Bush warns of Iran 'nuclear holocaust'  
  By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent and Alex Spillius in 

  Last Updated: 2:06am BST 29/08/2007

          George W Bush used his most inflammatory language so far towards 
Iran's Islamic regime, warning that letting Teheran acquire atomic weapons 
risked putting the Middle East "under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust". 
                   In a wide-ranging speech to war veterans, Mr Bush tackled 
the issue of Iran's nuclear ambition  In a speech to US war veterans designed 
to shore up support for the unpopular war in Iraq and his policy in the Middle 
East, he said that Iran posed a danger to the whole world by pursuing nuclear 
weapons and supporting Islamic extremists in other countries. 
  "Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons 
threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the 
shadow of a nuclear holocaust," he said. 
  The president told the American Legion's annual convention in Reno, Nevada 
that he had "authorized our military commanders" to confront "Iran's murderous 
  He added: "We will confront this danger before it is too late". 
  His remarks came as Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad threatened to step 
in to an emerging a "power vacuum" in Iraq and hinted at a probable contest 
with Saudi Arabia for influence when American troops withdraw. 
  Mr Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to 'wipe Israel off the map', renewed his 
verbal warfare with the West in a wide-ranging diatribe against America and the 
new French president Nicolas Sarkozy. 
  The maverick populist struck a triumphant tone, predicting the collapse of 
the American project to establish a democratic government in Iraq. 
  "The political power of the occupiers is being destroyed rapidly and very 
soon we will be witnessing a great void of power in the region," he said. 
  "You [America] cannot preserve your power over Iraq with a few tanks, 
artillery and weapons. Today, you are prisoners of your own quagmire. Today you 
have no choice but to accept the rights of the Iraqi people. 
  "I can tell you there will be a power vacuum in the region. We are ready with 
other regional countries, such as Saudi Arabia, and the people of Iraq to fill 
this vacuum." 
  While elements in the Iranian regime have assisted and conspired with 
militias responsible for attacks on the US military and Iraqi civilians, Mr 
Ahmadinejad's comments appeared to indicate Teheran sees its efforts to 
incorporate Iraq into its sphere of influence only partially complete. 
  As the Middle East's foremost Shia Muslim power it views protection of its 
co-religionists in Iraq as a fundamental responsibility. Saudi Arabia is 
equally protective of Sunni Muslim interests. 
  Mr Ahmadinejad's comments appear to constitute a warning to Riyadh that 
Teheran will directly intervene in Iraq. 
  He rejected criticisms of his nuclear brinkmanship in a speech by Mr Sarkozy, 
dismissing the French leader as a neophyte. 
  "He is still inexperienced, meaning that maybe he does not really understand 
the meaning of his own words," he said. 
  After denying that Iran had complied with United Nations resolutions to cease 
enrichment of uranium, Mr Ahmedinejad launched a bitter personal attack on his 
American counterpart, condemning President George W. Bush as "wicked, selfish 
and arrogant". 
  Earlier Iranian television viewers were treated to a glimpse into Mr 
Ahmadinejad's domestic affairs. 
  Before his elevation to the presidency, Mr Ahmadinejad claimed to have been 
an avid cook with a wide repertoire of dishes.
  "Of course what I make is delicious – ask everyone who has eaten it," he 
said. "I can make all the different kinds of soups and Iranian stews". 
  Since his election two years ago he has worked such punishing hours that he 
can rarely spare time to shop for his family but as every good son should he 
still visits his mother. 
  "I used to visit my relatives more but now I do so less. I see them when they 
are all in one place, but I regularly visit my mother and when I visit her the 
rest come to see me," he said.

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