Female Muslim In Need - Help Needed
  As- salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakaatuh
  RE:  Muddassar Arani 
  Course of Action:
   File concerns to the MP’s 
  See letter below.
  I enclose a copy of the letter that I would welcome individuals to sent out 
to their MP’s so that concerns can be raised in relation to what is taking 
  If any one is able to have this placed  on the Websites  for the community to 
file concerns this will be appreciated.
Your Name
Your Address 
  MP’s Name 
  MP’s  Address
  Dear Member Of Parliament,
  I write this letter as a concerned member of your constituency with regards 
the treatment of a Human Rights Lawyer, Muddassar Arani, by both the press and 
government organs.
  Since 2004, Ms Arani has been subjected to a witch-hunt in the press for 
defending high-profile suspects within the so-called 'War On Terrorism'. I 
obviously need not remind you that this 'war', without definition, target or 
objective, is causing untold misery within the Muslim community and making them 
feel victimised for the sake of political gain. 
  Some of those victims obviously require representation, however the 
Government, Courts and press through their treatment of Ms Arani and her firm 
would seem to disagree with this view. She has been hounded unnecessarily in an 
extremely intimidating fashion which raises serious questions within myself of 
how much the government actually does believe in a vision of 'multicultural  
Britain', and more importantly whether this is a vision that includes the 
Muslim community. 
   I quote some examples below of Ms Arani's treatment, which I hope you will 
agree has been racist, islamophobic, and defamatory in nature :- 
   The Sun stated under the headline "Hamza's lawyer hits you with a massive 
legal aid bill" that Ms Arani was in receipt of hundreds of thousands of pounds 
in Legal aid for representing a Client, Mustafa Kamel. This was completely 
false and no money was received from Legal aid for this case. However, this 
falsehood has since been repeated numerous times in both broadsheets and 
tabloids. The article also listed the car, house and location of the house that 
Ms Arani drives and occupies. This is a breach of Part 13 of the Press Code of 
   The Daily mail, The Daily Express and others have since repeated the 
spurious allegations, without any basis and without any right to reply offered 
as per articles 1 and 2 of the Press Code of Practice.   
   All of the articles above have been defamatory, racist and anti-muslim in 
nature, in particular making strong reference to the fact that Ms Arani is a 
Muslim who wears Islamic Dress, with a strong subtext that it is wrong for 
Muslim lawyers to defend Muslim clients.   
   The Police have also acted towards her in a bigoted and racist manner. They 
have passed details of other law firms to her clients being held in detention, 
without them requesting or being dissatisfied with the services of Arani and 
   The Police did not allow her to contact clients being held in Paddington 
Green Police Station.   
   The Police also informed her that her clients were being subjected to 
further search procedures, out of malice, as she had 'too much contact' with 
   The courts service as well is not immune. When she made statements about her 
clients treatment at HMP Belmarsh ( incidentally this view is supported by 
various Human Rights Groups, as well as the European Committee for the 
Prevention of Torture and Inhumane and Degrading treatment or Punishment ), Mr 
Justice Fulford in summarising a case accused her of deliberately delaying the 
trial by making these allegations.   
   Steven Kamlish QC accused me of trying to bribe his client Kwaku Asidu, even 
though Mr Asidu did not accept these allegations. 
  I could go on with examples of character assassination, victimisation and 
intimidation, however for the sake of brevity I will only quote the above 
  In summary, what is happening to Ms Arani is completely unwarranted, and is 
clearly a targeted policy to prevent Muslims receiving a fair trial. 
  I should mention to you that Pat Finucane, Human Rights Lawyer of Ireland, 
also defended high-profile clients on many occasions and was often subjected to 
abuse, intimidation and victimisation. He often discovered that the police had 
abused their authority in the rule of law, and he was vilified for this. Sadly, 
Pat Finucane is no longer with us, having been assassinated by Right-Wing 
extremists who were strongly suspected to have been provided information by the 
  I trust that these days are gone, however the case of Ms Arani seems to be 
moving further towards that tragic past once more. I trust you will see that it 
is necessary to end   this character assassination for the sake of community 
  Yours faithfully,

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