Dardan's personal notes after listening to the CD "Seventeen
Benefits of Tribulations
_id=115>  - by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf"

_id=115>  The speech is based on a booklet written by Sultan ul Ulema or
Sultan of the Scholars Izzedin Abdul Aziz Abdus Salaam As Sulaymi (d
660) from Egypt. This scholar mastered two madhabs! [Editor:
Arabic/English amalgam - plural for madhab, a school of thought in
Islam.] Only one in history to do so. He wrote this book on calamities,
tribulations and disasters and their benefits. One of the aspects of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) - the extraordinary aspects of
his life is that he never allowed tribulations to disquiet him. In other
words, he never allowed any difficulties that he faced to perturb him -
to put him in a state of turbulence.

Someone who has forbearance is "halim". The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) had more "halim" or forbearance than
anyone else. "Hilm" is the word for "intellect". One of
the things they accuse the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is
that "he causes us to lose our intellects or to make us look like
fools". The man of intellect is someone who has hilm and the one
[without] is safaha. Intellect stabilizes - that is why the halim is
someone who does not get disquieted.

What is interesting about [disquietude] - the word for "dream"
is "halam". Someone who doesn't get perturbed is halim and a
dreamer is halam. Connection = hard to dream when agitated. Dreams need
a state of [quietude].

"Halema" is the word for "nipple". Mother gives the
child halema. The child goes into a state of complete [quietude]. Milk
and knowledge are from the same source. Sayyidina Umar (radi Allah anhu)
saw a dream in which milk was coming from [the] Prophet's (peace and
blessings be upon him) fingers and Umar (radi Allah anhu) drinking it
and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said "al Ilm al
Ilm!" It is knowledge (the dream's interpretation).
Read more here: 17 Benefits of Tribulation Notes

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