“It Seems that the British Intel Has SCREWED Once Again. Or Is It Another 
COOKED UP Story Like the 45 Minutes Iraq Dossier. Since 7/7 Britain Has Been 
Harping About So Called HOME GROWN ‘Terror’. But Now They Are Saying that the 
Latest Incident Has INTL Links As If They Want to Cover All the BASES to Ensure 
That NO Muslim is Left Out of Their RECKONING.” – AB 
  Muslims Must Raise Their Voices in Anger
  Last Updated: 12:01am BST 03/07/2007
  On the face of it, the most recent wave of terrorist attacks in Britain is 
different in nature from the incidents of July 2005. Until the capture of the 
seven prime suspects now being held, there was an almost universal assumption 
that these latest attempts, like the earlier ones, had been initiated by 
disaffected British-born Muslims - most probably the descendants of Asian 
  So accustomed has public opinion become to the idea that the children of 
unassimilated migrants are ready fodder for recruitment to Islamic 
fundamentalism that little attention was paid to the possibility of systematic 
incursion by foreign jihadis. Now it would seem that none of those under 
suspicion is British, and that at least two are nationals of countries closely 
involved in the conflicts in the Middle East: Iraq and Jordan.
  There is one sense, at least, in which this can be considered good news. If 
the indigenous Muslim community had appeared to produce yet another tranche of 
would-be mass murderers, the consequences for race relations and the 
possibility of ethnic minority integration might well have been disastrous. So 
moderate British Muslims may well be feeling relieved, possibly even absolved, 
by the revelation that these potential outrages do not seem to have originated 
from within their ranks. 
  A number of Muslim leaders have made clear how shocked and offended their 
community has been by these incidents. But given the state of public anger and 
alarm over the series of failed attacks, and the sense that it was only the 
most extraordinary good fortune that prevented them from ending in carnage, it 
may no longer be enough for British Muslims to offer verbal condemnations after 
the fact.
  In her statement to the House yesterday, the new Home Secretary, Jacqui 
Smith, said, "Terrorists are criminals who come from all religious 
backgrounds", which, in the present context, is absurd. Obviously, all Muslims 
should not be branded as potential terrorists, but, for present purposes, all 
terrorists are likely to be Muslims. So the efforts of security services, 
police and courageous civilians cannot safeguard innocent life in Britain 
without the active co-operation of the Islamic community, not only because its 
members are in the best position to be aware of co-religionists behaving 
suspiciously, but also because it is they who will have to accept the 
infringements of liberty that follow from racial profiling and the targeting of 
likely terrorists, which are now necessary for public safety.
  Perhaps the many British Muslims who detest terrorist activity might consider 
raising their voices against it in public protests, to demonstrate their 
understanding of the need for the hard measures to come.
  AB – [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                        
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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