*Assalaamu Alaikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhu

 *6th Day of TARAVEEH *

Surah al-Ana'aam begins

The first section starts with all praise and glorification is for ALLAH
alone. HE is the Creator and Owner of the Heavens and the earth and all that
exists, mention of HIS Power is made here. Due to disobedience and rejection
of HIS message by the earlier communities, wrath of ALLAH had befallen them,
it is meaningless to question why the Prophet was not accompanied by the
Angels. Those who ridicule the Prophet will be punished severely.

In the second section people are called upon to travel around the earth and
find themselves what was the consequence of those who have rejected the
Message. ALLAH had made obligatory upon HIMSELF to be kind to HIS creations.
Hence HE does not punish the sinners quickly. ALLAH is so kind that HE had
made provisions for the sustenance of all the Creations. If ALLAH is kind to
you none can harm you and if HE deprives you none can come to your help and
rescue. The greatest of the witness is the Unity of ALLAH. The Holy Quraan
was revealed to warn the people in advance.

In the third section it is explained that the most unjust is the one who
falsifies the command and Authority of ALLAH and ascribe falsehood unto HIM.
When such people were brought to book on the day of Judgment, they would
wish they are sent back to earth. It is said that they are such worthless
ones that if they were sent back to earth, they would do the same thing for
which they were caught.

In the fourth section it is explained that whoever does not believe in the
Aakhirah has spoiled his own future and he will be carrying the burden of
his own sins. The life of this world is a game short lived, but the life in
the hereafter is a true eternal one, those who are not aware of their own
consequences do not understand this. Such people falsify the signs of ALLAH,
which hurts the Prophets. O Prophet, the prophets before you also faced the
same problem and the only remedy for this is patience. There are many signs
of ALLAH in the Heavens and the earth and what is in between, but they are
deaf and dumb and are groping in the darkness and are only waiting for the
punishment from ALLAH.

In the fifth section it is explained that the sinner should turn to ALLAH
after a small warning shock. Whoever has forgotten ALLAH because of his
indulgence in life, he will find himself surrounded by the torment of ALLAH.
Whoever declares his belief and does good deeds he would be successful and
those who have disobeyed the commands f ALLAH will get disgraceful
punishment. Oh! Prophet tell them " Everything is in ALLAH's command and
control and I myself follow the revelation".

In the sixth section it is said. "Warn them with the Book and do not push
those who call their Lord in the mornings and in the evenings away from your
sessions. The believers are safe and successful. ALLAH has made it
obligatory upon HIMSELF to be kind to them and they shall repent for their

In the seventh section the Prophet was asked to tell them that " I have
already received the commandments from ALLAH and I am following them. Hidden
treasures are with ALLAH and nothing from the creations is away from HIS
knowledge. Remaining active in daily work and taking rest in nights, getting
up in the morning after sleep which is nothing but a symbol of death,
everything is before you.

In the eighth section it is said that the appointed time of death of every
person is fixed and that ALLAH does not the sinners immediately, but when
the time comes the arrogant disbelievers will realize it. ALLAH only saves
you and protects you, HE can punish anyone in whichever way HE wants.
Muslims are advised to renounce the friendship of those who ridicule

In the ninth section it is said that it is not befitting for a believer to
bow down before anyone other than ALLAH. Nothing can be more disgraceful
that man worships something which he has made with his own hands. Ibrahim
(AS) call towards Tawheed, his evidences on the unity of ALLAH, the moon and
the sun, the stars are all creations of ALLAH and it was called upon to turn

In the tenth section there is mention of names of eighteen prophets and
their history and their relationship with the last of the Prophets, and it
is indicated that the Holy Quraan is the guidance for the whole mankind.

In the eleventh section it is said that they have not understood the
Greatness of ALLAH as they should have understood and in order to oppose the
Prophet they rejected the revelation from ALLAH, even though ALLAH had
revealed the divine Book to Moosa (AS), and the last scripture and the Book
is the sacred of all the Books and those who are unjust falsify and reject
it. ALLAH says that they would be in very miserable condition on the day of
Judgment, and they would be brought before ALLAH alone.

In the twelfth section there is mention about the creations of ALLAH spread
over in the world and in the heavens and these are the signs of HIS Power
which explains that none other than HIM could do this.

In the thirteenth section it is said that ALLAH has created the heavens and
the earth without any model ever found and that HIS Power is limitless. Oh
Prophet your duty is to convey OUR Message and not convincing or making them
agree, for that is OUR responsibility to deal with them for their response.
Those who call others besides ALLAH, don't abuse them, else they use abusive
words against ALLAH without knowledge. This is the occasion when they should

In the fourteenth section, it is indicated that those who do not want to
accept and believe, even if WE sent down the Angels and the dead were
brought back to life and they speak to them, they will not believe. If ALLAH
had wished HE could have made all people to believe in HIM, but it was no
the desire and it is against the wisdom of ALLAH to do that. They are under
the influence of Shaitaan, so don't get carried away by their arguments.
In the fifteenth section it is made clear that hose who don't want to
believe always look out for excuses, but whomsoever ALLAH wants to give
Hidayah (guidance) will make his chest (mind ) open and illuminated. Whoever
follows the way of Islam will take the straight path and reach the

In the sixteenth section it is said that on the day of Judgment ALLAH the
Glorified, will tell the JInns and the human beings, " I have sent you
Messengers, what have you done to them? Then there is the mention of the
most inhuman custom of killing the children and the mention of other evil
practices. To make something Halal or Haraam is the right of ALLAH, but
those unjust people used to declare anything they like as Halal and anything
they don't like as Haraam.

In the seventeenth section it is said that creation of green fields, gardens
full of colourful flowers, varieties of fruits and all that is found on
earth is the manifestations of ALLAH's Power. Give away in charity the right
of these produce (to the poor). These cattle are also the gifts of ALLAH,
give away the right share out of it (in alms).

In the eighteenth section it is again emphasized that declaring something as
halal or haraam is the right of ALLAH. There is mention about the things
which are declared haraam. That which ALLAH had made haraam, don't make them
halal on your own. The misbehaviour of the arrogant people who reject the
truth is mentioned here.

In the nineteenth section, it is insisted upon not to associate anything
with ALLAH, to be kind to parents, not to kill the children for fear of
poverty, not to come near the indecent things openly or secretly, not to
kill anyone without right or reason, to take care of the properties of
orphans, not to cheat others in weights and measures, to always tell the
truth, do justice and this is the way shown to you by ALLAH and to follow

In the twentieth section it is said that the Holy Quraan is the sacred Book,
follow it totally and refrain from disobedience to ALLAH. Whoever fails to
do this will be punished. Believing in ALLAH after the indications of the
Doomsday are evident and manifest is not acceptable. Oh Prophet! Those who
have created divisions in the religion, they have totally disconnected from
you. The consequences of evil will be equal to the evil itself and whoever
comes with one good deed will get ten times its reward. Tell them Oh
Prophet! My salaat my sacrifices, my life and my death are all for ALLAH and
obedience unto HIM is everything for me. No one will carry the burden of
anyone on the day of Judgment and all these disputes between you will be
settled before the Court of ALLAH. Any test is from ALLAH and HIS catch is
the most strong and HE is also Oft-Forgiving and Merciful.

*You can also read from here:* http://www.spreadquran.com/taraweeh/english/

*Inshah Allaah Remember me & my Family members in your DUA*
*Allaah Haafiz*

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