My parents came to the United States from the Dominican Republic in the 60’s, 
an era of repression, persecution, and uncertainty. They came looking for 
better opportunities. They landed in the South Bronx at a time when there was 
lots of work available. I was later born in the Bronx, New York. Typical to 
most other Latinos, I was born into the Roman Catholic faith. My parents were 
faithful Catholics, who went to church every Sunday. Likewise, I learned to be 
a faithful Catholic. 

My childhood memories include catechism classes, public school education, and 
lots of family. My immediate family gave refuge to friends and other family 
members who were also immigrants from the Dominican Republic hence I learned 
early on to look out for others less fortunate.

Ever since childhood I always noticed that I was "spiritual" to say the least. 
For some reason, I found myself unlike the other children around me and because 
of it sometimes felt alienated. At age ten, I even had a vision of what at the 
time I thought was the Virgin Mary. However, looking back I now think the 
vision I had was of a lady in hijaab – the traditional covering of a Muslim 
lady. Could it be a sign?

As a youngster, I went through the motions of what it means to be Catholic. I 
was baptized, did my communion and confirmation. I was even an altar boy at one 
point. But by the times I was a teen; I was growing impatient with Catholicism 
and started exploring different forms of spiritualities. Specifically, I was 
annoyed at the cult of saints but also that there is so much written in the 
Bible that is not followed by that church. By 16, I can confidently say that I 
renounced Catholicism, although I still considered myself "Christian." I 
visited different churches of differing denominations but just could not feel 
that sense of belonging. Also, one of the things that I did not like was the 
interdenominational bickering. Another thing was the complexity of 
Christianity, or so it seemed to me. I considered myself “Christian” but I had 
renounced its some of its pagan roots – specifically its practices of Christmas 
and Easter.

During my search, I found an interest in other religions. Specifically, I 
looked into Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Santeria, and various New Age or 
Occult movements. I liked Judaism but could not deal with life without Jesus. 
Buddhism seemed too esoteric and even too bland. Hinduism's caste system and 
vast number of gods/goddesses just repelled me. Both of these religions, 
however, influenced me to become a vegetarian for many years. Santeria was 
interesting in a historical sense but its gods also repelled me and its secrecy 
was annoying. The many New Age movements just seemed too complex. Mostly, 
however, these beliefs did not get a hold of my full interest. 

By the time I was 19, I renounced Christianity once and for all and continued 
my search. This search led me to read on a non-stop basis, something that I 
still do. At 20, a friend of mine gave me a book on Islam or what I thought was 
Islam. He gave me a book that the Ansar cult published. To sum up their ideas, 
I would say that they mix authentic Islam with black-nationalism. After reading 
up on them, I decided to become "Muslim" at 23. As a matter of fact I do 
consider that I was Muslim then but that I was astray. I believed 
wholeheartedly in the absolute unity of God (tawhid) but had some other ideas 
that were not on a par with authentic Islam. Because of my intense reading 
background, I always noted the many mistakes in the Ansar doctrine but I guess 
I just put up with it because there was something there that I related to. I 
always noted too that the leader of this movement always changed his beliefs 
and doctrines every so often, which I found to be strange. 

My parents did not like the idea that I became Muslim. I don’t think they had 
the idea I was interested in it. My father thought that having gone to college 
influenced me in some way. My mother did not mind so much but was afraid I 
would become the victim of a crime or discrimination. Alhamdullilah, they 
gradually have come to accept my choice. Unfortunately, their acceptance is 
merely an acceptance of convenience – as they still cling to their old ways, 
some of which is haraam.

After about two years going to the Ansar mosque, I started going to mainstream 
mosques as well and noted the differences. One day, while at the Islamic 
Cultural Center of NY on 96th Street and 3rd Ave., I met a Hispanic brother who 
noticed that I was ‘into’ the Ansar movement (he saw that I wore their 
insignia) and cared enough to give me a book by Bilal Philips called “The Ansar 
Cult in America” which set my mind free once and for all. He introduced me to 
some brothers in a Hispanic Islamic movement called Alianza Islamica. They were 
located on Lexington Ave. at the time in the Barrio part of Manhattan. I 
realized my mistaken ideas and took shahaadah with Alianza Islamica. I was 25 
then. By God’s grace, this only happened because of my habit of reading and 
because of a brother that cared. I always noted that there were some very 
dramatic differences between what was written on Islam and what these Ansars 
wrote and did. In the end, like I said, I said the shahaadatain among
 the Sunni and so far that is the end of my spiritual story. 
It is hard to say exactly what it is that I liked about Islam that attracted me 
to it since I like it all. If I had to say what initially attracted me to 
Islam, I’d say that Islam’s insistence on God’s unity would be on the top of 
the list. I’d also say that Islam’s golden history made a lasting impression. 
This history made me aware that I may possibly have had ancestors that were 
Muslim because of the Islamic empire within Spain. 
Lastly, with regards to my quest, I still love to read but I am no longer 
searching. I have found what the truth is. 
Brother Shafiq Muhammad email:
shafiq muhammad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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