*Assalaamu Alaikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhu*
*7th Day of TARAVEEH *

*Surah al-A'raaf begins*

In the first section the purpose of the revelation of Quraan is explained
informing to the people of the World about their future and warning them of
the consequences of their evil deeds. " WE will ask the nations, WE will
verify from the Messengers and WE will judge based on OUR knowledge, as WE
were present everywhere and witness unto everything". On that day the deeds
of every person will be weighed, the reward of good deed will be given not
on count but on its weight and the real weight will be that of purity,
sincerity and piety. Before the creation of man himself the Creator had made
provisions for the needs of men on earth.

In the second section mention is made about the creation of Adam and the
command to the angels to prostrate before him, the refusal of Iblis
(Shaitaan) to prostrate before Adam and his challenge that he will mislead
and deceive the men until the day of Judgment. Repenting for the mistakes
committed by error of forgetfulness is the quality of Adam (AS) and
arrogance on committing a sin is the quality of Iblis. The mention about the
exit of Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) from the paradise is made here.

In the third section it is explained that dress is a great gift from ALLAH
and nudity is the way of Shaitaan. Be careful about his tricks because he is
an unseen enemy of yours. Come to the Masjid for salaat with moderate and
best of your clothes and maintain the moderate path in every act.

In the fourth section it is said that all that is created in this world, are
for the man to make the best use of it and that he remains grateful to
ALLAH. The people of this world are sitting on the dining sheet spread by
ALLAH (the provision of sustenance of all beings is the responsibility of
ALLAH), but in the hereafter only the believer will be eligible for HIS
Kindness and Generosity. The appointed time of the Doomsday will not be
advanced or postponed. ALLAH has forbidden and made haraam all evil and
indecent things like injustice and excesses, infidelity and associating
partners with ALLAH and all that leads to it. Those who have renounced it
and remained at a distance, they would not have any fear nor they would
grieve, but those who indulge in these things will meet their consequences.

In the fifth section it is mentioned that the souls of the Kafirs will not
reach the heavens and their abode will be the Hell, where the fire will be
everywhere engulfing them. The believers will be getting the bounties of the
Paradise, their hearts will be clean and after getting into Paradise they
would express their thanks and gratitude to ALLAH. The section ends with the
conversation of the people of Paradise and the people of Hell and the status
of those who would be in A'raaf.
In the sixth section it is mentioned that the people of the Hell will
request to the people who would be in Paradise to pass on to them some of
the food and drink they have been given. The people of the Paradise will
reply to them that for those who had ridiculed the religion in the world, it
is made haraam today. They have neglected this day although the book of
ALLAH they were explained all these things. Their cries and screams would
not be heard and all the links and association among them would be cut off
on that day.

In the seventh section it is said that the sun, the moon and the stars and
the day and the night are all the signs of ALLAH's Power. So, for every need
of yours turn to ALLAH and spread your hands and ask for HIS help. Sending
down the rain from the sky and giving life to the earth and making it green
and fresh is HIS Work.

In the eighth section there is mention about the mission of Nooh (AS), his
way of calling people towards ALLAH, the misbehaviour of his people and
their transgressing the limits and the tempest and the drowning of the
people of Nooh (AS).

In the ninth section the story of Hud (AS) and the people of Ad, the wrath
of ALLAH on them is mentioned. Every Prophet had called his people towards

In the tenth section there is mention about Saleh (AS), and the story of the
she camel, the transgression of the people of Thamud and their refusal to
believe in ALLAH and the destruction of the community by earthquake. Mention
is made about the people of Lut (AS) and their immodest behaviour. Lut (AS)
called his people towards ALLAH, and their threatening him of deportation
and subsequently the wrath of ALLAH befalling them in the form of adhab.

In the eleventh section there are details about Shuaib (AS) and his people
indulging in various evil practices and in addition unfair trade practices
such as cheating the customers in weights and measures, taking more quantity
when they procure the commodities and measuring less when they sell. At last
the torment of ALLAH had destroyed them.

In the twelfth section it is illustrated that those who have rejected the
call of the Prophets shave indulged in worldly things to such an extant that
they have forgotten the real objective of life and they could not save
themselves from the punishment of ALLAH.

In the thirteenth section it is said that when a man makes it a habit to
commit sins, ALLAH puts a seal on his heart and then he fails to realize the
truth, listen to it or accept it. These events are mentioned with the
objective that the ma learns a lesson out of it. The history of Moosa (AS)
and his call to the Pharaoh and the demanding from him the release of
Bani-Israel, and displaying him the miracles given to him by ALLAH, namely
the stick turning to snake, and the illuminated hand is narrated in detail.

In the fourteenth section it is said that the followers and the citizens of
the kingdom of Pharaoh on seeing these miracles called Moosa (AS) a magician
and all the magicians were called to challenge Moosa (AS). In the challenge
Moosa (AS) had over powered them and the magicians failed, then they
believed in Moosa (AS)'s call and then believed in ALLAH. The Pharaoh
threatened them with crucifixion and the magicians had remained steadfast in
their belief and prayed to ALLAH to make them firm and steadfast.

In the fifteenth section, the desperate condition and the frustration of the
Pharaoh, warning of severe punishment to the Bani Israel, the frustration in
the community are portrayed and in all such odds Moosa (AS) was calling upon
his people to be patient and gave them the good tiding that ALLAH will very
soon destroy your enemies and will give you the Khilafath or the power and
authority over the kingdom and will see what you would do after that.

In the sixteenth section mention is made about the outbreak of plague like
diseases among the people of Pharaoh as a punishment, their refusal to
believe their breach of trust finally their drowning into the river Nile.
The Bani Israel's protection and victory, but in spite of all these they
expressed their desire to request Moosa (AS) to give them an idol for

In the seventeenth section there is mention about Moosa (AS) going to mount
Tur, leaving behind his brother Haroon (AS) as his deputy. Moosa (AS) speaks
to ALLAH directly and expresses his desire to see ALLAH. But Moosa (AS) was
not able to a flash of Noor on the mountain and the mountain was reduced to
ashes and Moosa (AS) falls down unconscious. Then he was given the
commandments of Torah (Taurat) and was asked to follow its commands.

In the eighteenth section it is mentioned that when Moosa (AS) was away on
the mount Tur his people started worshipping the calf (made for them). On
his return Moosa (AS) becomes angry and warned them against such acts.

In the nineteenth section it is mentioned that the priests who were
responsible for the idol worship were punished. Then Moosa (AS) took seventy
people from his community to the mount Tur where (because of their
misbehaviour) they were killed. Moosa (AS) pleads for them and they were
brought back to life. In the Torah and the Bible there is mention about the
last of the Prophets (pbuh) and his attributes and noble qualities and the
people were called upon to believe in him.

In the twentieth section it is mentioned that the coming of the last of the
Prophets is for the whole mankind and for all creations and that the
blessings of his appearance will cover the whole world, east and west north
and south. It also mentions about the favour of providing Manna and Salva to
the Bani Israel.

In the twenty-first section it is mentioned that fishing on Saturday was
forbidden for the Bani Israel and as a test more fishes used to appear on
that day. They did not accept this and were divided into three groups on
this issue, finally the transgressors who were running after the worldly
gains were punished and were turned into monkeys and they died. They were
concealing the truth. Those who hold fast to the Quraan and establish
salaat, ALLAH will not deprive them of their reward.

In the twenty-second section there is mention about ALLAH's evidencing and
it is explained that before one is born in this world, he has declared (in
response to the above) that ALLAH is the Lord. The example of one who has
forgotten this declaration and was overtaken by his desires is mentioned.
Those who disobey also know these things, but they don't use these properly.
Such people are like animals, rather worse than animals. ALLAH has many
beautiful names (Asma-ul-Husna), and to call HIM by these names.

In the twenty-third section it is said that the disobedient and the sinful
are not punished instantly and the time of their being taken to task is
fixed. The Doomsday will occur on its appointed time, but suddenly, so come
to senses before it is too late.

In the twenty-fourth section, it is explained that ALLAH had created the
mankind but look at these people how they associate such things with ALLAH.
who (which) cannot create anything, but they themselves were created ones.
They don't have control over any good or bad, then how can they bring about
any good to others? Their helplessness is very much manifest. In this
section it is advised that when the Holy Quraan is recited one should keep
quiet and listen to it, with utmost attention. The lat verse of this surah
is where we had to prostrate (sajda), and it is the first sajda in Quraan.
ALLAH likes the sajda very much and this right to take the sajda is
exclusively for ALLAH. The first one who refrained from sajda was Iblis.

 *8th Day of TARAVEEH *

*Surah al-Anfal begins
In the first section rules relating to the spoils of war (war booty) are
explained, and piety and sound dealings with one another, insistence on the
obedience to ALLAH and HIS Messenger, the qualities of the believers and the
help and support of ALLAH to the Muslims in the battle of Badr are mentioned
in detail.

In the second section it is mentioned that in the battle of Badr the number
of the kuffar was more, but ALLAH made them demoralized and helped the
companions of the Prophet (pbuh). The war tactics and the skills were
explained in this section and what ever had happened it was by the Grace and
Mercy of ALLAH. ALLAH's help and blessings were with the believers and it is
explained that running away from the battle field attracts the wrath of

In the third section the believers were called upon to completely commit
themselves to the obedience of ALLAH and HIS Messenger and not be reluctant
from the Jihad. they are called upon to remember the help of ALLAH to them
when they were weak, don't forget the bounties of ALLAH, don't breach the
trust, the life and wealth are means of test for you.

In the fourth section the believers are told; " If you follow the path of
righteousness and piety, ALLAH will make you dominant and will give you a
distinguished position. Mention is also made about the evil designs of the
mushrikeen of Makkah against the Prophet (pbuh) and ALLAH's retaliation. The
holy Prophet is the embodiment of mercy and his existence is a respite from
the all out torment of (adhab) of ALLAH. The evil customs and traditions of
the age of ignorance (jahiliyyah) are mentioned. It is said that the enemies
of ALLAH, even if they exhaust all their power, will suffer a disgraceful

In the fifth section the Muslims are motivated for Jihad and the rules of
the war booty, how to share and who gets what and how much, the mention
about the success of Muslims at the battle of Badr are explained in detail.

In the sixth section the Muslims are advised not to be afraid about the
strength of the Kafirs but to have total dependence on ALLAH. to remember
HIM and to obey ALLAH and HIS Messenger. Muslims are further advised not to
dispute between themselves, else you would become weak yourselves and your
spirit and morale will diminish. Remain patient as ALLAH's help comes to
those who are patient. The Shaitaan flees from the scene on seeing the help
of ALLAH coming forth to the Muslims.

In the seventh section it is said who ever depends upon ALLAH none can harm
him. Mention is made on the abusive remarks made by the hypocrites and it is
said that ALLAH had destroyed the powerful tyrants like Pharaoh, these
kuffar are the most evil people. Muslims are also asked to break the
covenant if there was a breach of treaties or deceit from any community.

In the eighth section it is said that those reject cannot run away to any
place. Sitting idle without doing anything is not the dependence (tawakkul)
on ALLAH, to do whatever is possible and make your preparations within your
reach by which the enemies will be demoralized. But keep the door to peace
always open, and have dependence on ALLAH, their evil designs can never harm
you in any manner. It is the Greatness of ALLAH that HE had made your hearts
closer to one another (you were also like that before).
In the ninth section the Prophet is told: Oh Prophet! ALLAH is enough for
you and your obedient followers. Motivate them to fight in the cause of
ALLAH. even if they are less in number and are patient and steadfast, ALLAH
will make them dominant over armies greater in strength. In the last verse
there is mention about the issue of the prisoners of war.

In the last section of the surah there are rules relating to the prisoners
of war who are taken captive by the Muslims. The merits of Jihad and
migration (Hijrah) are mentioned.

*Surah at-Taubah begins*

The surah begins with the mention about the breach of the treaty of
Hudaibiya by the mushrikeen of Makkah and it was announced that a period of
four months is fixed for any second thought and reconciliation after which,
strong steps would be taken to deal with them under the Divine Command. The
Quraan says that if they amend themselves and establish salaat and pay
zakaat, they may be let free, and if any of the idolaters wants to
understand the new faith then explain to him the word of ALLAH and explain
about Islam.

In the second section the breach of promise (treaty) by the mushrikeen and
not keeping up the words and the promises on their part is mentioned and it
is said that in spite of that if they repent for their kufr and shirk and
establish salaat and pay zakaat, they would still become your brothers in
faith and they will get all the rights sanctioned in Islam. But if they turn
back again and break their promises and breach the trust, then fight with
them openly and kill the leaders of the kufr.

In the third section it is said that it is not the work of the mushrikeen to
construct and maintain the Masjid (the houses of ALLAH), but it is the
responsibility of the believers. Refuting the claim it is said that serving
the pilgrims and maintaining the Masjid al Haram cannot be equated with the
belief in ALLAH and fighting in Jihad for the sake of ALLAH. The great
merits of Iman, migration (hijrah) and jihad were mentioned here and it is
said that he believers who have done all these for the sake of ALLAH have a
great reward in store for them. It is emphatically insisted upon not to
prefer the wealth, houses, their trade and their relatives over ALLAH, HIS
Messenger and taking to jihad in the way of ALLAH.

In the fourth section Muslims are advised not to boast of their strength
because success will be achieved only with the help of ALLAH, large number
will be of no relevance as you have yourselves seen in the battle of Hunain.
Prohibition of entering into the Haram for others and the command for
collecting Jizya are explained.

In the fifth section the deviated beliefs and traditions of the Jews and the
Christians were refuted. It is ALLAH's decision that Islam will prevail and
succeed. Severe warning is given to those who change the rules of ALLAH and
those who do not pay the zakaat. It is said that the number of months in a
year is twelve to refute those who arbitrarily change the months of the year
before the revelation of Quraan.

In the sixth section the evil designs of the Mushrikeen against the Prophet
and the Prophet's migration to Madinah is mentioned.

In the seventh section the event of battle of Tabuk and the attitude of the
hypocrites is discussed. When you achieve happiness, it discomforts them and
if some difficulties come to you, they are happy about it and they
exaggerate it. The Prophet was asked to tell them that everything comes from
ALLAH. The avoidance of the jihad by the hypocrites and their love of

In the eighth section the disbursement of zakaat is explained where and on
whom it should be spent. the evil behaviour of the hypocrites and their
misbehaviour with the prophet and it is said that there is severe torment
for such people.

in the ninth section again there is mention about the hypocrites, men and
women among them and the consequences of their behaviour as a lesson for
others by giving examples of the people who lived before. On the contrast,
mention is made about the believing men and women and their noble qualities
and the excellent reward for their virtuous deeds.

In the tenth section the Prophet (pbuh) is asked to wage a war (jihad)
against the hypocrites and the designs of the hypocrites are exposed. Don't
be niggardly and a miser. Their abuse and ridicule of Muslims is also
reported. It is said that the prayers for the hypocrites will not be
accepted by ALLAH and the Prophet (pbuh) was categorically told that Oh
Prophet! even if you pray for their forgiveness seventy times ALLAH will
never forgive them.

In the eleventh section the hypocrites who did not participate in the
expedition for the battle of Tabuk and those who indulged in preventing
others from participating were condemned. The Prophet (pbuh) was asked not
to perform janazah salaat for the hypocrites nor to stand at their graves
(to seek forgiveness for them). Their inner feelings were different from
what they were outwardly manifest and they have left this world in a state
of kufr. Don't be surprised about their wealth and children, they have
always avoided the jihad and preferred remaining at home. But the Messenger
of ALLAH and those devoted believers and companions who have sacrificed
their wealth and their lives in the jihad are in reality the successful and
there are exalted positions for them in the hereafter.

In the closing verses of the tenth part it is said that no act of the
hypocrites is hidden from ALLAH and those who are really incapable, sick or
weak or faced with extreme poverty due to which they could not participate
in jihad but still have the desire, or are not in a position to mobilize the
resources and sad on their plight and helpless condition, then nothing will
be done against them. But those in spite of possessing everything avoided
participating in jihad, action would be taken against them and they are
deprived of the Mercy of ALLAH.

*You can also read from here:* http://www.spreadquran.com/taraweeh/english/

*Inshah Allaah Remember me & my Family members in your DUA*
*Allaah Haafiz*

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