Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum,
  An online magazine, New Trend Magazine published two articles in its 
September 3, 2007 edition concerning Imam Wazir Ali and Curtis Sharif.  As a 
professional journalist for over 40 years, I believe in fair and accurate 
reporting that gives clear understanding to the reader based on  verifiable 
facts and evidence.  Therefore, I have asked the editor of New Trend to publish 
a correction and clarification to the two articles to give the readers a 
clearer understanding of the situation.  I regret any misunderstanding that may 
have occurred from reading the unclarified versions of these articles.
  The New Trend editor has extended an open invitation to anyone who wants to  
respon to these articles. 
  Background:  The editor of New Trend sent me an email asking for information 
on how the continuing situation developed, that involves Imam Wazir Ali, 
denying me, Curtis Sharif, equal access to prayer and worship services at the 
Houston Masjid of Al-Islam / Mercy Community Center East.  
  As a part of my effort to eradicate dictatorial punishment and banishment 
from our Model Islamic Community, I regularly report on and post new 
developments regarding this situation.
  In my answer to the editor, I did not use any proper names, however I did 
refer to positions such as "Imam".   I believe a misunderstanding occurred when 
the editor thought that all of my references to "Imam" were speaking of Imam 
Wazir Ali, when they were not in fact.
  This situation began under the administration of Resident Imam Qasim Ahmed, 
in which Imam Wazir Ali served as Assistant Imam.  So the statements  private 
business practices that were attriobuted to Imam Wazir Ali, in the articles, 
were in fact  the private business practices of Imam Qasim Ahmed.
  Imam Wazir Ali replaced Imam Qasim Ahmed as Resident Imam at the Houston 
Masjid after Imam Ahmed left the city.  Imam Wazir Ali has continued the 
dictatorial punishment and banishment practices that began during the Imam 
Qasim Ahmed administration.
  Disclaimer:  I have no formal or official association with New Trend Magazine 
and did not write the headlines of either article or the content of the first 
article.  I have made no statements about, nor do I endorse or agree with, the 
editor's comments in the first article concerning any other Imams, besides Imam 
Wazir Ali.
  Correction to the September 3, 2007 Issue of the New Trend Magazine.  Article 
Headline : Houston Imam Wazir Ali is refusing to let Br. Curtis Sharif enter 
the masjid.

"Houston Imam Wazir Ali is refusing to let Br. Curtis Sharif enter the masjid 
after he questioned Wazir Ali's business dealings which are said to have cost 
the community heavily."

Correction: "Houston Masjid of Al-Islam Resident ImamWazir Ali is refusing to 
let Br. Curtis Sharif enter the masjid after he questioned Former Resident Imam 
Qasim Ahmed's accountability in a lawsuit which are said to have cost the 
community heavily."

Explaiination : Imam Wazir Ali was assistant Imam when the lawsuit  situation 
occurred.  Imam Qasim Ahmed was resident Imam, and it was his private business 
activities that led to the lawsuit, not Imam Waziir Ali's.
  However, as Assistant Resident Imam, one of four key Houston Masjid 
officials, including Resident Imam, Secretary and Treasurer, with the 
responsibility and accountability of the day to day operation of the Masjid, 
and the management of its business and financial affairs, Imam Wazir Ali's 
business dealings in that regard did cost the community heavily.
  These key officials:
    Failed to prevent the co-mingling of Masjid business and interest with 
private business and interest;   
   Concealed the problem debt associated with the lawsuit from the ummah for 
three years;   
   Concealed the existance of the lawsuit againt the Masjid from the ummah for 
over a year;  
   Failed to include the problem debt in financial repots  
   Failed to discuss the problem debt and lawsuit in community wide shura 

Imam Wazir Ali was an instructor in the private business  venture , however he 
was not an owner.
  Second Article Headline : U.S. Muslims Ignoring  Islam -  
   Imam Wazir Ali Questioned about Loss of Masjid Funds Barred Questioner from 
  Clarification: Imam Wazir was one of four key masjid officials questioned 
about the loss of Masjid funds in a lawsuit.  He was Assistant Resident Imam at 
the time, in Resident Imam Qasim Ahmed's administration.
  Curtis Sharif's Response to Editor's Request:
   This post addresses the root of the problem, which began when ummah members 
discovered, from sources outside the masjid that a year old lawsuit had been 
filed against the masjid over a three year old debt. 

 The debt was for the lease of a container that was used to store assets from 
the Imam's private business.  The Imam put the container in the masjid's name, 
although he and his business partner had the responsibility for paying for it.  

They never paid one cent of the lease over a three year period and the 
container company sued the masjid.

The original debt for the three years was $3000. In the period of a year the 
cost escalated to over $20,000 because the Imam and his business partner 
repeatedly committed to ever escalating settlement offers , but never paid 
anything on any of them.

The case went to trial and was lost.  In addition to the original $3000, we had 
to pay $15,000 in their attorney fees, plus the cost of defending the lawsuit.

To keep the container company from seizing the masjid and all of its assets, 
the $20,000 was paid out of a building fund, into which I had pledged and paid 
$1000 the standard family pledge amount.

After the funds were dispersed from the building fund, I asked for financial 
reports on the fund and for regular monthly financial reports.

the Imam and masjid officials never provided any financial reports on the money 
spent out of the fund......AND stopped giving masjid financial reports for a 

I was put out of the masjid for asking for these reports.  I was never charged 
. tried or proven guilty of any punishable offense.  I was put out and have 
been refused access to prayer and worship at the masjid ever since.  This began 
in 2002.

This putting people out of the masjid when they fall in disfavor with the Imam 
is a continuing practice in our community that is rooted in the Nation of Islam 
days.  I am working to eradicate the practice in our community. 
That is the gist of the situation, although it is much more detailed than that.

   Curtis Sharif [ Houston,Texas]
  Additional Background Information:
    The first instance of dictatorial punishment came after Imam Wazir Ali 
forced me off Masjid property for registering ummah members to vote in the 
presidential election.  Then I was put on restrictions which required me to 
leave the masjid property immediately after prayer and worship services.
  Imam Qasim Ahmed later voluntarily removed those restrictions after I 
publically protested that they were haram, unjust and immoral.

The second instance of dictatorial punishment and banishment came after I was 
calling for a financial report on the $20,000 lost in the lawsuit from a 
building fund to whic t I contributed $1000, and organized yard sales to help 
other families raise their $1,000 pledge,  I was also calling for regular 
monthly financial reports and community wide shura meetings.  This time my 
access to the masjid, its prayer and worship services were blocked, again by 
dictate, without the use of  any Islamic or Sharia justice procedures.  This 
banishment continues today. 

  Another Imam reported that he was in a meeting with Imam Qasim Ahmed and Imam 
Warzir Ali, and that it was Imam Wazir Ali that made the decision to bar Curtis 
Sharif from access to and prayer and worship in the Houston Masjid of Al-Islam.

Imam Wazir Ali is also Resident Imam of Masjid Quran in Houston, Texas. The 
Houston Masjid of Al-Islam is also known as Mercy Community Center East and 
Masjid Quran as Mercy Community Center West,

While Curtis Sharif has been continually barred from the Houston Masjid since 
20002, he has been permitted equall access to Masjid Quran, its prayer and 
worship services, classes and activities.  

Since Islam is a religion of freedom, justice and equality,  What consistent 
furqan or criteria is Imam Wazir and the Mercy Community Center officials 
using, that is applied equally and justly to all worshipers,  to permit equal 
access to both  Masjids? 

And how does the application of that criteria permit Curtis Sharif equal access 
to Masjid Quran, while denying him access to the Houston Masjid, when he has 
not been charged, tried or proven guilty of any punishable offense, under 
Sharia law?
  My only desire is to be treated equitably and justly, like any other ordinary 
Muslim, who has the universal, Allah-endowed right, to worship at the masjid of 
their choice.
Peace, Curtis Sharif

The two articles in the New Trend Magazine 9/3/307 edition.
kaukab siddique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    New Trend Biggest Islamic web site in the USA. for blog. for previous issue. 
  Phone:  443-869-5233. Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subscription for printed edition: $10 for 3 months. Mail check to: New Trend, 
P.O. Box 356, Kingsville, MD 21087. 
  Disclaimer: Views expressed are not necessarily shared by the editors. New 
Trend does not endorse violence of any kind. Information on news or views 
related to violence is for analysis and understanding, not for endorsement. New 
Trend is against racism, classism, gender superiority, Zionism and Imperialism. 
The Qur'an and the authentic Hadith are our foundation. All views are welcome 
but only a selection can be published owing to high volume of mail. Anyone 
criticized in New Trend has the right of reply up to 300 words
  Sha'ban 21, 1428. September 3, 2007. #68. 
  Houston Imam Wazir Ali is refusing to let Br. Curtis Sharif enter the masjid 
after he questioned Wazir Ali's business dealings which are said to have cost 
the community heavily. Br.Sharif is the spirit of gentleness and politeness but 
Wazir Ali refuses to answer even after numerous efforts by Br.Sharif.
  The lure of easy money, particularly other people's money, can mislead the 
best people. We have seen Siraj Wahhaj, Native Deen [or deal], Mauri Saalakhan, 
"Imam" Magid, Mahdi Bray hovering around situations which are, at best, 
questionable. How a man of religion can become a hustler is being revealed only 
by New Trend investigators. We give right of reply but these people don't reply 
even to serious charges, although they know we have nothing personal against 
  Please scroll al the way down to Br.Sharif's letter from Houston
  U.S. Muslims Ignoring Islam
    Houston Imam Wazir Ali Questioned about Loss of Masjid Funds Barred 
Questioner from Masjid
   This post addresses the root of the problem, which began when ummah members 
discovered, from sources outside the masjid that a year old lawsuit had been 
filed against the masjid over a three year old debt. 

 The debt was for the lease of a container that was used to store assets from 
the Imam's private business.  The Imam put the container in the masjid's name, 
although he and his business partner had the responsibility for paying for it.  

They never paid one cent of the lease over a three year period and the 
container company sued the masjid.

The original debt for the three years was $3000. In the period of a year the 
cost escalated to over $20,000 because the Imam and his business partner 
repeatedly committed to ever escalating settlement offers , but never paid 
anything on any of them.

The case went to trial and was lost.  In addition to the original $3000, we had 
to pay $15,000 in their attorney fees, plus the cost of defending the lawsuit.

To keep the container company from seizing the masjid and all of its assets, 
the $20,000 was paid out of a building fund, into which I had pledged and paid 
$1000 the standard family pledge amount.

After the funds were dispersed from the building fund, I asked for financial 
reports on the fund and for regular monthly financial reports.

the Imam and masjid officials never provided any financial reports on the money 
spent out of the fund......AND stopped giving masjid financial reports for a 

I was put out of the masjid for asking for these reports.  I was never charged 
. tried or proven guilty of any punishable offense.  I was put out and have 
been refused access to prayer and worship at the masjid ever since.  This began 
in 2002.

This putting people out of the masjid when they fall in disfavor with the Imam 
is a continuing practice in our community that is rooted in the Nation of Islam 
days.  I am working to eradicate the practice in our community. 
That is the gist of the situation, although it is much more detailed than that.

   Curtis Sharif [ Houston,Texas]

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