
           -->        General Petaeus or General Betray Us?   General Petraeus 
testified in front of Congress that we are making progress in Iraq. But his 
numbers don't add up. He won't admit what everyone knows: Iraq is mired in an 
un-winnable religious civil war. 
   See the New York Times ad and the substantiation » 

 -->          Video Vets: Bring Our Troops Home  The administration tries to 
call anyone who criticizes their policy in Iraq 'anti-troop,' but these 
interviews show that 'supporting the troops' does NOT mean supporting an 
endless war. The voices of these veterans and military families are missing 
from the debate in Washington. Together we can make sure they become a vital 
part of the national dialogue around ending the war.
Watch the videos »   

        Stand Up in September Vigils  MoveOn members held candlelight vigils 
and Town Hall meetings in cities all over the nation on August 28--National 
Take a Stand Day--to remember the human cost of the war and urge our members of 
Congress to stand up in September and end this endless war. 
   See the vigil photos » 

         Become a MoveOn Fellow   MoveOn's new fellowship program provides 
talented folks with a platform to promote the goals of the progressive 
movement. Apply for a 5-month position alongside our top campaigners to end the 
war in Iraq, stop the climate crisis, win the '08 election:
   Apply »   
   About the program »
   Sponsor a fellow » 

        Save the Internet   Internet freedom is under attack as Congress pushes 
a law that would give companies like AT&T the power to control what you do 
   Moby »   
   Your Senators »   
   Media Action » 

  MoveOn is hiring a Communications Director. Read the job description and 
apply »

          Virtual March Against Iraq Escalation   The Virtual March Against 
Iraq Escalation was a huge success. With reports still coming in we think we 
hit our goal and then some! 
   View the map » 

        Virtual Town Hall 
on Iraq   MoveOn members gathered in more than 1000 house parties across the 
country to listen to the presidential candidates talk about Iraq at the first 
virtual town hall.
  Click here to find out what happened »

            Books from 
MoveOn  Get your copies of 50 Ways to Love your Country, an inspiring 
collection of 50 call-to-action essays from MoveOn members, and It Takes A 
Nation: How Strangers Became Family in the Wake of Hurrican Katrina.   
Learn More »   

         Visit the MoveOn Campaign Archives  Check out previous campaigns from 
MoveOn.org Political Action and MoveOn.org Civic Action.   
Visit the Archive »   

  Join more than 3,000,000 members online, get instant action updates and make 
a difference.        [input]   [input]  

    Support the work of MoveOn.org Political Action and MoveOn.org Civic Action 
by making a contribution. 
Donate Now »

     Out of Iraq Petition
"Showing up...with nearly a dozen people... during a snowstorm made an 
impression that we are serious." - Carl, MN 
Become a Member »    Donate »

Member Photos: Slideshow »

     People Powered Politics
What 3.2 million MoveOn members accomplished in 2006. 
Read the report »


  Paid for by MoveOn.org Political Action, http://political.moveon.org/. Not 
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 

MoveOn.org Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on 
nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. MoveOn.org 
Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members 
elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed 
at influencing the outcome of the next election. MoveOn.org Political Action 
and MoveOn.org Civic Action are separate organizations. 
    Subject: Join me in becoming a MoveOn member

I hope you'll join me and millions of others in the most exciting grassroots 
movement on the Internet: MoveOn.org Political Action.


MoveOn.org Political Action gives people a voice in shaping the laws & policies 
that affect our lives. You can sign online petitions on timely issues like 
responding to terrorism, energy policy, and campaign finance reform, or you can 
just sign up to receive email alerts, all for free.

One of the best things about MoveOn is that each of us can help decide what 
issues the organization stands for, using a unique, online discussion forum. 
Everyone can post suggestions, and everyone can rate all the other suggestions. 
Those that receive the highest ratings can become the focus of MoveOn's action 

It's a promising idea: choose our priorities collectively, then act on them 
collectively. MoveOn's founder, Wes Boyd, calls it "network democracy."

I hope you'll join us today at:


We can all take part in choosing and creating our future.

Thank you! 

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yt.style.height, "7", "#9c1e21"); so.write("youtube");   

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