Because of Huckabee's win on the Republican side of the Iowa caucuses, 
reading the following article is worthwhile.
        Huckabee's proposals amount to ethnic cleansing of Palestine
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by Rev. Stan Moody*, Christian Policy Institute, December 16, 2007   
Orthodox Jews love him. The Christian Right loves him. The LaHayes (authors of 
the Left Behind series) love him. Tele-Zionist John Hagee loves him.   
It is not because Gov. Huckabee is not a Mormon that they all love him. It is 
because his foreign policy as President will be to put the finishing touches on 
the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East.   
In a nutshell, Huckabee is a Rapturist. I’ll explain.   
Belief in the Rapture is predominant within Evangelical circles. It has no 
biblical support except by inference. It finds no place in the early history of 
the Christian Church and is based primarily on a prophetic interpretation 
developed in England in the mid 19th Century. Its architect was John Nelson 
Darby, founder of the Plymouth Brethren movement, a fundamentalist Christian 
sect that came out of Dublin, Ireland in the 1820’s. Darby published some 50 
books on his unique interpretations of the New Testament.   
Darby’s doctrine, known as Premillennial Dispensationalism, was expanded in 
1909 through the publication of the Scofield Desk Reference Bible, a Bible with 
extensive footnotes all screened through the lens of two future returns of 
Jesus to earth.   
The first return will be in the form of the physical resurrection of all “true” 
Christians, who will disappear from the earth in a single moment to join Jesus 
in the skies. That is referred to as the Rapture. For seven years to follow, 
the earth will be in a period of Satanic upheaval, building to a final 
Apocalypse in the Valley of Meggido (“Armageddon”), whereupon Christ will 
descend onto the Mount of Olives with His raptured saints, defeat the armies of 
Satan (including the Roman Catholic Church) and set up a physical throne in 
Jerusalem to reign for 1,000 years.   
There have been variations on that theme, but the physical return of Jesus to 
greater Israel has remained intact. In the US, the Dallas Theological Seminary, 
the flagship Southern Baptist pastoral training center, has been the breeding 
ground for the American Rapturist movement.   
In this scenario, the Jews remain the apple of God’s eye, the land promised to 
the patriarch Abraham being their inheritance. In the seven-year period of 
Satanic upheaval (referred to as the Great Tribulation), the land at least from 
the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River must be secured for Israel. Solomon’s 
Temple will be rebuilt, 144,000 Jews will be converted to Christ, there will be 
a bloodbath of monumental proportions, and peace will be restored.   
Support of Israel’s expanded borders, therefore, becomes non-negotiable for 
American Evangelicals who subscribe to this dogma. There is a long history of 
Evangelicals funding illegal settlements on the West Bank and in Gaza. 
Recently, Tele-Zionist, John Hagee, has consolidated these cultists into an 
organization called “Christians United for Israel” (CUFI), applauded not only 
by President George W. Bush but by such luminaries as Joe Lieberman, Tom DeLay 
and Presidential candidate John McCain.   
Huckabee on Israel and Palestine 

On October 15, 2007, Huckabee gave a stump speech at the home of New Hampshire 
State Representative Jason Bedrick, the first Orthodox Jew elected to the New 
Hampshire House of Representatives.[1] In that speech, he staked out the 
   He supports the creation of a Palestinian state   
   He believes that such a state should be formed outside “Israel.”   
   He suggested Saudi Arabia and Egypt as prospects for such a state, noting 
that the Arabs have far more land than the Israelis and that it would only be 
fair for them to give land for a state rather than carving it out of the tiny 
Israeli state   
   He stands against the creation of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, 
thus tacitly supporting the seizing of the Temple Mount by Israel, the third 
most sacred Moslem site in the world   
   He has stood against any pullback of illegal settlements on the Golan 
Heights and the West Bank.[2]
  By re-defining the boundaries of Israel to be vastly outside those officially 
recognized by international law, Huckabee unmasks himself to be a Christian 
By offering a solution not unlike that envisioned by 19th century Americans to 
the slavery question and carried out against Native Americans, Huckabee 
essentially dehumanizes the Palestinians and proposes to transport them 
I accuse him, therefore, of being an advocate for the ethnic cleansing of 
Palestine. Here is his long-range view: “If you are with Jesus Christ, we know 
how it turns out in the final moment. I’ve read the last chapter in the book, 
and we do end up winning."[3]   
As an evangelical pastor and theologian, I’ll take the Mormon any day!   
*Stan Moody, founder of the Christian Policy Institute, has served in the Maine 
House of Representatives. He is an Advisory Board member of and 
the "Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism." Dr. Moody is the author of 
several provocative books, including, "Crisis in Evangelical Scholarship" and 
"McChurched: 300 Million Served and Still Hungry." Pastor of a rural country 
church in Central Maine, Moody has enjoyed a long and productive career in 
small business development and management.   
[1]   [2]   [3] 


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