Somalia Situation Deserves UN attention

                  Al-Jazeerah has reported that Somali opposition figures, 
including leaders from the Islamic Courts Union, have opened a 10-day congress 
in Eritrea to call for the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia. About 
400 delegates gathered for the meeting on Thursday, exactly a week after the 
end of a clan reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

                  Sheikh Hassan Aweys, leader of the Islamic Courts, which 
briefly controlled most of Somalia before being ousted by Ethiopian-backed 
government forces, was present at the gathering. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, 
another of the movement's leaders, was also present.

                  Sheikh Ahmed said the meeting was "to establish a political 
organisation that liberates the country and ends the violence and chaotic 
situation"."We call upon Ethiopia to unconditionally withdraw its troops from 
Somalia and stop its imperialistic adventure on our territory," he said.He 
warned that a prolonged conflict in Somalia would eventually spill over into 
neighbouring countries."We remind her [Ethiopia] that the longer the conflict 
goes on, the higher the risk it will engulf the whole region," he said."The 
United States' foreign policy towards Somalia has been strangely 
confrontational. We call upon the United States to play a more positive role in 
the Somali conflict."

                  The US has backed Ethiopia's military operations in Somalia 
and toughened its stance towards Eritrea, Ethiopia's neighbour and long-time 
enemy, which Ethiopia says has been arming groups in Somalia and elsewhere in 
the region.The Islamic Courts had boycotted the earlier clan reconciliation 
conference in Mogadishu, arguing that any peace efforts should take place only 
after an Ethiopian withdrawal.

                  .We feel that the the UN and independent press have all 
forgotten the tragic Somalia issue.Somalia has faced so much suffering, first 
because of military take-over, then by US and Ethiopian intervention, now again 
by Ethiopian military intervention.US hardly plays a positive role any where 
unless their puppets are involved.We do not see any end to the problem but 
still we request the UN to take steps in this regard.

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