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From: sidheeq poocholamad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 1, 2007 7:08 PM
Subject: Lest We Forget ( Sirajunissa, 11 year old girl )

   *Published in the 16-31 March 2005 print edition of MG; *send me the
print edition <http://www.milligazette.com/subscribe.htm>
  *"I want Muslim dead bodies"*

The Milli Gazette Online <http://www.milligazette.com/>

*"I want the dead bodies of Muslim bastards!" The command over the
walkie-talkie was clear and loud. It came from a high level police officer.
His subordinate heeded to his call and presented him with a "Muslim dead
body". It was the body of an 11-year-old girl riddled with bullets. This
happened in 1991 and the police officer who had clamoured for Muslim dead
bodies is none other Raman Srivastava, newly appointed chief of Kerala
police, B. F. FIROS reports from Calicut *

It's been more than 14 years since an innocent girl was shot dead at the
behest of a ruthless police officer. Instead of punishing the guilty, the
government has been trying to protect him. Moreover, with the recent
appointment of the officer, *Raman Srivastava, as the Kerala police
chief,*all hopes of justice for
*Sirajunissa's bereaved family have been dashed.

*It was 1991. The Sangh Parivar had just started to show its fangs and
claws, the time when it was trying its best to extract the maximum out of
the Ram Mandir issue. The then chief of BJP, Murli Manohar Joshi, was on his
Ekta Yatra from Kanyakumari to Srinagar. Joshi's Yatra traversed through the
interiors of India igniting communal passions and thereby strengthening the
footholds of Sangh Parivar.
  [image: Raman Srivastava]

*Raman Srivastava*

On* December 13* an Upayatra which was to join Joshi's Ekata Yatra was
attacked in Mepparambu, two kilometers away from Palakkad in Kerala. The
Yatra was led by the state president of BJP's youth wing. As the Sangh
Parivar wished, tension erupted in some parts of the district causing
ripples in the hitherto peaceful waters of Palakkad's communal life. A tense
situation prevailed the next day as Muslims and the BJP activists mobilised
themselves at various places, and the police had to resort to lathi-charge
and firing to disperse the crowds.

The next day, December 15, witnessed widespread arson and rioting by some
sections from both the communities in Mepparambu and adjoining areas. It was
on this day that a ruthless state took the life of an 11-year-old innocent
girl called Sirajunisa.

The police reached the spot by 12 noon only to terrorise the innocent people
in the locality. Instead of arresting the criminals they just shot
indiscriminately which left three innocent youths injured. By noon the then
DIG, Raman Srivastava, took control of the control room. From here onwards
Srivastava was the man who directed all operations from there.

By noon Shornur ASP Sandhya was passing through Puthuppally junction and
found some stones placed on the road to block traffic. Till then no violence
had been reported from this area. The ASP asked an old man in a nearby shop
to remove the stones from the road. When he refused to obey, she took him
into custody. This infuriated the locals who blocked her jeep. On hearing
the news of Sandhya being blocked on her way, Deputy SP Chandran rushed to
the spot by 3 PM. At *this time Sirajunnisa and her sister were playing in
front of their home which was some 600 yards* away from the spot of police
picket. Their neighbour, Mohammed, was watching the girls playing over the
compound wall. According to Kolakkadan Moosa Haji, who witnessed the whole
incident including the conversations between the police through the wireless
and the subsequent firing of the girl, but for the police picket the street
was empty and there wasn't any violent mob.

To a query by Raman Srivastava, Sandhya replied through wireless that there
was no need of firing since the atmosphere was peaceful and all the people
in the locality are inside their homes. To this the DIG shouted back through
the wireless furiously ordering her to fire at the "Muslim bastards" there.
She replied that there was no one around in the vicinity except two small
girls playing and a man watching. "Shoot them down if no one else is around.
Let them die like dogs," was Srivastava's order. When she started to say
something Srivastava asked her to pass the wireless receiver to Deputy SP
To Srivastava's query on whether there were any girls playing there,
Chandran replied in the positive. Then he said:* "I want the dead bodies of
some Muslim bastards" *and ordered him to shoot them down at once. The order
was promptly heeded as two constables executed the order by firing at
Sirajunisa. (In the meanwhile, her younger sister had got inside the house).
The bullet hit just below Sirajunisa's nose and pierced through the back of
her head. She died on the spot. Soon after the firing, the DSP called back
the DIG and informed him that he had executed the order. The DIG ordered him
to remove the body immediately from the scene.

What followed were ghastly incidents of police insensitivity and barbarity.
When Ali, Sirajunisa's neighbour, heard the sound of firing he rushed out of
his home and found the little girl lying in a pool of blood. When he
desperately asked the policemen to take Sirajunisa to hospital; he was
beaten brutally. Both Ali and Mohammed testify unanimously that the police
beat up Sirajunisa's mother who frantically tried to cling to her daughter's
body. Even in that moment the police dragged that shell-shocked mother and
her daughter Athikka to the police jeep.
When Sulaiman, Sirajunisa's uncle, tried to take the girl's body in his
hands the police hit him with lathis. When he couldn't hold her anymore due
to police beating Sirajunisa's elder sister came to his help. She too was
beaten up with lathis. 'How could the police be so cruel like this," asks
Sulaiman in choked voice.

But braving the police torture Ali took the girl's body and ran towards the
police jeep. The police held him by his neck hitting on his back and kicking
him. Instead of trying to save the life of the girl the police was
terrorising all of them. Finally he managed to get the body of Sirajunisa
into the police jeep. On the way he made the jeep stop to give some water to
the girl and he brought a mug of water from a shop. After pouring some drops
into the girl's mouth he returned to the shop to give back the mug, and ran
away from the scene to save his life. Such was the brutality of police
torture even inside the jeep. But, neither the police nor the single-man
enquiry commission headed by Yohannan took these chilling accounts as

Even after killing Sirajunisa, the police was in no mood to spare this small
girl. They trumped up a bunch of false and ridiculous charges against her in
order to justify their bloody act of killing. So the victim was turned into
a villain, and the perpetrators good Samaritans. According to the FIR,
Sirajunisa was "leading a violent mob of more than 300 people to the nearby
Brahmins-dominated village to indulge in violence and arson" (!) and the
police had no way but to fire at this girl who was leading the rioters!

"Even after seven years since the shooting, in the eye of the police this
11-year-old girl was the No.1 criminal who led hundreds of rioters to attack
Hindus! They didn't care to withdraw the FIR filed against her in the
Palakkad South police station even while the case was pending in Supreme
Court," says Mohammed who witnessed the girl being shot dead. He says even
though he'd given his testimony to the police they didn't care to include it
in the FIR. The Yohannan Commission didn't even take his testimony.

According to the FIR, the bullet fired from the police rifle first hit an
electric post in front of Sirajunisa's house, then a shred of bullet hit the
girl's head. Later this turned out to be a blatant lie as it has been proved
that there wasn't any electric post at all on the day of firing in front of
the girl's house. As per the records of the State Electricity Board the post
was put up two months after the tragic incident. But the authorities
concerned had managed to manipulate the date etched on the post. Even after
this fact has been proved beyond doubt the government accepted the Yohannan
Commission report in toto. Also, forensic experts and ballistic experts had
found that the bullet taken out of Sirajunisa's head was fired from the
police rifle.

While whitewashing the police firing the Yohannan Commission parroted the
police version, putting the blame on the girl. According to the report, the
police was firing on the Muslim miscreants who continued to burn Hindu
houses and shops despite the imposition of prohibitory orders, and the
bullet hit inadvertently the head of the girl.
Kolakkadan Moosa, who was near the police picketing when the firing took
place, says there wasn't any violence in Puthuppally area on December 15 and
that the police action was totally uncalled for as there was no rioting or
violence calling for any kind of firing let alone lathi charge. There
weren't any crowd or even a small group of people in that area. Not only
Sirajunisa and Mohammed were unarmed but they weren't even part of any mob.
The firing was sudden and without warning of any kind. There weren't any
lathi-charge or administering of tear gas shells. Nor the girl and her
neighbour were directed to go away before the firing.

An independent enquiry commission headed by social activists like Mundoor
Ravunni, held that it couldn't establish any reason for police firing and
the killing of an innocent girl. One side of Puthuppally street was
inhabited by Muslims and the other by Brahmins. The commission report
reveals that both the communities were living in complete harmony and that
there had never been any strain of communal violence between them. It quoted
a Hindu who wondered why police firing was needed at all since nothing
untoward had happened in that street on *December 15, 1991*. If anything
there was burning of a motor cycle in the nearby junction and a lone
incident of stone throwing against the police. But these stray incidents can
never be cited as a justification for the police firing and the selective
harassment of Muslims.

None other than the then Irrigation Minister and some other people's
representatives were witness to Srivastava's outbursts and open clamouring
for Muslim dead bodies through the wireless. When the firing took place the
minister T M Jacob and some MLAs were holding a meeting at the Palakkad
District Collector's chamber. After knowing about the prevailing 'tension'
in Puthuppally area the Minister told the wireless operator to switch on the
wireless. And what they heard was something that can never be expected from
a responsible police officer. *Srivastava's demand for "Muslim dead bodies"
shocked the minister and the MLAs*.
Taking these as evidence Koolkadan Moosa Haji managed to file suit against
Srivastava. The case reached the Supreme Court. In 1998 the apex court asked
the state government to entrust the enquiry to a high-level police officer
not below the rank of IG. It directed the state government to investigate
the role played by eight policemen including Raman Srivastava in the killing
of Sirajunisa. The SC directive put the state government in a quandary. So
in a face saving measure it removed Sirajunisa from the list of accused.
Still, so many questions are begging to be answered. *Who killed this
11-year-old girl, and what for? Why no case was field against the police
officers for murder?
*Even if she was a rioter as the police claimed, they can't kill her
purposely, because that amounts to culpable homicide under Sec. 304 of
Indian Penal Code. But till now even a case of accidental killing hasn't
been filed against the police under Sec. 304 (A) of the IPC.

Successive governments have continued the policy of protecting Srivastava.
Worse, after the firing, he was elevated to the post of IG. The Communist
Party-led LDF government came to power by using Sirajunisa's murder as a
trump card against the UDF regime. But when they came to power with huge
margin they too adopted a lackadaisical approach, and though an enquiry was
initiated it didn't bear any fruit. Successive governments have always tried
to scuttle the investigation at all levels and justice remains a mirage.

The authorities concerned took all efforts to bury the case. The illiterate
and gullible relatives of the girl were made to sign on a slew of papers.
The police easily led Sirajunisa's uncle, Sulaiman and her brother into
signing a statement to the effect that they didn't have any complaint in
Sirajunisa's death, telling them that then only they would get the group
insurance money. *"We did so not for that blood money. Rather we wanted to
prove the innocence of our little girl before the world,"* explains
Sulaiman. But now he knows that the whole machinery was hell-bent on
protecting the wrongdoers.

>From 1991 onwards Sirajunisa figured prominently in all the election
propaganda of both the LDF and UDF. Every big and small leader of all
political parties made a beeline for Sirajunisa's house. All of them were
after good photo ops and political mileage. Only justice didn't knock at her

Sirajunisa's death virtually destroyed her family forever. Her heartbroken
mother died after two years of the tragic incident; father re-married and
moved away. Her elder sister, a heart patient, continues to live within the
dark interiors of her relatives' homes. Sulaiman, her uncle, still leads a
tormented life reminiscing the memories of his dear nephew .

And Raman Srivastava is back as the DGP of Kerala. Moosa Haji says
Srivastava has been elevated to the top post after messing up with the
seniority of two other police officers. It seems justice will never be
delivered to Sirajunissa's family.  ***«*

" I bear witness that there is no God But Almighty Allah and I bear witness
that Muhammad (pbuh) is His Prophet "
                                                        = = = = = =   [ "
Defence is not an Offence " ]   = = = = = =

'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

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