WASHINGTON -- George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who  
complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself.  

The student lives in Mitchell Hall, where half a dozen swastikas had  shown up 
on her dorm room door in the past several weeks. 

University  police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted 
responsibility  Monday. 

News 4 interviewed the student last week after the fifth  swastika was 
discovered. She did not want to be identified. 

"It's a big  story," said Jake Sherman, GW Hatchet editor. "Thirty percent of 
GW students are  Jewish" 

Reporters at the GW Hatchet newspaper have been following the  story since it 
began. They said they learned on Monday morning that the alleged  victim would 
likely be implicated. 

They said they spoke to her twice by  phone. 

According to reporters at the newspaper, the student said, "I  wasn't looking 
to create this sort of insanity. I wasn't looking to become a  media darling. I 
was just looking for acknowledgment from the university that  someone drew a 
swastika on the door." 

The student now faces disciplinary  action from the school and could face 
criminal charges.


 University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted  
responsibility Monday. 
I don't know why they don't just state that she was caught on  camera and had 
to admit her guilt? 

What is very revealing to me is the  mindset of this young Jewish girl. At such 
a young age she already has a mindset  for pulling off false flag operations to 
have others blamed for her actions. Not  only that but supremely playing the 
aggrieved victim role with the mainstream  media towing the line. This just 
shows that many Jews are raised from a young  age to commit egregious acts 
against themselves and have others be blamed for  them. They need to perpetuate 
an eternal victim role and they understand  psychology well enough to reach the 
goyim hearts. They are expert at false flag  operations and have been raised to 
have no qualms about doing them. I don't know  of any other group of people who 
does this as much as they do and have been  caught as many times 

Although this may be a small  act, it gives us a glimpse of what happens on the 
big scale. The hidden camera  happened to catch this Jewish girl but what if we 
had hidden cameras captuing  the planning and execution of 9/11 by Jewish false 
flag experts. It would have  been nice to have hidden cameras capturing the 
discussions from Neocons and  Israeli leadership regarding 9/11. I wonder if 
they too would admit after being  caught? But to be totally accurate they have 
been caught in real life carrying  out false flag operations to blame others as 
in the Lavon Affair, USS Liberty  attack, desecrating synagogues in Iraq, 
attempting to blow up the Mexican  congress with Pakistani passports in their 
possession, etc. 

This Jewish  girl story gives us a nice revealing insight into their perverse 
mentality. It  also shows us at such an early age they are groomed to commit 
false flag  operations to perpetuate their eternal victim role. Afterall it was 
one of them  who also invented the fantastic lie about Ahmadinejad wanting to 
"wipe Israel  off the map". That lie is no different than what this Jewish girl 
got caught  doing. All in service of creating an eternal victim role for 

Frank  Collin 

Fuehrer of The American Nazi Party 


"The Fuehrer Is  Discovered to be Jewish 

His real name is Joseph Cohen, born on Nov  3,1944 in Chicago, conceived in Feb 
of 1943 in Dachau concentration camp  (According to his father)."

Source:   295866544  

"Strive as in a race to achieve the
 goal of excellence in all that you do."

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