Thanks for sending this John. Good video. The only problem I have was the 
beginning. Muslims should not be blamed for false flag terrorist operations 
conducted by our enemies. Even with all the headlines of arrests of Muslims for 
terrorism, 99% of them are found not guilty as charged and the ones found 
guilty are guilty only for minor immigration problems. The boogey man about 
Muslim terrorists is a hoax. What the speaker mentioned in the beginning are 
things that Muslims are being blamed for but things that I don't believe are 
being done by Muslims. Iraq is a good example of that and this audio 
presentation from the Taking Aim show gives a good exposure of that:

John Churchilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Please spare ONLY 5 minutes of your time to see this video..
  It is about the True Jihad & True Islam..
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.   


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