23rd Day of TARAVEEH

In the second section, there is mention about the wrath of ALLAH on the people 
of Lut (AS), the people of Aad (AS), Thamud (AS) and the destruction of the 
people of Nooh (AS) is made in detail as well as about the behaviour of people 
towards their respective prophets.

In the last section of the surah it is said that the Creator of the heavens and 
the earth is ALLAH, HE has created everything in pairs. Rush towards ALLAH and 
continue counseling others as counseling benefits the believers, I have created 
the Jinns and the human beings only for my Ibadath and their sustenance is my 

Surah at-Tur (Mount Tur) begins

In the first section, it is said that the things, on which ALLAH swears in the 
beginning, are great things and it is said that the disobedient would be thrown 
into the hell by the Angels with disgrace, while the believers, their followers 
and children who are righteous would be respectfully welcomed in Paradise. 
There is mention about the bounties of ALLAH in the Paradise.

In the last section of this surah, the Prophet (pbuh) was asked to continue his 
mission of counseling the people, those who call them as poet or a possessed, 
let them wait till they see their own consequences. If they have doubt in this 
Quraan, let them bring at least one recital like this. The tricks and evil 
designs of the disbelievers will not work. Oh Prophet ! wait until the command 
of your Lord comes to you and "WE" take every care for you.

Surah an-Najm (Star) begins

In the first section, it is said that the Prophet (pbuh) does not say anything 
on his own desire, whatever he says, it is the inspiration sent to him from 
ALLAH. He never says anything on his own opinion, he says only what was 
revealed unto him. There is mention about the Mi'raj of the Prophet (pbuh), 
seeing the signs of ALLAH, his being taken to the heavens, narration about what 
he saw in the heavens are explained briefly.

In the second section, it is said that only those who would be permitted by 
ALLAH will have the opportunity to intercession. The idols which are worshipped 
are false and those who worship them are the ones who devised their names and 
that was their reach. The Mercy of ALLAH is vast and encompassing and HE 
forgives the sins of HIS slaves, don't try to pretend innocence, HE knows 
everything and HE knows who is pious.

In the last section of the surah it is said that in the hereafter no one would 
carry the burden of others and the man will get only what he strives for. Many 
bounties of ALLAH are mentioned in order that they understand and it is not 
befitting for an intelligent person to ignore the consequence and neglect the 
words of advice. The right to prostration and obedience belongs only to ALLAH.

Surah al-Qamar (the Moon) begins

In the first section it is said that the doomsday has come near and the moon is 
cleft asunder and the world has seen the miracle of the splitting of the moon. 
The Holy Quraan is the treasure of Wisdom. "WE" have made the Quraan easy to 
comprehend, is there anyone who desires to understand it? Mention of the lives 
of the people of earlier times is also made here.

In the second section, it is said that falsifying and rejecting one Prophet 
amounts to rejecting all the prophets. The people falsifying Saleh (AS), the 
story of the she camel and the mention about the destruction of the people of 
Lut (AS) is made in detail. It is repeatedly said; "WE" have made the Quraan 
easy to comprehend, is there anyone who desires to understand it?

In the last section of this surah, after mentioning about the Pharaoh, his 
people and their destruction, it is asked, whether the people who lived before 
were prosperous and happy or the disbelievers of today? Their force would be 
scattered and they would run away from the scene and they would be taken to 
account, as per the promise and it is just the matter of a moment. Whatever one 
has done, it is safely recorded in the book of deeds.

Surah ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious) begins

In the first section, it is said that the Most Gracious has taught everyone the 
Quraan, HE only has created the man and taught him to speak. There is mention 
about more of HIS bounties, but the bounty of the Holy Quraan and its teaching 
is mentioned before all other gifts in preference. The bounties of this world 
and the hereafter and the bounties in the Paradise are beautifully described, 
and after the mention of every favour it is repeatedly asked; "Then which of 
the favours of your Lord would you deny?" This is repeated thirty one times in 
the surah.

The moon, the stars, the trees, the mountains, every thing obey HIM, HE has set 
up the scale and ordained people not to play tricks in weights and measures, 
what a good number of things HE has given to you for eating and drinking. "Then 
Oh Jinns and human beings, which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?

In the second section it is said that every one on earth are going to perish 
and only the ONE, full of Majesty and Honour, will exist. "Then, Oh Jinns and 
human beings which of the favours of your Lord would deny?

In the last section there is mention about the favours and the bounties of 
ALLAH in the Paradise and after the mention of each of these gifts it is asked 
"Then, Oh Jinns and human beings which of the favours of your Lord would deny?" 
The true inheritors of these bounties are those who fear ALLAH.

Surah al-Waqiah (the inevitable Event) begins

In the first section, it is said that when the doomsday comes no one will be 
able to cast it off or avoid it, and the Qiyamah will bring down some and will 
raise some others up and when the Qiyamah comes, the people will be divided 
into three groups. One group which will be given the book of deeds in the right 
hand, the second group will get the book of deeds in the left hand. The third 
group would be those who have been the forerunners in the race for good deeds 
and they would be enjoying the bounties of ALLAH in the Paradise and nearness 
to HIM and the pleasures of the Paradise are explained here.

In the second section it is said that those who would get their book of deeds 
in their left hand would be in bad and miserable condition, the the terrific 
condition of the hell is illustrated here and the proof of the life after death 
is explained with examples.

In the last section of the surah it is said that this Quraan is miraculous in 
many respects and it is preserved in the Original source and only those who are 
clan can touch it. This is revealed by the Lord of the Universe, don't take it 
in light esteem, and the consequence of good and bad could be found in this.

Surah al-Hadeed (the iron) begins

In the first section it is said that all the creations in the heavens and the 
earth glorify ALLAH and HE is Powerful and the Most Wise. HIS Kingdom prevails 
in the heavens and on the earth, life and death is in HIS Command, HE controls 
Power over every thing. HE is the First, HE is the Last, HE is the Manifest in 
the evident and in the Hidden and HE has the Knowledge of every thing. HIS 
Kingdom extends from HIS Throne in the heavens and beneath the earth. Every 
thing that exists is the clear proof of HIS Existence and Power. So believe in 
ALLAH and have faith in HIS Messenger and spend in their cause and for their 
sake. Those who have spent whatever they had before the conquest of Makkah and 
participated in the jihad, none of you can be equal to them, whatever you spend 
it is for your own good.

In the second section it is said that this will help you in the darkness of the 
Aakhirah to illuminate your path. The believers, men and women, will be moving 
ahead with their belief and good deeds as their beacon lights before them and 
on their right. The hypocrites men and women would be groping in the darkness 
and there would be a separating wall between them, on one side it is the 
showering of ALLAH's Mercy and on the other side painful torment all around. 
Those in the torment would wish, they could be relieved by giving some kind of 
ransom, but it would not happen. Taking heed and a lesson is possible only in 
this world and the merit of spending in the way of ALLAH is explained.

In the third section it is said that the life of this world, its decoration and 
power, the wealth and the children all are sources of deception and amusement, 
but the real life is the life of the hereafter. There is announcement of 
forgiveness from the Lord. Rush towards the Paradise, whatever misfortune that 
comes to you, is what was decreed before and whatever has skipped, you don't 
get despair nor take pride. Exult over what comes to you, ALLAH does not like 
vainglorious boasters.

In the last section of this surah there is mention about Nooh (AS), Ibrahim 
(AS) and Eesa bin Mariam (AS) and it is said that ALLAH had never shown the way 
of monasticism, be steadfast in faith, and fear ALLAH HE will bestow HIS Mercy 
upon you more and more.


"Glimpses from the recitation of Quraan
in salaat at Taraveeh"
a book in Urdu Language
written by

English translation by
Dr.Syed Karamathullah Bahmani
Chennai. INDIA

Moulana Hafiz Qari Muhammad Qasim Ansari
Imam and Khateeb, Periamet Mosque,
Chennai. INDIA.

This is a serial presentation of the gist of Quraan as recited in the everyday 
Taraveeh prayers during the month of Ramadhan.

You can also read from here: http://www.spreadquran.com/taraweeh/english

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