Silent Surge in Contractor 'Armies'
  By Brad Knickerbocker 
  Wed Jul 18, 4:00 AM ET
  There are two coalition armies in Iraq: the official one, which fights the 
war, and the private one, which supports it. This latter group of civilians 
drives dangerous truck convoys, cooks soldiers' meals, and guards facilities 
and important officials. They rival in size the US military force there, and 
thousands have become casualties of the conflict. If this experience is any 
indication, they may change the makeup of US military forces in future wars.
  Having civilians working in war zones is as old as war itself. But starting 
with US military action in the Balkans and Colombia in the mid-1990s and 
accelerating rapidly in Afghanistan and Iraq, the number and activity of 
contractors has greatly increased. Coming from dozens of countries, hired by 
hundreds of companies, contractors have seen their numbers rise faster than the 
Pentagon's ability to track them. Now, the challenges of this privatization 
strategy are becoming clear.
  Everything from who controls their activities to who cares for them when 
wounded remains unresolved, say experts in and out of the military. This has 
led to protests from families in the United States as well as concerns in 
military ranks about how contractors fit into the chain of command. "This is a 
very murky legal space, and simply put we haven't dealt with the fundamental 
issues," says Peter Singer, a foreign policy specialist at the Brookings 
Institution in Washington. "What is their specific role, what is their specific 
status, and what is the system of accountability? We've sort of dodged these 
  As the inevitable drawdown of US military forces in Iraq occurs, the 
importance of civilian workers there is likely to grow. "In my view, the role 
of contractors is just going to continue to escalate, probably at an 
ever-increasing rate," says Deborah Avant, a political scientist at the 
University of California, Irvine, whose research has focused on civil-military 
  For example, the new US Embassy now being completed in Baghdad – 21 buildings 
on 104 acres, an area six times larger than the United Nations complex in New 
York – is likely to be a permanent fixture needing hundreds if not thousands of 
civilian contractors to maintain it and provide services.
  In Iraq, up to 180,000 Contractors
  Estimates of the number of private security personnel and other civilian 
contractors in Iraq today range from 126,000 to 180,000 – nearly as many, if 
not more than, the number of Americans in uniform there. Most are not 
Americans. They come from Fiji, Brazil, Scotland, Croatia, Hungary, New 
Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia, and other countries.
  "A very large part of the total force is not in uniform," Scott Horton, who 
teaches the law of armed conflict at Columbia University School of Law, said in 
congressional testimony last month. In World War II and the Korean War, 
contractors amounted to 3 to 5 percent of the total force deployed. Through the 
Vietnam War and the first Gulf War, the percentage grew to roughly 10 percent, 
he notes. "But in the current conflict, the number appears to be climbing 
steadily closer to parity" with military personnel. "This represents an 
extremely radical transformation in the force configuration," he says.
  Until recently, there has been little oversight of civilian contractors 
operating in Iraq. The Defense Department is not adequately keeping track of 
contractors – where they are or even how many there are, the Government 
Accountability Office concluded in a report last December. This is especially 
true as military units rotate in and out of the war zone (as do contractors) 
and institutional memory is lost.
  This lack of accountability has begun to change with a Democrat-controlled 
Congress. As part of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act passed last 
year, Congress now requires that civilian contractors who break the law – hurt 
or kill civilians, for example – come under the legal authority of the Uniform 
Code of Military Justice. So far, however, the Pentagon has not issued guidance 
to field commanders on how to do this.
  Proposed bills in the House and Senate would require "transparency and 
accountability in military and security contracting." For example, companies 
would be required to provide information on the hiring and training of civilian 
workers, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have to issue 
rules of engagement regarding the circumstances under which contractors could 
use force.
  Senior commanders acknowledge the value of contractors, especially those that 
are armed and ready to fight if attacked. At his Senate confirmation hearing in 
January, Army Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the multinational force in 
Iraq, said that the "surge" by US forces in Iraq might not include enough 
American troops. "However, there are tens of thousands of contract security 
forces and [Iraqi] ministerial security forces that do, in fact, guard 
facilities and secure institutions," he added. "That does give me the reason to 
believe that we can accomplish the mission in Baghdad."
  Still, many senior military officers worry about the impact that relying on 
so many civilian contractors – especially armed private security forces – will 
have on the conduct of future conflicts. This past Christmas Eve, for example, 
a Blackwater USA contractor shot and killed an Iraqi security guard. The 
contractor was fired and returned to the US. The FBI and Justice Department are 
  The US military needs to take "a real hard look at security contractors on 
future battlefields and figure out a way to get a handle on them so that they 
can be better integrated – if we're going to allow them to be used in the first 
place," Col. Peter Mansoor, a deputy to General Petraeus, recently told Jane's 
Defence Weekly. "I meet with a lot of O-5s and O-6s [lieutenant colonels and 
colonels] at the war colleges, and you hear a lot of that discomfort with how 
far it's gone," says Mr. Singer of Brookings. 
  Opinions differ over whether the trend in using more contractors is here to 
  "Every war is unique, but the heavy use of private contractors in Iraq and 
Afghanistan is likely to persist in future conflicts," says military analyst 
Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va. "Relying on market 
sources is intrinsically more flexible than using government workers, and 
nobody seriously believes that the market will fail to respond to multibillion 
dollar opportunities even when danger is involved." "In addition," says Dr. 
Thompson, "modern military technology often requires support that only the 
original makers can provide." 
  A new military-industrial complex?
  Other observers also foresee an increase in military contractors – for darker 
  The "military-industrial complex" that former President Eisenhower warned of 
has been overshadowed by the "war-service industry," says Dina Rasor, coauthor 
of the recent book "Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of 
Privatizing War." The complex relied on the cold war to keep its budgets high, 
knowing that the weapons it produced probably would never be used. The 
war-service industry, by contrast, "doesn't build weapons but has to have a hot 
war or an occupation going on in order to keep its budgets high," says Ms. 
Rasor. Constituencies will be built within the military and in Congress to 
promote this growing industry, she predicts. 
  Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of Defense, takes a different 
view. He predicts that the number of contractors providing military logistics 
support will shrink, in part because the US effort in Iraq will wind down at 
some point and in part because the US plans to increase the armed forces by 
92,000 soldiers and marines over the next five years. Looking ahead to the need 
for peacekeeping and stabilization in future conflicts, Dr. Korb says, "I can't 
imagine doing it again without thinking it through." 
  After trials of war, a lone helping hand in the US
  Contrary to popular perception, most contractors are not the beefy, grim guys 
wearing scary sunglasses and carrying guns. But in a war like Iraq, every one 
from mechanics to translators has become a target. At least 916 contractors 
have been killed in the four-year war and more than 12,000 wounded, according 
to official statistics and Labor Department figures provided to the New York 
Times and Reuters. An unknown number experience symptoms of post-traumatic 
stress disorder (PTSD). 
  But unless they have previous military service, contractors are not eligible 
for help from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Many have been denied 
treatment by insurance companies. In some cases, the companies they worked for 
have successfully fought legal efforts to declare the firms liable for physical 
or mental injury resulting from work in Iraq. 
  Enter Jana Crowder, a "stay-at-home mom with four kids" who started a website 
for moral support during the seven months her husband was an engineering 
contractor in Iraq. 
  "I had no idea what I was getting into," says Mrs. Crowder, who lives in 
Knoxville, Tenn. "I found a whole different war zone out there – contractors 
coming home physically and mentally damaged. I didn't even know what PTSD was, 
but I had guys calling me up saying they had nightmares, that they couldn't 
sleep, that they were hallucinating and crying." 
  Today, through her website (, Crowder is a 
liaison between troubled contractors and those who can help them. She organizes 
conferences and guides contractors through the bureaucratic and legal maze they 
face in filing workers' compensation claims. 
  As Congress and government agencies look deeper into the use of US military 
contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, the families and supporters of civilian 
workers in the war zones are hopeful that their loved ones will get more and 
better treatment – especially for the mental and emotional shocks that remain. 
  Says Crowder, who's grateful that her husband came home in good shape: "PTSD 
doesn't know whether you're wearing a uniform or not."
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                                                                   "For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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