The Importance of Giving in Ramadan

By Idris Rawfiq - British Writer and Speaker 


who are not Muslim could not possibly imagine the joy that Muslims feel
as Ramadan approaches. If you have ever been to the cinema, for
example, and seen a really good film, you know just how difficult it is
to describe how good the film was to someone who has not seen it.
Talking about Ramadan is a bit like that. No amount of words can
describe how important Ramadan is or the blessings and the benefits we,
as Muslims, take from it. No words can describe how good it feels to
complete a day's fast or the joy and the feeling of festivity when the
day's fasting is over.
Learning Self-restraint

Someone remarked
that fasting for a couple of days is all it takes is to understand the
suffering of those who go without food as a normal part of life, so why
do Muslims need to fast for a whole month? They were quite right about
understanding the plight of the poor, but if that is all they think
Ramadan is about, they miss the point.

Muslims fast because Almighty Allah has commanded them to do so. In the Qur'an, 
we read,[

O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those 
before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint.]Al-Baqarah 2:183<!--
 color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>As Muslims, we 
fast for the sake of Allah. Even amid the feasting and the celebrating, we 
should never forget 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>It is very 
sad\nthat many who are not Muslim see an altogether different side to 
Islam.\nAs Muslims, we need to be very careful about the example we give 
and\nabout how people perceive what we are doing. Even though we look\nforward 
to the approach of Ramadan for months, many who are not Muslim\nsee only people 
who are even more bad-tempered because they are not\nsmoking, traffic that is 
even worse because every one is trying to get\nhome at the same time to break 
the fast, or shops and businesses that\noperate at less than full
 strength because people went to bed too late\nthe night before and 
couldn&#39;t get to work on time. What a shame if this\nis the only example we 
give to others.\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/span\>\u003cbr\>\n\u003cspan\>\u003cfont 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>How much 
better\nit would be if we could let others see the sweet and beautiful 
message\nof Islam by the way we celebrate Ramadan this year. As we prepare 
for\nRamadan and as the days of Ramadan slowly pass by, we need to be 
asking\nourselves all the time how we are going to benefit from the holy 
month.\nWhat are we going to do to make the most of 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>Realistic 
face\u003d\"Verdana\"\>\u003cfont size\u003d\"2\"\>\u003cfont 
 align\u003d\"right\"\>\n\n \u003c/span\>\u003cspan\>It\nis very important to 
set ourselves realizable goals and not to set our\nsights so high that we fail 
to achieve them. For example, if we are not\nall that faithful to Prayer during 
the course of the year, it is\nunrealistic to expect that we will pray the five 
daily Prayers as well\nas Tarawih Prayers in the mosque and that we will get up 
during the\nlast third of the night to pray as our Prophet did (peace and 
blessings\nbe upon him). If we don&#39;t usually spend too much time reciting 
the\nQur&#39;an, it is unrealistic to expect that we can recite the whole of 
the\nQur&#39;an during Ramadan. In other words, be realistic in the goals 
you\nset yourself.\n",1]


As Muslims, we fast for the sake of Allah. Even amid the feasting and the 
celebrating, we should never forget this.

It is very sad
that many who are not Muslim see an altogether different side to Islam.
As Muslims, we need to be very careful about the example we give and
about how people perceive what we are doing. Even though we look
forward to the approach of Ramadan for months, many who are not Muslim
see only people who are even more bad-tempered because they are not
smoking, traffic that is even worse because every one is trying to get
home at the same time to break the fast, or shops and businesses that
operate at less than full strength because people went to bed too late
the night before and couldn't get to work on time. What a shame if this
is the only example we give to others.

How much better
it would be if we could let others see the sweet and beautiful message
of Islam by the way we celebrate Ramadan this year. As we prepare for
Ramadan and as the days of Ramadan slowly pass by, we need to be asking
ourselves all the time how we are going to benefit from the holy month.
What are we going to do to make the most of Ramadan?

Realistic Goals

is very important to set ourselves realizable goals and not to set our
sights so high that we fail to achieve them. For example, if we are not
all that faithful to Prayer during the course of the year, it is
unrealistic to expect that we will pray the five daily Prayers as well
as Tarawih Prayers in the mosque and that we will get up during the
last third of the night to pray as our Prophet did (peace and blessings
be upon him). If we don't usually spend too much time reciting the
Qur'an, it is unrealistic to expect that we can recite the whole of the
Qur'an during Ramadan. In other words, be realistic in the goals you
set yourself.
 color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>One sure way 
we\ncan all benefit from Ramadan is to give more. What do we mean by 
this?\nWell, we can give more of our time to Allah and to others; in so 
doing,\nwe can understand and take to heart what Ramadan and Islam is 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>Ramadan is 
the\nmonth in the Islamic calendar when our holy Prophet (peace and\nblessings 
be upon him) first received the revelation of the Qur&#39;an from\nJibril 
(Angel Gabriel). For the rest of the Prophet&#39;s life, Jibril\nvisited him 
during Ramadan, and they recited the whole of the Qur&#39;an\ntogether. In the 
last Ramadan before the Prophet died, they recited the\nwhole of the Qur&#39;an 
together twice. For our own part, then, we
 can\nspend at least some extra time during Ramadan reciting the Qur&#39;an 
and\nstudying its meaning. In giving up some of our time, we give time 
to\nAllah. The result, \u003ci\>in sha&#39; Allah\u003c/i\>, is that by the end 
of Ramadan, we will have come closer to 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>For Muslims, 
Ramadan is also the special month of 
\u003ci\>du`aa&#39;\u003c/i\>\n(supplication). During the day, while we are 
fasting, we make prayers\nand invocations to Allah to remind us that it is for 
His sake that we\nfast. The Ramadan fast is neither a diet nor a punishment. We 
do it\ngladly for Allah&#39;s sake. Many Muslims try during Ramadan to attend 
the\nspecial Tarawih Prayers in the mosque every evening. By doing so, 
they\nwill have heard the whole Qur&#39;an recited during the month. Giving 
such\ntime to Prayer, then, is another way of giving our time
 and our hearts\nto 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>Ways of 
Celebrating Ramadan\u003c/font\>\u003c/span\>\u003c/b\>\u003cbr\>\n\u003cfont 
face\u003d\"Verdana\"\>\u003cfont size\u003d\"2\"\>\u003cfont 
color\u003d\"#000080\"\>\u003cspan\>\u003cimg align\u003d\"right\"\>\n\n 
\u003c/span\>\u003cspan\>Fasting\nfrom sunrise to sunset not only teaches us to 
control our unruly\nbodies, making them aware that we control them rather than 
the other\nway around, but it also helps us to think of others who are 
less\nfortunate than ourselves, and it teaches us to give thanks to Allah 
for\nall the blessings we have that we so often take for granted. When 
the\nAdhan calls each day for the Sunset Prayer, telling us all that 
the\nday&#39;s fast is over, there are many in the world whose fast will 
not\nend. In fact, many thousands will starve to death because they
 have no\nfood.\n",1]


One sure way we
can all benefit from Ramadan is to give more. What do we mean by this?
Well, we can give more of our time to Allah and to others; in so doing,
we can understand and take to heart what Ramadan and Islam is all

Ramadan is the
month in the Islamic calendar when our holy Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) first received the revelation of the Qur'an from
Jibril (Angel Gabriel). For the rest of the Prophet's life, Jibril
visited him during Ramadan, and they recited the whole of the Qur'an
together. In the last Ramadan before the Prophet died, they recited the
whole of the Qur'an together twice. For our own part, then, we can
spend at least some extra time during Ramadan reciting the Qur'an and
studying its meaning. In giving up some of our time, we give time to
Allah. The result, in sha' Allah, is that by the end of Ramadan, we will have 
come closer to Allah.

For Muslims, Ramadan is also the special month of du`aa'
(supplication). During the day, while we are fasting, we make prayers
and invocations to Allah to remind us that it is for His sake that we
fast. The Ramadan fast is neither a diet nor a punishment. We do it
gladly for Allah's sake. Many Muslims try during Ramadan to attend the
special Tarawih Prayers in the mosque every evening. By doing so, they
will have heard the whole Qur'an recited during the month. Giving such
time to Prayer, then, is another way of giving our time and our hearts
to Allah.

Ways of Celebrating Ramadan

from sunrise to sunset not only teaches us to control our unruly
bodies, making them aware that we control them rather than the other
way around, but it also helps us to think of others who are less
fortunate than ourselves, and it teaches us to give thanks to Allah for
all the blessings we have that we so often take for granted. When the
Adhan calls each day for the Sunset Prayer, telling us all that the
day's fast is over, there are many in the world whose fast will not
end. In fact, many thousands will starve to death because they have no
 color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>So not 
only\ngiving our time to Allah, but also giving our time, talents, 
and\nmaterial goods to others is a way of celebrating Ramadan. It really\ncosts 
us very little to give out of our plenty to those who have\nnothing. By doing 
so in Ramadan, we learn to thank Allah for all the\ngood things we have. We can 
join together with our friends, for\nexample, and help the needy. Through the 
mosque, we can start planning\nahead, before the month begins, and think of 
ways in which we can\ntogether help people. In the Canadian city of Toronto, 
for example,\nMuslims there have given out food every day in the city center to 
those\nwho need it. Other Muslims run special soup kitchens or visit 
the\nhomeless during Ramadan. What a great way that is of showing the 
world\nhow much Muslims care for their world and
 all those in it. What a great\nway that is of dispelling all those 
misconceptions and myths that\npeople have about 
color\u003d\"#000080\" face\u003d\"Verdana\" size\u003d\"2\"\>Giving, then, 
is\ncentral to what Ramadan is about. We give time to Allah and to others.\nIn 
doing so, we not only heap down blessings on ourselves, \u003ci\>in sha&#39; 
Allah\n\u003c/i\>, but we also tell the world about Islam and we bring light 
and\nhope into the lives of many people who have none. Islam is the 
natural\nreligion. Many in the world know nothing about Islam, except for 
the\nimages of violence they see on TV. By the way we celebrate our 
holy\nmonth, we can show a world thirsting for Allah that Muslims are not 
the\nsabre-rattling fanatics they are portrayed as, but as people who 
have\nsubmitted their lives to Allah. By our giving for Allah&#39;s sake, we 
can\nteach the world how beautiful Islam
 really is. Maybe our giving will\nalso, \u003ci\>in sha&#39; Allah\u003c/i\>, 
help us to be better Muslims all the 
face\u003d\"Arial\"\>\u003cspan\>\u003cstrong\>Idris Tawfiq\u003c/strong\>\nis 
a British Muslim writer who lives and works in Egypt. He has spent\nmany years 
working with young people. He was head of religious\neducation in different 
schools in the United Kingdom and, perhaps more\nremarkably, before embracing 
Islam he was a Roman Catholic priest. You\ncan visit website at\n",1]


So not only
giving our time to Allah, but also giving our time, talents, and
material goods to others is a way of celebrating Ramadan. It really
costs us very little to give out of our plenty to those who have
nothing. By doing so in Ramadan, we learn to thank Allah for all the
good things we have. We can join together with our friends, for
example, and help the needy. Through the mosque, we can start planning
ahead, before the month begins, and think of ways in which we can
together help people. In the Canadian city of Toronto, for example,
Muslims there have given out food every day in the city center to those
who need it. Other Muslims run special soup kitchens or visit the
homeless during Ramadan. What a great way that is of showing the world
how much Muslims care for their world and all those in it. What a great
way that is of dispelling all those misconceptions and myths that
people have about Islam.

Giving, then, is
central to what Ramadan is about. We give time to Allah and to others.
In doing so, we not only heap down blessings on ourselves, in sha' Allah
, but we also tell the world about Islam and we bring light and
hope into the lives of many people who have none. Islam is the natural
religion. Many in the world know nothing about Islam, except for the
images of violence they see on TV. By the way we celebrate our holy
month, we can show a world thirsting for Allah that Muslims are not the
sabre-rattling fanatics they are portrayed as, but as people who have
submitted their lives to Allah. By our giving for Allah's sake, we can
teach the world how beautiful Islam really is. Maybe our giving will
also, in sha' Allah, help us to be better Muslims all the year.

Idris Tawfiq
is a British Muslim writer who lives and works in Egypt. He has spent
many years working with young people. He was head of religious
education in different schools in the United Kingdom and, perhaps more
remarkably, before embracing Islam he was a Roman Catholic priest. You
can visit website at
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