palestinian families to the brink of starvation and even famine. And Israel 
always has a ready mantra to justify the ugly practice: Palestinian resistance 
to the Israeli occupation.
  According to a United Nations report presented to the Donors Conference 
several months ago, “37% of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 
had trouble getting food in 2004. Another 27% were at risk of running into such 
  Moreover, the report showed that nearly half the “Palestinian population was 
poor, with poverty rate in the Gaza Strip reaching a staggering 65%,” the 
report continued. 
  “Up to 16% of Palestinians—550,000—were living on $1.5 a day, with the 
likelihood that the figure will rise to 35% if aid is not forthcoming.”
  More to the point, it is widely believed that malnutrition among children in 
the West Bank and especially in the Gaza strip is now at the highest level 
since 1967, with the main reason being Israel’s refusal to allow Palestinian 
breadwinners to access work.
  In addition, Israel has been effectively stealing Palestinian money by way of 
withholding the transfer of more than $750 million dollars of tax revenue to 
the Palestinian government.
  Indeed, Israel’s adamant refusal to release the monthly payments, which 
represent more than one third of the Palestinian Authority (PA) budget has 
caused what amounts to be a financial meltdown in the erstwhile autonomous 
enclaves, crippling the PA government’s ability to pay salaries for the 
estimated 150,000 civil servants.
  Besides seeking to enhance its essentially ugly image, Israel apparently 
hopes that by highlighting and publicizing “Jewish aid to Muslim refugees,” 
Israeli and Zionist circles will be able to have the “moral high ground” and 
therefore divert attention from Israel’s Nazi-like practices against the 
peoples of the Middle East, especially the Palestinians and the Lebanese.
  Last year, the Israeli air force dropped nearly 3000,000 cluster bomblets 
over Lebanon, causing the death and maiming of numerous civilians.
  The 3000,000 bomblets would be sufficient to kill or maim at least three 
million Lebanese children. In other words the storm of carpet bombing was 
enough to cause a holocaust, or at least half a holocaust.
  Moreover, Israel effectively has destroyed the basic civilian infrastructure 
in both Lebanon and Gaza Strip, including power stations, streets, bridges, 
power stations, and even schools and colleges, inflicting untold misery and 
suffering to innocent civilians.
  Hence, it is hard to really thank Israel for doing a “good deed” that is 
intended first and foremost to divert attention from Israel’s brutal ugliness 
in Gaza, the West Bank and south Lebanon and also to enable the Nazi-minded 
Israeli government to continue with its apartheid polices and criminal 
practices against the Palestinians.
  It is often said that charity begins at home. In Israel’s case, we see no 
charity at home. Even the few refugees from Darfur are dumped in detention 
camps, just like their comrades in suffering, the estimated 11000 Palestinian 
detainees languishing in Israeli jails for opposing Zionism.
  In fact, instead of charity, we see roadblocks, home demolitions, land 
confiscations and the particularly satanic policy of starving millions of 
innocent Palestinians in order to “soften them up” and make them accept the 
status of slaves.
  We also see cruelty, a lot of cruelty, as well as callousness, meanness, and 
indescribable barbarianism that transcend reality.
  This is not something that came out of the blue. It is a systematic policy by 
the Israeli government aimed at bullying the Palestinians to capitulate and 
accept apartheid and perpetual occupation. Didn’t the former Israeli official, 
Dov Weisglass, declare last year that “we will make Palestinians go on a diet.”
  For all these reasons, it is imperative that this Israeli “charity” to the 
refugees of Darfur be put in the context of Israel’s hasbara efforts, namely to 
distract attention from Israel’s ruthless treatment of the Palestinian people.
  © 2007 Khalid Amayreh 
  'HASBARA': Hasbara (äñáøä) (or hasbarah) is a Hebrew noun that literally 
means "explanation". The term has been used by the State of Israel and by 
independent groups to describe their efforts to explain Israeli government 
policies, and to promote Israel to the world at large.
  Hasbara is viewed positively, and is actively encouraged, by almost all 
Jewish, Zionist, and Israeli organizations and instititutions. They believe 
that hasbara bears similarities to programming on the Voice of America, Radio 
Free Europe, and the BBC World Service.
  Critics claim that hasbara is propaganda or public relations. According to 
them, Israeli efforts are no different from any other public relations effort 
to promote their views, actions and achievements in order to coordinate 
supporters, attract the undecided and skeptics, and counteract the efforts of 
opponents. (

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