"Usually When People Are Sad They Don't Do Anything. They Just Cry Over Their 
Condition. But When They Get Angry, They Bring About Change." - Malcolm X
  Thousands to attend Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain 's National Khilafah (Caliphate) 
Conference in London
  London, UK , July 30 2007 – Thousands of delegates will attend Hizb ut-Tahrir 
Britain 's national Khilafah (caliphate) conference at Alexandra Palace in 
London on Saturday 4th August 2007. The conference is part of a month of global 
activities to revive the Caliphate system of government in the Muslim world. 
During the Islamic calendar month of Rajab, Hizb ut-Tahrir is holding 
activities across the globe to raise awareness for the Caliphate, explore the 
challenges faced by the Muslim world in the pursuit of unity and present the 
Caliphate as a solution to the global problems the world faces. These 
activities will culminate in the largest ever Khilafah conference in history on 
August 12th 2007 when 100,000 delegates attend a conference at the Gelora Bung 
Karno Stadium in Jakarta , Indonesia
Dr Imran Waheed, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, said, "Our 
message to the Muslim community in Britain is aimed to reinforce the massive 
popularity for this political institution in the Muslim world, and to 
illustrate how we, whilst based so far away, can contribute to the debates 
currently raging about governance in the Muslim world. Islam through the 
restoration of the Caliphate in the Muslim world, far from being a cause of 
world chaos, today stands as the one solution that can bring stability and 
justice to the world."
"Given the current climate of suspicion and fear we feel that now more than 
ever people need to try to understand these legitimate political aspirations 
for the Muslim world, rather than simply falling for the reductionist Manichean 
arguments that paints everyone who seeks Islamic change in the Muslim world as 
extremists or supporters of terrorism."
The conference will commence at 11 a.m. on Saturday 4th August 2007 and will 
end at 7.p.m. The venue is Alexandra Palace , Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green, 
London , N22 7AY .
Notes to Editors:
1.     Press accreditation is necessary and requests for press accreditation 
should be made via email to      ' );  document.write( addy61665 );  
document.write( '' );  //-->      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2.     Interviews can be conducted in English, Arabic or Urdu.
3.     The full programme for the conference is available on our website.
                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
                                                                    "For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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