Because, people are selfish. They say they do everythings in this world for the 
almighty God, for the almighty ALLAH swt; and yet what they are doing are 
really for themselves. They are all hypocrites. If ALLAH swt doesnt promise 
them anything for their prayers, fasting, and their good deeds, would they do 
what are told for them to do. I doubted it. To estabished character, one has to 
be sincere in what they are doing, be it in prayers, fasting, or any good 
deeds, even if ALLAH doesnt reward them with heaven. 

"Muhammad Latif Chaudhery" wrote:                 Respected  
  My question is why do we lack character when we have with us a forceful  
mechanism of social control to ward off evil.  We often recite " Prayer Keeps 
us away from Indecency and Evil. I add to it a few more verses from the book of 
Allah saying:
    1.    Worship Allah (2:21)  so that you may ward off evil.تقون  
  2.    Uphold strongly what has been given and remember its contents (2:63, 
       so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم 
  3.    Observe Law of equivalence (2:179)   so that you ward off evil.تقون 
  4.    Fast during Ramadan (3:183)    so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  
  5.    Do not touch the orphans’ money except in the most righteous manner, 
until they reach maturity.    Give full weight and full measure when you trade, 
equitably.    Be absolutely just when you bear witness, even against your 
relatives..    Fulfill your covenant with God. ( 6:152-153) so that you may 
ward off evil. (تتقون  لعلكم ) laAAallakum tattaqoona
  The question is do we ever keep this objective in mind when offering Salat or 
perfoming other functions?  My observation is NO, NEVER, NOT AT ALL.  
  There is not a word to this effect in he liturgy of  our saum-o-salat and 
frame work of other rituals.  I have yet to see a supplication attached to any 
form of worship seeking abstention from indecency and evil. We only seek 
forgiveness for the crimes  we  commit.  How then we expect to develop the 
quality of escaping indecency and evil when we neither wish nor intend and 
never pray for it.? The result is we are all good save lack of moral character.
  Who has distracted us from the right path? and when shall we revert? Please 
do comment.

  " Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider."
  Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Student of Quran



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