As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You),

Hidaya Foundation (  arranges Fidya - feeding of poor and 
deserving people on behalf of those who cannot fast  during the month of 

“As for  those who have not the capacity to bear the strain of fasting, for 
such the  substitute is the feeding of an indigent person.” Al-Quran  (2:184)

For those who are unable to fast (elderly, sick, handicapped,  etc.) a 
compensation must be given by feeding a poor person for every day of  fasting 
not observed. Fidya for each day is $3.50 according to Hanafi school of  
thought or $7.00 according to other major schools of thought.

Donate  online by check or credit card via the following link:  

You can mail checks payable "Hidaya Foundation" to:  
Hidaya Foundation
P.O. Box 5481
Santa Clara, CA 95056

Waseem Baloch
Office: (408) 244-3282
Toll free: (866) 244-3292

Hidaya Foundation is  a US based non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization, 
with Tax ID # 77-0502583. Its mission is  to implement charitable projects in 
economically depressed areas of the  world.

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