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          September  07, 2007 Friday Shabban 24, 1428 A.H 

  Doomsday for false claimants of prophethood

Compiled by QHA Rabbani 
  September 7 is considered as doomsday for false claimants of prophethood as 
the National Assembly of Pakistan announced on Sep 7, 1974, all false claimants 
of prophethood and their followers out of the fold of Islam and afterwards they 
were stopped from propagating their false beliefs. As regards the importance of 
the day, I would like to quote some of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (Sall 
Allaho alaihe wasallam), which say that he is the last of the prophets and 
there will be no new prophet after him, and this implies that all the claimants 
of prophethood after him are false and liars. 
  Allah's Messenger (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Certainly my example 
and the example of prophets earlier than me is like the example of a palace 
most elegant and most beautiful constructed by a person except (that he left in 
it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people 
(who were) going around it wonder (at its marvellousness) and exclaimed (in 
perplexion): Why not is this brick inlaid in here. The Prophet (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) said, I am that (corner's last) brick and I am the last of the 
prophets." (Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim) 
  The above Hadith is also related by Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) and is included 
in Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Muslim and Jama-e-Tirmizi. Sahih Muslim's narration ends 
with theses words: Said Allah's Messenger (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam): So I 
am in place of this brick; I came and so I completed the chain of the prophets. 
  The above Hadith is also related by Abi bin Kaab (RA) as recorded in Musnad 
Ahmed and Tirmizi. 
  "My example among the prophets has a likeness (in the sense) that a man 
constructed a palace most lovely and perfect and extremely elegant but left the 
place of one brick incomplete in it (for subsequent inlaying); then people went 
around the palace and wondered (on its excellence) and said, "Would that space 
for one brick be also filled up!" The holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe 
wasallam) said, "I am in place of this brick among the prophets." (Musnad Ahmed 
& Tirmizi) 
  Allah's Messenger Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: I have been 
bestowed with excellence over (other) prophets in six respects: 
  1. I have been gifted with comprehensive words, 
  2. I have been helped through awe (being put in the hearts of enemies), 
  3. spoils have been made lawful to me, 
  4. the whole earth turned into a mosque for me and a means of purification, 
  5. I have been ordained as the Prophet for all humanity, and 
  6. the line of the prophets has been terminated with me. (Sahih Muslim) 
  One Hadith containing similar subject matter is narrated in Sahihain from 
Jabir (RA) that the Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: I have been 
gifted with five qualities not bestowed upon anybody before me. At the end of 
this Hadith are the following words: Former prophets were sent to their people 
alone, whereas I have been sent as the Prophet to all mankind. (Mishkat) 
  From Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA): said Allah's Messenger Muhammad (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) to Hadhrat Ali (Allah be pleased with him): You have the same 
relation with me as Haroon had with Musa (Alaihis Salaam) except that there 
shall be no prophet after me. (Sahih Bukhari) 
  Abu Hurairah (RA) relates from Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) 
that the Bani Israel were led by their own prophets, when one prophet died, 
another prophet took his place but there shall be no prophet after me that 
there shall be Caliphs and they will be many. (Sahih Bukhari) 
  In the case of our Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) even such prophets 
will not come, except that there shall be religious reformers of the Ummah. 
  Verily, Allah the Exalted will send down to this Ummah such men at the head 
of every century who will revive the religion for it (the Ummah). (Abu Dawood) 
  It is related by Hadhrat Thauban, (Allah be pleased with him) that our 
Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said, "In my Ummah there shall be born 
thirty liars, each of them will pretend that he is a prophet but I am the last 
of the prophets, there shall be no prophet after me. (Abu Dawood and Tirmizi) 
  From Anas bin Malik (Allah be pleased with him) Allah's Messenger Muhammad 
(Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: Verily, risalat and nubuwwat are 
terminated, so there shall be neither a rasool nor a nabi after me. (Tirmidhi 
and Musnad Ahmad) 
  From Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him): I heard the Prophet (Sall 
Allaho alaihe wasallam) saying, "We are the last (Ummah) but will precede all 
on the Day of Resurrection except that the Book was given to them before us. 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
  Hadhrat Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) said, "The Prophet (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) said: I am the last Prophet and my mosque is the last mosque 
among the mosques of all the prophets." (Kanzul Ummal) 
  Hadhrat Ali (RA) describing virtues of the Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe 
wasallam) says: Between his shoulders was the signet of prophethood and he 
(Prophet Muhammad) was Khatam-un-Nabieen. (Shamail-e-Tirmizi, p 3) 
  It is narrated by Uqba bin Amir (RA) that Allah's Messenger Muhammad (Sall 
Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "If there could ever be a prophet after me, 
indeed Umar bin Khattab (RA) would have been such." (Tirmizi, vol 2, p 209) 
  Jubair bin Mut'am (RA) says: I heard the Prophet saying, "Certainly there are 
some names for me, I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am Mahi the obliterator as 
Allah shall blot out kufr through me and I am Hashir, the gatherer of people 
who shall be resurrected at my feet and I am Aaqib; the last to come as there 
shall be no prophet after me. (Mishkat, p 515) 
  It stands proved in the above written lines that Prophet Muhammad (Sall 
Allaho alaihe wasallam) was the terminator of the entire chain of venerable 
prophets with no exception (peace be upon them). Therefore, no person after him 
(Prophet Muhammad) can be called a prophet in any meaning or sense and nobody 
can fix for himself a prophetic stance by his guile or guise. Consequently, he 
who does so or tries to do so or if anybody believes in the prophethood of that 
claimant, then such a person is a cast off from the fold of Islam. 
  And this finality of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) is a 
status, which is most dignified, an honour most distinguished and an esteem 
most high. It is, therefore, a grave insult to the holy Prophet (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam), if somebody is so insolent as to lay a claim to the line of 
  Moreover, even if one stretches ones human imagination to the furthest end 
and presumes there is some prophet who has come in the world, he should seek 
for a proof to substantiate his hypothesis, ie whether or not this new comer 
has been indoctrinated with some fresh disciplines. If it is said that no new 
learnings were given to the new prophet; rather the same learnings were again 
revealed to him as had already been revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) that would be an inexplicable repetition. With the existing 
prophetic learnings and the indiminishing Qur'aanic reservoir of knowledge, 
such repetition by the "new prophet" should turn into a divine exercise in 
futility, whereas Allah the exalted is absolutely above anything futile. And if 
the plea is that this later claimant to prophethood was specifically bestowed 
with such learnings as were not conferred upon the holy Prophet (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam), then this would (Allah forbid) tantamount
  1. belittling doctrinal learning sent by Allah through Prophet Muhammad (Sall 
Allaho alaihe wasallam), 
  2. insinuating that the Holy Qur'aan lacks completeness, and 
  3. hinting at the imperfection of the Islamic faith, thereby disbelieving in 
the Qur'aanic verse (Holy Qur'aan, 5:3): "This day I have perfected your 
religion". Such thoughts and actions heap worst indignity upon the holy Prophet 
(Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam), the Qur'aan and the religion of Islam. 
  Moreover, if just for the sake of argument, it is supposed that there is a 
prophet after our holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam), then as a natural 
corollary it will become incumbent upon all to express allegiance to him and 
believe in whatever he says or does; and conversely disbelief in him will be 
deemed infidelity and Kufr! Otherwise, what else could prophethood signify? 
Such supposition in effect amounts to insulting the holy Prophet (Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) and finding fault with him to the extent that one who believes 
in him and his entire religion is deemed an unbeliever (Kaffir) deserving hell 
forever. It would mean that even belief in Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe 
wasallam) would (Allah forbid) not be adequate to protect him from disbelief 
(Kufr) and the hell. May Allah the exalted grant all the Muslims his 
graciousness to remain attached to Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe 
  Renowned scholar and commentator of the Qur'aan, Allama Syed Mahmood Aloosi 
writes in 'Tafseer Roohul-Ma'ani': "That he (Prophet Muhammad Sall Allaho 
alaihe wasallam) was the final prophet, is ordained by the Holy Qur'aan, 
acknowledged by the Sunnah and agreed upon by the Ummah. Hence, a claimant to 
the contrary will be (determined as) an unbeliever." 
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