I think Iran's parliament is very accurate in their assessment of who the 
terrorists really are. Can you imagine the terror Iranians are experiencing 
right now knowing that at anytime the crazy lunatics in the US may nuclear 
attack their country??? Can you imagine the terror the average family must be 
feeling for the lives of their children and loved ones especially after seeing 
the devastation nearby for what the Americans have done in Iraq and 
Afghanistan? I am sure none of us would like to be in the shoes of an Iranian 
living in Iran at this time. The terror from the bully nation of America as a 
result of it's possession of superior weapons must be devastating to the 
Iranian hearts. Knowing that this superpower bully is eager to make any excuse 
to destroy them must be very worrying.
  But in all fairness the real terrorists are the Israelis. Not only have they 
been planning and preparing for an attack on Iran for  many years, they are the 
ONLY country who have been pushing the mighty US superpower to do so. Here are 
some links proving what they have been up to all along for several years now:
  November 5, 2002 "Times/UK" 
"Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends", demands Israel! 
By Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas 

September 30, 2004 "The Insider" 
Israel Instructs America To Attack Iran And Syria 

March 16, 2005 "U.S. Crusade" 
Israel's Broken Record - Attack Iran 
By Kurt Nimmo 

February 6, 2005 "WhatReallyHappened" 
U.S. - Israel Plans To Strike Iran's Nuclear Sites Finalized 

June 14, 2005 "The NewYork Sun" 
BY ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun 

Dec 5, 2005 “MichNews” 
Netanyahu: “If elected, I won't hesitate to order a pre-emptive strike on Iran” 
By Ryan Jones, JNewsWire.com 

Kristoffer Larsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Last update - 18:48 29/09/2007 
  Iran's parliament approves labeling CIA, U.S. Army terrorist groups
  By The Associated Press 
  Iran's parliament on Saturday approved a nonbinding resolution to label the 
CIA and the U.S. Army terrorist organizations. 

The move is seen as a diplomatic tit-for-tat after the U.S. Senate voted in 
favor of a resolution urging the State Department to designate Iran's Islamic 
Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. 

"The aggressor U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency are terrorists and 
also nurture terror," said a statement by the 215 lawmakers who signed the 
resolution at an open session of the Iranian parliament. The session was 
broadcast live on state-run radio.
  The hard-line dominated parliament said the two were terrorists, because they 
were involved in dropping nuclear bombs in Japan in World War II, used depleted 
uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, supported the killings 
of Palestinians by Israel, bombed and killed Iraqi civilians and tortured 
terror suspects in prisons. 

The resolution, which is seen as a diplomatic offensive against the U.S., urges 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government to treat the two as 
terrorist organizations. It also paves the way for the resolution to become 
legislation that - if ratified by the country's hard-line constitutional 
watchdog - would become law. The government is expected to remain silent over 
the parliament resolution and wait for U.S. reaction before making its 

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate voted 76-22 in favor of a resolution urging the 
State Department to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a 
terrorist organization. While the proposal attracted overwhelming bipartisan 
support, a small group of Democrats said they feared labeling the 
state-sponsored organization a terrorist group could be interpreted as a 
congressional authorization of military force in Iran. 

The Bush administration had already been considering whether to blacklist an 
elite unit within the Revolutionary Guard, subjecting part of the vast military 
operation to financial sanctions. 

The U.S. legislative push came a day after Ahmadinejad told world leaders at 
the United Nations General Assembly that his country would defy attempts to 
impose new sanctions by arrogant powers seeking to curb its nuclear program, 
accusing them of lying and imposing illegal penalties on his country. 

He said the nuclear issue was now closed as a political issue and Iran would 
pursue the monitoring of its nuclear program through its appropriate legal 
path, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the UN's nuclear 

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have escalated over Washington accusations 
that Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons and has been supplying 
Shiite militias in Iraq with deadly weapons used to kill U.S. troops. Iran 
denies both of the allegations. 

Earlier this month, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the 
final say on all state matters, named a new head for the elite Revolutionary 
Guard. He appointed Mohammed Ali Jafari, described as a senior figure in the 
hard-line force, to replace Yahya Rahim Safavi, who led the Guard for the last 

In a new decree, Khamenei also appointed Jafari to run the Basij, groups of 
volunteers dedicated to support the ruling Islamic establishment, the official 
IRNA news agency reported. 

The appointment effectively merged the two forces. Further intertwining the 
Guard with the popular Basij force is widely believed to be aimed at 
undermining U.S. efforts to designate the Guard a terrorist organization.



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