Iran-US-President   President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday afternoon met with a 
group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friendship. 

The president is currently in New York to address the United Nations General 

The rabbis carried a placard which read, "I am Jewish not a Zionist." 
A senior rabbi of the group said that they considered the visit to New York of 
President Ahmadinejad as an exceptional opportunity and would never forget it. 

He referred to the Iranian president as a person who made a distinction between 
Jews and Zionists. 

"You understand us and make a distinction between the violent behavior of 
Zionists and the religious beliefs of Jews," said the senior rabbi who called 
President Ahmadinejad "a pious man who is seeking to restore peace in the world 
and has humanitarian plans." Appreciating the rabbis for their gift, President 
Ahmadinejad said he was happy to visit them. 

"All people in the world have now understood that Judaism is different from 
Zionism," said the president. 

He added, "Zionists are a political group looking for taking advantage of the 
opportunities while Jews are the followers of the Moses who promoted peace and 
President Ahmadinejad stressed that there was no disagreement between the 
followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as they all pray the same God and 
are brothers. 

The president said the future belongs to the monotheist faiths and that liars 
would be eliminated. 

He stressed that all followers of divine faiths were responsible to promote 
monotheism and defend peace, justice and brotherhood. 

Ahmadinejad Meets US Rabbis 
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 -   Source: IRNA

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