O, Dear Muslims. I give you my salam and my well wishes. Even though its late 
but i still wish you Eid Mubrak, wish you happiness, wish you the LOVE OF THE 
ONES YOU LOVE, wish you unity, prosperity, wish you peace and tranqulity in 
your imaan and acceptance of your fast, your salah and your dua. 
  I am here to give the glad tidings of Victory that Allah swt has promised you 
in the Quran. This article or the Glad tidings, when I wanted to publish it for 
the news letter of our local Majid on the day of eid, i was told that I am 
"radical in thoughts", I was told that I am "anti - west", i was told that my 
article is "controvercial" . 
  My dear Muslims, in todays world of deceipt, speaking the truth has become 
revolutionary. Speaking for your own brothers and sisters in Iraq, Falesteen, 
and other countries has become "radical in thoughts, and "controvercial. "
  My dear Muslims, I request you to be my witness on the day of judgement that 
I have delivered or have had tried to deliver the pleasant glad tidings of 
Victory that Allah swt has promised us. My Article, however was rejected. It 
was very sad, indeed a very very sad that i was not able to speak for my 
Muslims brothers and sisters on Eid ul Fitr. The sad part was this news letter 
is called The Voice. "The Voice"? what Voice? when you censor Muslims from 
speaking up for their Muslim brothers and sisters. Its not A Voice, its 
suffocation. I am sure if i am willing to volunteer for that News letter 
  Dear Muslims, I have come with a Message that will give you hope and remind 
you of the One of the Promises of Allah swt in these worst times that Muslim 
Ummah has afflicted off. Please read it and Give me your feedback.
  Your Brother in Islam
  Prince of Destiny
  Allah (swt) promised the Muslims the Ultimate Victory
  “Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, 
that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as 
He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their 
Deen - the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their 
state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: 
'They will worship Me alone and not associate aught with Me…” (an-Noor: 55)
  Today, Islam and Muslims are made sole victims of war on terror. We have 
experienced the true nature of democracy - our sisters are gang raped by US 
soldiers, occupying our countries, arming Sunnis and shias to fight amongst 
each other, horrific crimes committed by US Soldiers in Abu Ghuraib, Millions 
of Muslims killed and Millions more made refugees in their very homelands, 
Muslims living in public bathrooms and eating from dumpsters.  This is the 
state of the Muslims when western forces have been defeated in Iraq, 
Afghanistan, Lebanon and etc. Had these forced won these wars our situation 
would be like that of the Muslims when they were invaded by Mongols or like 
what Bishop Desmond Tutu summarized the British invasion of African countries 
in this quote: “When missionaries came to Africa, they had the bible we had the 
land. They said, 'Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had 
the Bible and they had the land.” 
  You might argue that how can Muslim Ummah be victorious when the whole Ummah 
is under autocracy of Western colonial powers? Sahabah (raa) asked Prophet 
(saw) the similar question. Allah (swt) revealed "Do not be dejected nor 
grieve; you shall be the successful if you are Believers." (Ar Ra’ad13:139). In 
these ayats not only Allah (swt) promises Muslims victory but also punishment 
for disbelievers who have tortured Muslims. Since a Muslim does not bow to 
anyone but to Allah (swt); for any need he asks HIM for them. A Muslim does not 
follow the desires of men; he depends on the firm balance of Huqq. The 
inspiration of his soul comes from strong belief he has in Allah (swt). This by 
itself creates in him a sense of dignity, purity, cleanliness, modesty, piety, 
desire for good deeds, and ambassador of Islam on earth. This belief gives him 
the assurance that the reward is in the Hereafter, the reward before which the 
troubles of the world and all its sorrows become
 insignificant. The heart of the Believer is content with it. Then there is no 
way Allah (swt) will leave Muslims dejected with grief in their hearts and give 
Kufr victory over Iman. Sayyid Qutb in his book "Fi Dhilal ul Quran" (In the 
shades of the Qur'an) says that Allah does not give victory to Muslims unless 
he test them in their iman and unless it is clear to Him who is on his side and 
who is not and Allah (swt) also punished the kuffar at the hands of Believers. 
Here are few Historical evidences. 
  A.     Allah (swt) tested Prophet Musa (aws) and Bani Israely when they 
reached dead end when the sea was in front of them and huge army of Fir’awn 
(pharaoh) behind them.  Bani Israel told Musa (asw), ‘You lied to us. You told 
us that Allah is going to protect us. And here we are facing death. The sea is 
ahead of us, Fir’awn is behind us; there’s no way out.’ Musa (aws) replied – 
"By no means! Allah is with me and will guide me." (ash-Shu’ara: 62). So at 
this point, the test was over and Allah (swt) told him to strike the sea with 
his stick. The sea was split and Muslims were able to escape from the passage 
and Allah swt drowned Fir’awn and is army in the sea. 
  C.     B: Ibn Katheer reported that when Frederick Barbarossa, King of 
Germany came out to fight Salahuddin with army of 300,000 strong, it was a test 
for the Muslims. When the crusaders reached a river, As Frederick was crossing 
the stream on his horse, something spooked his horse. Frederick Barbarossa 
falls into the cold water, has a heart attack and dies. Ibn katheer says in 
jest, ‘The king of the Germans dies in water that doesn’t even reach your 
knees!’ After the king dies, disease spreads among them and they are disunited. 
By the time they reached to ‘Akkaa, the 300,000 army was brought down to 1,000. 
When you look at them it is like they have just come out from their graves. 
Only 1,000 from 300,000 reached to meet Salahuddin. Ibn Katheer says, ‘If it 
wasn’t for the care of Allah for this Ummah by killing the German King, we 
would be saying today that Egypt and Syria were once Muslim.”  
  In regards to kuffar who have terrorized not only the Muslim lands but also 
the whole world. Allah (swt) says about them “When they are told: "Do not 
spread corruption on earth,’ they replied: "we are only (spreading) peace!’ No, 
they are the corrupters, but they do not realize it. (Al Baqara: 11-12). Allah 
(swt) also says "Let it not deceive you that the unbelievers walk about in the 
land. A little respite and their abode is Hell, and what an evil place! But for 
those who fear their Lord are Gardens through which rivers flow, to abide 
therein – a hospitality from God; and that which is with God is best for the 
righteous." (Al Imran 3:196-198), “Do not think that God is unaware of the 
doings of the wicked people. He has deferred (judgment for) them to the Day 
when the eyes shall stare, and they shall run with necks outstretched and heads 
erect, their sight never returned to themselves, their hearts void". (Ibrahim 
14:42-43) “Indeed, for those who persecute the believing
 men and women, and later do not repent, is the penalty of Hell; for them is 
the penalty of burning fire…”. (al Buruj 85: 10 -11) 
  We if analyze the above examples, we can realize that not only Allah (swt) 
test Muslims in their Iman before giving them victory but also punishes the 
kuffar. We complain that we are living in the worst times - the Ummah is weak, 
defeated and disunited, and we wish we were living in the time of the Sahabah 
or times of the heroic Islamic eras.  This is a wrong analysis.  If we analyze 
properly we would find that our time is quite ‘similar’ to the time of the 
Sahabah because when the Sahabah came there was no Islamic authority and there 
is no Islamic authority today. The Sahabah fought super powers and all the 
Arabs that were against them and established Islamic state and practiced Islam. 
In our history we would find Islamic authority, protection and place to 
practice Islam. Today the whole world is waging a war against us and this is 
similar to time of the Sahabah. We are prosecuted for practicing Islam. We 
don’t have any protection or migrate to a place where we can
 practice Islam. We don’t have Islamic economic or judicial or military or 
educational or social systems to refer to. We are now in process of 
establishing Islam from the scratch. 
  We are living in very difficult times. Working towards righteousness reaps 
greater rewards. This is because greater the difficulty greater is the reward. 
This is why Muhammad (saw) mentioned in a hadith that even though the best 
generation is of the Sahabah, then the Tabi’een, then the Taba Tabi’een, there 
will be a generation of people at the end of time and the ajar(reward) of one 
of them will be equal to the ajr of fifty! So the Sahabah asked, "Fifty of us 
or fifty of them?" Prophet (saw) replied, "Fifty of you."
  We are living under all sorts of oppressive systems today. Instead of 
complaining of our time we should prepare ourselves towards ultimate victory 
for that we have to start from ourselves, our families and our communities. 
This is because Muslims are armed with their strong belief in Islamic Aqeedah. 
This consciousness not only relieves us from dejection and grief, which are 
natural for a human being under oppression but gives patience, steadfastness, a 
sense vibrant feeling with which we looks upon the conquerors from a superior 
position. We know that promise of Allah (swt) that “Allah is the Protector of 
the believers. (al-Hajj: 38) is certain and the oppression we are living under 
is a temporary sate which will pass away and might face death. However, Death 
comes to all, but for Muslims there is martyrdom. We will proceed to the 
Jannah, while conquerors go to Hell Fire and Inshallah, when Ummah will be 
ready with these concepts engraved in our hearts and minds,
 Inshallah, Allah (swt) will bestow his promise of Victory on us. 
  The earth belongs to Allah and He will inherit it to whomever He wills of His 
servants but eventually the earth will be inherited by the Muttaqeen (pious). 
(al-‘Araaf: 128)

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