September 07, 2007   Friday   Sha'aban 24, 1428   
  Islam against terrorism

  By Sidrah Unis  
  AT this point in time, Islam is facing a threat far more formidable than at 
any other time in the past: a threat from within. The ongoing trend of suicide 
bombings, be they in Afghanistan or Iraq in response to the US-led war on 
terror, the credibility of which is not the subject of this discussion, or 
those conducted in Fata and the NWFP as well as the federal capital at the 
behest of Ayman al-Zawahiri.

He had asked his followers to hit Pakistan three days after the Lal Masjid 
operation was concluded with the death of Maulana Rashid Ghazi, in all of which 
cases the civilian death toll was alarmingly high. Innocent men, women and 
children bearing the brunt of the ongoing power struggle have served to project 
Islam as synonymous with terrorism. The bloody battles being so waged, far from 
promoting the interests of the Muslim community have caused the ostracism of 
Muslims world over.

Islam advocates peaceful co-existence. “Oh people! We have created you from one 
male and one female and made you branches and tribes that you may recognize 
(one another). No doubt the noblest of you in the Presence of Allah is he who 
is more pious.” (49: 13); “Mankind were one community and Allah sent Prophets 
with glad tidings and warnings…” (2: 213); “…your Lord…created you from a 
single person (Adam) and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Hawwa) (Eve), and 
from them both He created many men and women…” (4: 01)

The word of Islam spread due to the untiring resolve of the Holy Prophet 
(P.B.U.H) to make the people aware of the omnipresent God. It was spread 
through forbearance, not by the sword as is the erroneous view of the West. The 
Holy Prophet, the last prophet of Allah, was asked to invite people to enter 
the fold of Islam. Three years after receiving the first revelation on Mount 
Hira, he, as commanded by Allah, started preaching in public. He assembled all 
the clans of Quraysh on the hill of Safa outside Makkah where he invited them 
to embrace Islam. Not only did they refuse to do so but took strong measures to 
stop Prophet Muhammad from preaching the Islamic faith.

Every new conversion led to more violent persecution of Muslims. They hurled 
abuses at the Holy Prophet and resorted to open acts of cruelty towards the 
converts. They tortured by beating, burning in the scorching sand of the 
mid-day sun and even butchered in cold blood. Bilal, the first muezzin, was 
tortured brutally but he remained steadfast. Usman bin Affan, the future caliph 
and Zubair ibn al-Awwam were tortured by their uncles. Sa’d ibn al-Waqas was 
tortured by his own kinfolk.

In these extreme circumstances, the Holy Prophet did not order his small band 
of believers to retaliate, rather told them to migrate to Abyssinia. Later on, 
after the boycott of Banu Hashim for three years, which was a harrowing 
experience for the Holy Prophet and his supporters, he on being invited, 
migrated to Medina.

After his migration to Medina, wars were fought with the Quraish of Makkah, but 
never did he opt for acts to terrorise, nor did he resort to hidden means to 
suppress the enemy; “And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but 
transgress not the limits.” (2: 190); “…if they attack you, then kill them…but 
if they cease, then Allah is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (2: 191, 192). The 
incident of the fall of Makkah again shows the magnanimity of the Prophet, who 
before entering it had instructed his soldiers not to shed blood unless 
absolutely necessary. Washington Irving wrote, “Express orders were given to 
all generals to practise forbearance and in no instance to make the first 
attack; for it was the earnest desire of Muhammad (SM) to win Makkah by 
moderation and clemency, rather than subdue it by violence.”

On entering Makkah victorious, the Holy Prophet declared general amnesty. The 
above narration taken from the pages of history refutes all claims by the West 
that Islam promotes terrorism. It also questions the rather outrageous stance 
taken up by present day militant mullahs who kill indiscriminately and flaunt 
an air of self-righteousness.

The Prophet during Hajjat-al-Wida addressed the people and said: “Do not 
(become infidels) revert to disbelief after me by striking the necks (cutting 
the throats) of one another (killing each other).” Further, various ahadith of 
the Holy Prophet also give avid testimony that Islam does not allow nor does it 
condone acts of terrorism and murder. The Holy Prophet once said: “The biggest 
of Al-Kaba’ir (the great sins) are: (1) To join others as partners in worship 
with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one’s parents, 
and (4) to make a false statement.” At another time he said: “A Muslim must not 
terrify a fellow Muslim.” According to another narration he said: “Whoever 
points an iron rod towards his brother, the angels shall go on cursing him 
until he stopped, even if he (the victim) happens to be his full brother (from 
the sides of his father and mother).”

Islam has restricted war to fighting in defence. All aggressors, whether 
Muslims or non-Muslims, have been strongly condemned. Muslims are to avoid war, 
However if there is no other option , then they must fight with full vigour, 
and compel the enemy to see his salvation through peaceful coexistence. The 
Islamic texts also mention various acts forbidden in war. These include: 1. 
Killing of non-combatants; 2. Cruel ways of killing enemy troops; 3. Killing of 
prisoners of war; 4. Killing of envoys; 5. Mutilation of dead bodies; 6. Use of 
poisonous weapons; 7. Inhumane treatment of prisoners of war; 8. Destruction of 
natural vegetation, crops and livestock; 9. Poisoning of wells and other water 
resources; 10. Harassment of population in the vanquished territory; 11. 
Destruction of places of worship; 12. Dishonouring of captive women, etc.

This further serves to elucidate that Islam is against terrorism as it is 
highly unlikely that a faith which provided the most comprehensive set of 
humanitarian law long before the Geneva Conventions ventured forth would 
promote or encourage terrorism as it involves killing and harassment of 
innocent civilians.

It is most unfortunate that Islam is frequently misinterpreted to serve 
ulterior motives; be it struggle for power or control over strings of a certain 
purse. It is used to justify religious intolerance or is manipulated as a 
weapon to give vent to hatred long suppressed. In either of the cases so 
mentioned, Islam and Muslims are made to suffer while those guilty of the crime 
go scot-free. Religious extremism, which is currently at its worst, has brought 
about suffering at a large scale. It is pertinent to mention a hadith at this 
point in which the Holy Prophet said: “Beware of excesses in matters of 
religion. For, as a matter of fact, those before you were destroyed by 
religious immoderation.”

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