How to Convince a Sikh about Islam?
Sikhism as we know it today is the result of the teachings of the ten Gurus, 
the first of which was Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and the tenth and last of which 
was Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708). 

Guru Nanak spread a simple message: "We are all one, created by the One Creator 
of all Creation." There is no definitive biography of Guru Nanak, though there 
have been many attempts to write the story of his life by his devotees after 
his death.
According to Dr. Hari Ram Gupta, author of A Life-Sketch of Guru Nanak, Nanak 
started his mission at a time when both Hinduism and Islam as practiced in the 
Indian Subcontinent had become distorted and degraded. The caste system was at 
its worst, and all kinds of corruption had become rampant in society. Men of 
vision were worried, and they attacked the rot that had set in the society. 
Rather than address the socio-political problems, the reformers of the day 
tried to initiate a spiritual movement that would turn people towards God. They 
believed that this was the way to cure the ills of the society.
Guru Nanak was indeed the most important of these reformers. He was born to a 
simple Hindu family. From an early age, he made friends with both Hindus and 
Muslims and acquired a good knowledge of Hinduism and Islam. He used to spend 
long hours in discussions with Muslim and Hindu holy men of the area. 
There is a story of how he disappeared for three days and came back with 
enlightenment. It is reported that he was no longer the same person he had 
been. Then he uttered these words: 
"There is but One God, His name is Truth, He is the Creator, He fears none, He 
is without hate, He never dies, He is beyond the cycle of births and death, He 
is self illuminated, He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was 
True in the beginning, He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been 
True, He is also True now." (Japji) 
These words are enshrined at the beginning of the Sikh holy scripture, the Guru 
Granth Sahib. It was 1499 and Guru Nanak was thirty years old at this time. 
After this, with a Muslim companion, Guru Nanak undertook long journeys as part 
of a spiritual mission. He took twelve years to return from this first journey. 
He then set out on a second journey traveling as far south as Sri Lanka. On his 
third journey Guru Nanak traveled to the north to Tibet. 
Guru Nanak visited Sheikh Ibrahim, the Muslim successor of Baba Farid, the 
great Sufi dervish of the twelfth century at Ajodhan. When asked by Ibrahim 
which of the two religions was the true way to attain God, Guru Nanak replied, 
"If there is one God, then there is only His way to attain Him, not another. 
One must follow that way and reject the other. Worship not him who is born only 
to die, but Him Who is eternal and is contained in the whole universe." 
On his fourth great journey Guru Nanak dressed in the blue garb of a Muslim 
pilgrim and traveled to Makkah. He visited Madinah and Baghdad, too. 
After having spent a lifetime in traveling abroad and setting up missions, an 
aged Nanak returned home to Punjab. He settled down at Kartharpur with his 
family. People came from far and near to hear his hymns and preaching. 
After Guru Nanak’s death in September 1539, his Hindu followers thought him to 
be a Hindu and his Muslim followers thought him to be a Muslim. That is to say, 
both Muslims and Hindus viewed him from the perspective of their respective 
It was the later disciples of Nanak who gave shape to a new religion, of which 
Nanak is considered the first Guru. In 1604, Arjan Dev (one of the ten Gurus) 
compiled the hymns of Guru Nanak along with the compositions of both Hindu and 
Muslim holy men, like Jaidev, Surdas, Sheikh Farid, and Kabir. The compiled 
book was enshrined by Arjan in the Golden Temple and was called the Adi Granth. 
It was the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, who organized the community of Sikhs into 
a khalsa — "a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action." 
He taught his followers to wear long hair (kesh, denoting saintly appearance), 
underwear (kachha, denoting self-control), iron bangle (kara, denoting purity 
in acts), comb (kangha, denoting cleanliness of mind and body), and sword 
(kirpan, denoting fight for a just cause). 
The Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth (called respectfully as Guru Granth 
Sahib) is considered the Supreme Spiritual Authority and Head of the Sikh 
religion, rather than any living person. It contains the works of not only the 
ten Gurus but also the hymns by sufis like Sheikh Farid (1175 - 1265) and 
Sheikh Bhikan (who died during the early part of Akbar’s reign).
>From the foregoing, we understand the following: 
Guru Nanak was a religious reformer at best; he was not the founder of any new 
Sikhism is the creation of the Gurus, particularly of Guru Gobind Singh, whose 
compositions and innovations form the content and the framework of the new 
The scripture of Sikhism is not any revelation from God but only the 
compositions of the Gurus as well as those of certain Muslim and Hindu mystics. 
For this reason, there is no meaning in talking about the authenticity of the 
book as a Divine Revelation. Because neither the book nor the authors claim it 
to have been revealed by God. 
As Muslims, we can perform da`wah to the Sikhs, chiefly by appealing to their 
faith in the Oneness of God. We can tell them that Guru Nanak was most probably 
a Muslim when he died; the available evidence favors that conclusion. Anyway he 
did not try to replace Islam with a new religion; on the other hand, his 
utterances point to the fact that he certainly believed Islam to be the True 
Religion of God.
>From Sikhism to Islam
As salaam Alikum Wa Rahmatuallah Wa Barakatuh
Dearest Brothers and sisters, Let me tell you my story.
My conversion to Islam was long overdue, I started learning about Islam from 
about the age of 15, but I only took my Shahadah earlier this year, (I am now 
25 years old). 
I had always had an interest in Religion as I believe that it helped me become 
less ignorant towards people, and more tolerant towards people of different 
races. Although at that time I thought I was well in tune with my birth 
religion, I was starting to feel more drawn to Islam, not just because of the 
religious teachings but also for the Political and social aspects as well. I 
was lucky at that time as I had a lot of friends that were also Muslim so I 
received a lot of Dawah from them.
I had decided that I was going to do a project for my sociology GCSE on Malcolm 
X, I read his autobiography which I really connected with. (Incidentally I 
passed my Sociology GCSE with an A* grade because of my project). 
As time went on I was starting to learn more and more about Islam, and if I am 
honest I knew then that it was the right path for me but I let my ignorance get 
the better of me. I should have taken my Shahadah then but tried to justify it 
to myself that if Allah (SWT) had wanted me to become muslim he would have made 
me one from birth. I later learned from reading that "Muslim" actually means to 
be born in submission of god, so technically we are all born muslims. 
I went on to college where I let Jahilah control my life, I was out 
drinking,smoking,clubbing and generally just acted like a kuffar, but deep down 
I always did question myself was I any happier? 
The answer NO I wasn't. Anyway even throughout college some of my closest and 
reliable friends were muslim, and where I came from it was almost unheard of 
that Sikhs and muslims would even hang out together let alone be good friends. 
At this point I became very confused spiritually.
I looked into other religions as I wanted more from my life but I was scared 
because I came from a sikh family and it is unheard of that a sikh would 
convert to Islam. I read about Hinduism,Christianity,Buddhism and Sikhism, I 
still felt that I was not getting the answers I needed that Islam was giving 
me. At this point I became very lonely, as I felt I didn't belong anywhere. I 
knew I should have taken my shahadah but I didn't. I couldn't be with my 
friends being a Jahil and I couldn't be with my friends that were practicing 
I decided to become Agnostic. I did however change my lifestyle, I stopped 
drinking, I stopped eating haram. I finished my relationship with my boyfriend 
(who was muslim)
My way of dressing had never been a problem because I had never been one to 
show to much flesh. I thought this is it. I am happy (well that's what I tried 
to convince myself). I thought my life would be easier I had given up all the 
wrong things and my family were happy as well. 
But deep down I wasn't. I use to think about all the major events and 
milestones that had taken place so far in my life, and at every point I either 
was thinking of becoming muslim or my muslim friends were connected to it in 
some way
Then earlier this year a very dear friend of mine was killed while out in 
Cambodia (she was doing voluntary work there). 
She was also Sikh but wanted to become Muslim, we had planned to take our 
Shahadah together and move in together as we both knew that our families were 
not going to accept our decision. 
I was very upset, and one night in February I was particularly upset when I saw 
a bright, white light come beaming through my curtains, I fell down in Sajdah 
and I recited my Kalma, and that was it I WAS A MUSLIM!
I started doing my salah 5 times a day I felt so much better for it. I can 
never explain how good I feel after my salah. I told my parents the truth as 
the pressure was on for marriage,and as I expected they have disowned me, but 
Inshallah they will come round one day.
I now live with my sister who incidentally is also muslim Mashallah for 8 years 
now. I don't view Islam as a religion but a way of life. I am still only in the 
learning stages but Inshallah I will get there. I feel truly blessed that Allah 
(swt) persevered with me, and blessed me with the strength to become part of 
his deen. 
To other brothers and sisters who are thinking of coming on deen, please don't 
leave it that long and suffer the mental anguish I did for 10 years, and don't 
fear your family or duniya for you know what you are doing is right, and 
Inshallah the rewards will not only be paid here but also in the afterlife. 
Jaziak Allah Kharian 

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