This is for those who may not know who Dr. Norman Finkelstein is. The following 
is a report done by Dr. Henry Lindner who attended a speech given by this great 
Jewish Professor. It is quite enlightening:    Dear Friends,

I had the great pleasure of seeing Norman Finkelstein lecture on the 
Israeli/Palestinian conflict on 13 November at Binghamton University. 
Binghamton is Norman's alma mater and just a 60-minute drive from my home. He 
sat behind the podium with a beautiful smile on his face as he watched the 
audience pile in. Our group of two "adult" couples stood out in an auditorium 
filled with college kids. We sat front and center. About one-third of the 
audience appeared to be Jewish. He spoke resolutely and passionately, 
unfolding the long sequence of events in the history of Israel and Palestine. 
He made eye contact with every person in the audience.
The text of his talk, with very useful references, can be found at 
:// I believe that this is the single best 
article-length introduction to this conflict ever written. 

The speech was most remarkable in how Norman used direct quotes from Israeli 
officials and historians to dismiss so many of the myths surrounding this 
conflict. He made it very clear that the Zionists 
were, from the beginning, committed to "the way of transfer" to deal with the 
"population problem". He quotes numerous observers and historians to support 
the argument that it was the Palestinians' real 
and justified fear of expulsion that caused them to resist and attack Jews in 
the pre-war years, not some irrational "anti-semitism". He recounts how in 1967 
the transfer option was no longer available, so 
Israel has attempted the "apartheid option" instead. He recounts Israel's long 
and bloody efforts to avoid a two-state solution. He graphically recounts the 
violent Israeli response to every Palestinian/Arab two-state "peace 
offensive"--from the 1982 invasion 
of Lebanon to the recent Operation Defensive Shield and bombing of Gaza. He 
highlighted a few salient facts: Israel mourns the deaths of 20,000 Jews, 
mostly combatants, in the last 120 years of 
struggle. By comparison, Israel killed 20,000 Palestinians and Lebanese, mostly 
civilians, in just four months in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. 5000 Israeli 
settlers in the Jordan Valley consume an 
amount of water that is 75% of the total water consumed by 2 million 
Palestinians in the West Bank. 

Norman recounted how the Oslo accords were basically an attempt to create a 
permanent apartheid regime, with Arafat lording it over the Palestinians as an 
agent of Israel, meanwhile enjoying the trappings 
of statehood and enriching himself and his cronies. In the end, Arafat, corrupt 
as he was, had the courage, or the fear of his own people, to refuse the Barak 
bantustan plan. 

With the apartheid option dead, Norman believes that the situation is moving 
tragically towards a new attempt at the "transfer option". He recalled that in 
1989, Benjamin Netanyahu (my Antichrist frontrunner) 
urged the Israeli government to exploit politically favorable circumstances 
like the Tiananmen massacre to carry out "large-scale"expulsions when the 
"damage to Israel would have been relatively small." Norman fears this horrible 
event may occur during the US 
attack on Iraq, after international journalists and activists have been 
expelled from Israel and the West Bank. He hopes that some combination of 
Palestinian non-violent resistance and international pressure will bring an 
Israeli withdrawal, but one can sense that he doesn't believe it will happen. 
He urged everyone of us to do anything we could to prevent it--so that we would 
not feel that we had known it was coming and did nothing.

After speaking for nearly two hours, he took questions for an hour. It was a 
marvel to behold his grip on the subject and his skill in providing the right 
response for that particular individual. He knew all the standard 
questions/accusations that would be brought by the Jewish members of the 
audience. He made a point of picking them out 
from among the many hands raised and he seemed to relish their angry remarks 
and questions. His skill is understandable, since he's been lecturing on the 
Israel/Palestine since he was a young man. In fact 
he and his mother lectured together. She would deal with the Nazi/Jewish 
Holocaust, then he would deal with the Israel/Palestinian conflict. He said 
that audiences always loved his mother's presentation but hated his--even 
though they both were examples of 
ethnic cleansing. 

When accosted with the classical "the land belongs to the Jews" argument. He 
asked the questionner how he would feel if a man showed up at his door one day 
and said "according to my Bible, your house and land belong to me." "Would you 
leave?", he asked. 
In response to complaints about Palestinian anti-semitism and violence, he made 
an analogy to the American Indians. He reminded readers that the Indian 
resistance to white colonialism was often very, very bloody--yet no one accused 
the Indians of an irrational hatred of Europeans. It was, as in Palestine 
today, a war over land. To a young Jews who excitedly raised the old "Arab 
radio told them to leave" and several other myths, Finkelstein offered praise 
for his lack of cynicism, and gently explained to him that the "radio" story 
was a myth that had long ago been disproved. He mentioned that Americans Jews 
repeat many myths that Israeli Jews stopped using years ago. He gently 
encouraged the young man to question everything, and to do his own research, 
starting with Finkelstein's own copious references in his text on the web. At 
one point Finkelstein asked Jews in the audience, "What crime did the 
Palestinians commit?" "Their only crime was to be born in Palestine."

Norman has lived in the West Bank with Palestinian families. He gave us a 
graphic portrayal of their lives during these past months and their current 
fear and foreboding as they wait helplessly for the 
dreadful unknown--will the Israelis invade their homes, shell their 
neighborhoods, or even attempt to expel them en masse? He broke into tears when 
he told of how he offered to bring two daughters of a 
Palestinian family here to the US until this crisis is past. The father 
refused, saying that such an action would demoralize his family and all his 

I asked Norman about the possibility of a one-state solution, named "Israel", 
following the South African model. He acted as though he was hearing this for 
the first time and seemed rather unable to offer a response. He noted that in 
SA, the whites still 
had most of the money and controlled most of the businesses and the government, 
but he did acknowledge that institutionalized discrimination and state violence 
no longer exist there. Personally, I felt that Norman found it impossible to 
envision Israel as anything but a Jewish state--and here I think that his 
personal and family background limited his vision. He knows that the two-state 
is impossible now due to Israeli settlements, he knows that apartheid cannot 
work now due to Palestinian rejection. The only other solutions are transfer 
and one-state. Since he abhors transfer, 
shouldn't he be arguing for a single, multiethnic, republican state with full 
guarantees for minority rights? If Norman can't grasp the only possible win-win 
solution, how many Jews can? 

I was struck with the thought that the Jewish people of the world are now being 
driven to a kind of self-destruction by the logic of Zionism. How long can 
Israel exist as a racist state in this modern 
world? How long can it endure the hatred of neighbors and of cognizant people 
all over the Earth? How long can American politicians, preachers, and media 
provide it the necessary cover? 
How will the world react when Israel expels all but a few Arabs from Palestine? 
How will the world feel about Jews and Judaism then? How will Jews feel about 
themselves and their religion? It appears that the Jewish people are not 
thinking about any of this--they are letting their Israeli/Zionist leadership 
drive them blindly on, via an increasing cycle of violence, to an inevitable, 
horrible, ignoble 

I believe that, in the end, the Jews' paranoia will ruin them. They will get 
their superpower Jewish state free of Palestinians, but they will be more hated 
than ever and will feel less secure outside of 
their great ghetto Israel. Once the fighting is over, when the great conflict 
is finished, those outside Israel will begin to assimilate while those inside 
the ghetto will go about their lives behind their 
walls, loathing themselves and each other, ashamed to look each other in the 

Henry Lindner

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."
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