Attend the 9-Day Traditional Halaqa Through SunniPath
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
  Assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,
  Ash-Shifa Trust and SunniPath Academy are pleased to present an exclusive 
online broadcast of:
  The Traditional Halaqa
  with Shaykh Samir al-Nass, Sidi Talal al-Azem, and Sidi Tanveer Hussain
December 24th through January 1st
  [Please note that because this is starting soon on the 24th, we recommend you 
pay in full by credit card rather than choosing the check option to ensure you 
have access on time.] 
  About the Traditional Halaqa
Ash-Shifa Trust is pleased to present the 11th in its series of Traditional 
Halaqa courses, which brings Muslims in the west into contact with scholars who 
are living vessels of wisdom. The course will take place in Luton from the 24th 
December ’07 till 1st Jan ’08. Teachers include Shaykh Samir al-Nass, Sidi 
Talal al-Azem & Sidi Tanveer Hussain. 
  SunniPath Academy will be broadcasting this event online so that students 
around the world can benefit. 
  The Traditional Halaqa is a short course for students of all levels. The 
course aims to teach the students the central elements of their faith. 
  A student information pack with a detailed schedule can be downloaded from [Please 
note that times listed on this schedule are listed in GMT (UK) time, so please 
convert to your time zone appropriately.] 
Fiqh (Hanafi)
  -Beginners (Ilm al-Hal – Fard al-Ayn)
  -Intermediate (Mukhtasar al-Quduri – Fasting & Zakat)
Purification of the Heart
Transgressions of the Limbs
  Register here: 
  Kind Regards, 
  Ash-Shifa Trust
  Merton Street
  OX16 4RP
  t 01295 279954 / 07984 162001
  Registered Charity Number 1096585

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