[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:07:26 -0500
Subject: IslamOnline NewsLetter

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              ISLAM-ONLINE. NET - http://www.islam-online.net
7th Dhul Hijja 1428 ,17th December 2007
Newsletter Volume 7, Number 49
      Assalamu aleykum Islam-Online Members!

      This Week's Hadith -Sahih Muslim, Book 22
Book 022, Number 4818:
  Jundab b. Sufyan reported: I was with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon 
him) on the day of 'Id al-Adha. While he had not returned after having offered 
(the Id prayer) and finished it, he saw the flesh of the sacrificial animals 
which had been slaughtered before he had completed the prayer. Thereupon he 
(the Holy Prophet) said: One who slaughtered his sacrificial animal before his 
prayer or our prayer ('Id), he should slaughter another one in its stead, and 
he who did not slaughter, he should slaughter by reciting the name of Allah.
  Book 022, Number 4825: 
  Al-Bara' b. 'Azib reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) 
delivered an address on the day (of Nahr) in which he said: None of you should 
offer sacrifice of animals until he has completed the ('Id) prayer. Thereupon 
my maternal uncle said: Messenger of Allah, it is the day of meat, so it is not 
desirable (to keep my family in the state of longing). The rest of the hadith 
is the same.
  Book 022, Number 4870: 
  Umm Salama reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: If 
anyone of you intends to offer sacrifice he should not get his hair cut or 
nails trimmed.
      Etiquette of `Eid 
  By Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid
  1. Ghusl (taking a bath): One of the good manners of `Eid is to take bath 
before going out to the Prayer. It was reported that Sa`id ibn Jubayr said: 
“Three things are Sunnah on `Eid: to walk (to the prayer-place), to take a 
bath, and to eat before coming out (if it's `Eid al-Fitr).”
  2. On `Eid al-Adha it is mustahab (recommended) not to eat until after the 
Prayer, when one should eat from the meat of one’s sacrifice.
  3. Takbir on the day of `Eid: This is one of the greatest Sunnahs of this 
day. Al-Daraqutni and others reported that when Ibn `Umar came out on `Eid 
al-Fitr and `Eid al-Adha, he would strive hard in making takbir until he 
reached the prayer-place, then he would continue making takbir until the Imam 
  4. Congratulating one another: People may exchange congratulations and good 
greetings on `Eid, no matter what form the words take. For example they may say 
to one another, “taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa minkum (may Allah accept from us and 
from you our good deeds!)". Jubayr ibn Nufayr said: “At the time of the Prophet 
(peace and blessings be upon him) when people met one another on the day of 
`Eid, they would say, ‘taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa minka.’” (Reported by Ibn 
  5. Wearing one's best clothes for `Eid: Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) 
said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a jubbah (cloak) that 
he would wear on `Eid and on Fridays.” Al-Bayhaqi reported that Ibn `Umar used 
to wear his best clothes on `Eid, so men should wear the best clothes they have 
when they go out for `Eid.
  6. Changing route on returning from Prayer-place: Jabir ibn `Abdullah (may 
Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be 
upon him) used to change his routes on the day of `Eid. (Reported by 
Fatwas on Udhiyah
Etiquette & Rulings
Even A Smile
      `Eid Al-Adha: A Symbol Of Obedience
By Gyasi Abu Umar Mckinzie
  `Eid Al-Adha is preceded by the glorious day of `Arafah and is one of the 
important days of Hajj. Among the main themes and messages of Hajj is 
submission and obedience to Allah. When we read about the remarkable stories of 
Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`il, and Hajar, we witness extraordinary examples 
of obedience and submission to Allah, which is the core meaning of Islam. 
Actually, submission is the very meaning of the word "Islam". So the meaning 
and essence of Islam are manifested in Hajj, which reminds us of our mission 
and purpose in life...
Both `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr come after performing a pillar of Islam and 
an act of obedience. Hence `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr are annual reminders 
that this life is a test and we must be obedient if we wish to be successful.
And among the messages of `Eid is that all Muslims are one people and one 
brotherhood; we gather together for the prayer and share in the blessings of 
the `Eid. During these days we must try extra hard to strengthen our 
brotherhood and mend our differences upon the truth...
Muslim youth, take the opportunity of `Eid to be kind to your parents, and know 
that obedience to your parents is obedience to Allah provided that it is free 
of disobedience to Allah. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, for 
they destroy the heart, the intellect, and the society.
Women, witness the `Eid Prayer without displaying and flaunting your beauty or 
wearing perfumes. Fear Allah in regards to your dress code and know that the 
dress code of the Muslim woman is an honor, not an oppression. The dress code 
is that your clothing should cover your entire body apart from the hands and 
face; it should not be adorned and attractive in and of itself; it should be 
loose and opaque. This dress code is be observed in the masjids as well as in 
all public gathering places...
We Muslims should take action now toward improving our obedience and submission 
to Allah, for time is limited. Remember the ones who prayed with us in the last 
`Eid Prayer and who have now become the residents of the graveyard. We will 
certainly join them one day. Do not therefore be tricked by the life of this 
world in which happiness does not last. Death spoils the people's pleasure. So 
look for pleasure in which there is no death.
      `Eid Al-Adha Sermon
  By Sheikh Ashraf Salah 
  Eids in Islam are not man-made; Allah is the One Who created them. He also 
laid down special rules and etiquette to be followed during these two `Eids. 
Muslims should not transgress Allah's laws..
Dear Muslims, we meet here this morning to pray and to listen to this sermon. 
We have gathered together in one place to worship Allah the Almighty — even 
though we have different traditions, speak different languages, and are of 
different colors.
This blessed meeting is practical proof that all Muslims form one body and one 
Ummah, as Allah says: [Truly! This, your Ummah is one Ummah, and I am your 
Lord, therefore Submit to Me (Alone)] (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:92). This is how Allah 
wants us to be — a united Ummah...
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, in this `Eid, let us remember the saying of 
the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) in which he described 
the believers: "The believers having love among themselves, being merciful 
among themselves, and being kind to each other are like one single body; If any 
part of the body is not well, the whole body shares the sleeplessness and the 
high fever with it" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)...
To deepen this brotherhood among us, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon 
him) ordered us to be merciful, to help people in overcoming their hardships, 
and to help people in satisfying their needs. He (peace and blessings be upon 
him) said, "He who is not being merciful with the people, Allah will not be 
merciful with him." And he also said, "A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. 
He does not oppress him, He does not abandon him when he needs help; Whoever 
helps his brother when he is needed, and Allah will help him at the time of his 
need. And whoever clears a distress for a Muslim, Allah will clear for him one 
of the distresses of the Day of Judgment" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)...
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we today celebrate along with the whole 
Muslim Ummah, `Eid Al-Adha, which means celebration of sacrifice. To sacrifice 
on this day is the best thing a Muslim can do...
However, sacrifice for the sake of Allah is to be found in so many things in 
our lives. The sacrifice that Muslims are obligated to perform is the sacrifice 
of their time and relaxation to meet the duties and responsibilities required 
by their Lord and Creator, toward themselves and their families, toward their 
community and the whole world.
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