*In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful*

*Assalaamu alaykum,*

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*In a news item, sometime back, Dr Zakir Naik, the renowned Islamic scholar,
is reported to have said, **"Everyone has different levels of modesty. There
were tennis players who wore long skirts and performed just as well. But
personally, I support Sania Mirza as she prays five times a day, so the
skirts she wears can be ignored." *

*I admire the Doctor and often listen to his speeches. But that should not
mean that everything he says is sacrosanct. He is human after all, and prone
to errors. Let us therefore examine his reported quote in Qur'aanic light
and see whether it is in conformity with the divine guidance. For, the
Qur'aan calls those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed as
suppressors of Truth, oppressors and transgressors [refer Verses 5.44, 5.45and

*Allah has indeed given mankind the freedom, in this life, not to go by the
way laid down in the Qur'aan. By giving the freedom, Allah is only testing
mankind. So is Sania Mirza being tested. If she fails the test, the
responsibility for the consequences is entirely hers. But the matter of
punishing her, for any breach of the divinely laid down dress code, lies
with Allah. Since she comes from a country, and goes to such countries to
play tennis, which have nothing against her dress in their penal codes,
Muslims can do nothing legal to prevent her from wearing her short dress. *

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*Nevertheless, since Sania Mirza has gained fame and wealth, she has become
an icon, and her actions are liable to be copied by others. Other Muslim
girls may think, if Sania Mirza can do it, why not they? Muslim scholars are
therefore duty-bound to examine her actions, and publicly condemn them if
they are against divine stipulations. *

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*Verse 24.31 clearly lays down that a woman should so cover her body as not
to display its charm in public. She is moreover asked, in that Verse, not to
stamp her feet so as to reveal her hidden charm. As anyone can see, Sania
Mirza, playing in full public glare with her short body-clinging dress, is
clearly contravening those divine stipulations. Muslim scholars are
duty-bound to bring this fact to the notice of all Muslims the world over,
although they are in no position to prevent her from continuing to play
thus. ***

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*In the circumstances, it is surprising that an eminent Islamic scholar like
Dr Zakir Naik should say the skirts, Sania wears, can be ignored. She may be
praying five times a day, but Allah condemns those who obey some divine
stipulations, and disobey others [refer Verse 2.85].*

*Mohammad Shafi*

*Author of*
*Why Do I Believe In Islam <http://www.lulu.com/content/973580>*

Keep us on the Right Path, Allah!

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