Yusuf Al-Qardawi is a notable exception. Others are not worth mentioning. But 
even he needs to do much more. This is a matter of life and death and should be 
the made the main issue. It is time for the ulemas to come out on the streets 
and guide the people who are being daily brainwashed by the corrupt media. 
Otherwise we all will pay a heavy price. I shudder to think of the consequences.
  Just Watch, as america starts pounding Iran, all the puppets will come alive 
and race with each other for assisting their godfather. The fatwas especially 
from saudi will start flowing and thus the  process of demonisation of iran 
will get a head start. 
  When these guys could do it against iraq, what chance iran stands? 
  I fear the wrath of Allah swt for all those muslim countries where the govt 
and the ulemas are hand in gloves even in labelling the few who are resisiting 
as terrorists, cutting every means of funding them and preventing even the 
refugees from entering their countries. Poor they, stay there and perish is the 
message. This is the price one pays for being one those of the  humankind in 
  What a Shame! 

@yahoo.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
          YES, Sheikh Yousuf Al Khardawi had said that!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:         Any Muslim leader dare to say that "Attacking 
Iran is attacking us"??????
  What OIC is doing, Muslim countries are being attacked and threatened by war 
mongers every single day.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 2:17 PM
  Subject: Attacking Iran is attacking us (Russia)

              Russia: Attacking Iran is attacking us 
Sat, 27 Oct 2007 19:25:04 
               The Leader of the Islamic Revolution (R) and the Russian 
President (L)
Iran and Russia have agreed on plans to quash Washington's relentless drive 
towards launching an attack on Iran. 

Discussions took place during Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit 
to Tehran, according to the Asia Times. 

Putin held a face-to-face meeting with Leader of the Islamic Revolution, 
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, where the agreement was finalized. 

According to a high-level diplomatic source in Tehran, the Supreme Leader and 
the Russian president essentially agreed that an American attack on Iran would 
be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia. 

The two states are officially united in a strategic partnership, in which World 
War III is definitely not on the cards. 

US Vice President, Dick Cheney, who is notorious for elevating the war rhetoric 
against Iran at any given opportunity, is now facing an increasingly difficult 
challenge in fanning the flames of war. 

The US president and top US officials, who often attempt to demonize Tehran as 
a threat to world peace, have themselves been threatening Iran with military 
force over the country's nuclear standoff with the West. 




With Regards 

Abi  __________________________________________________
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