The Smart Apostates or are they? 
  By Sami Zaatari 
  Robert Spencer's side kick and fellow anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim advocate 
of hate crimes against Muslims Hugh Fitzgerald has come out with a rather 
interesting and quite funny article. In his latest piece of trying to insult 
Muslims Hugh argues that those who leave Islam are intellectually superior and 
have higher morals than those who convert to Islam, I guess that pretty much 
throws respect for each other out the window since this Christian neo-con is 
basically saying those who convert to Islam are not smart, have no morals, and 
on it goes, and then these same type of Christians turn around and say they 
love and respect you and they don't insult at all, oh well they must learn from 
  Hugh gives a list of these supposedly superior apostates who have left Islam, 
the Christian neo-con who worships a god who dies writes:
  "Islam is quite different from what the naïve revert may think. Those who are 
born into Islam and have managed to defect or escape are intellectually and 
morally superior people. These include Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ibn Warraq and Ali 
Sina and Azam Kamguian and Irfan Khawaja and a great many more."
  I must say I had to hold myself from laughing; Hugh places Ali Sina as an 
intellectual smart man with high morals! I have already documented Ali Sina as 
being mentally unstable, and that he is also a terrorist, you can check up on 
both these articles on these links:
  When you read those links you will see Ali Sina advocating the slaughter of 
all Muslims, he says that Muslims should be nuked! And this is the man whom 
Hugh claims is a very intellectual and moral man, it is quite clear Hugh is a 
very sick deranged neo-con in serious need of mental help, oh yes I forgot he's 
the good guy and were the bad guys. 
  As for the other person whom Hugh lists as being an intellectual and moral 
person is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, indeed she is the biggest clown of all. Hirsi Ali 
was deported and kicked out of the Netherlands for forging fake documents about 
her supposed citizenship!
  So what do we have so far, we have Ali Sina the man with a mental problem who 
calls for Muslims to be nuked, and we have Hirsi Ali who forges documents about 
her citizenship and gets deported, how lovely!  
  I could go on to expose the others on the list as jokes as well, but I think 
the point has been proven, Hugh's desperation has been quite exposed, I really 
implore Robert Spencer to hire better side-kicks than this Hugh because he 
really does a bad job. 
  But now let us silence the lies of Hugh, he claims those who convert to Islam 
are not smart, and have lower morals, to begin with what exactly is good morals 
according to Hugh? According to Hugh open sex, alcohol, strip clubs, and all 
these types of things are morally okay in his society! Hence Hugh's definition 
of moral doesn't really count because this is a man who most likely fornicates 
every weekend down at his local bar or at least he used to when he was a young 
good Christian man. 
  Let us now bring forth a list of some very smart and intellectual and moral 
people who have converted to Islam:
  Abdullah al-Faruq - Formerly Kenneth L. Jenkins, minister and elder of the 
Pentecostal Church 
  Anselm Tormeeda - 14th century CE scholar and priest
  Khadijah 'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary, professor. Master's degree 
in Divinity
  Dr. Jerald F. Dirks - Former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist 
Church. He holds a Master's degree in Divinity from Harvard University and a 
Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Denver. Author of The Cross and 
the Crescent: An Interfaith Dialogue between Christianity and Islam (ISBN 
1-59008-002-5 - Amana Publications, 2001). He has published over 60 articles in 
the field of clinical psychology, and over 150 articles on Arabian horses
  These are just a few; these people actually have real PHD'S and not forged 
documents like Hirsi Ali and unlike Ali Sina who has nothing! 
  Here are some more:
  Józef Zachariasz Bem, Bem József a national here of Poland and Hungary 
  Alexander Russell Webb - American journalist, newspaper owner, and former 
Consul-General of the U.S.A. in the Philippines 
  Timothy Winter (also known as Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad) is a prominent 
British Islamic thinker and scholar, and a lecturer in Islamic studies in the 
Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He is a convert to Islam. 
Winter is one of the very few contemporary Muslim thinkers who is equally 
well-versed in both the Islamic intellectual disciplines, and the modern 
Occidental academic method at its very highest level. He was born in 1960, 
educated at Westminster School and graduated with a double-first MA in Arabic 
from Cambridge in 1983. He went on to study at the al-Azhar University in Egypt 
where he delved into the Islamic sciences at a deeper level. 
  Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (c. 838-c. 870 CE) was a Persian 
scholar physician (a hakim), who produced the first encyclopedia of medicine. 
His famous pupil, Zakariya al-Razi ("Razi"), has eclipsed his stature.Ali came 
from a well-known Jewish family of Merv in Tabaristan (hence al-Tabari - "from 
Tabaristan") but became an Islamic convert under the Abbassid caliph 
Al-Mu'tasim (833-842), who took him into the service of the court, in which he 
continued under Al-Mutawakkil (847-861). His father Sahl ibn Bishr was a famous 
Astrologer.Ali ibn Sahl was fluent in Syriac and Greek, the two sources for the 
medical tradition of antiquity, which was lost to medieval Europe, and versed 
in fine calligraphy. 
  Dr. Baron Omar Rolf von Ehrenfels (1901 - 1980) was an Austrian 
anthropologist and orientalist. He was born as the only son of the late Baron 
Christian von Ehrenfels, the founder of the modern structural Gestalt 
psychology in Austria. He is also the brother of Imma von Bodmershof, the 
Austrian poet who received the Grand Austrian State Prize in 1958.Dr. Ehrenfels 
converted to Islam in 1926, and later became a Professor of Anthropology and 
authored numerous scientific and Islamic publications. 
  I really could go on but the point has been proven, Hugh's lies and 
desperation and insults against those who have converted to Islam have been 
crushed and thrown in the garbage bin. 
  Although Hugh is a liar and very desperate, I cant really blame him, he knows 
Islam is winning and is rising, he knows that very smart people continue to 
come to Islam, and it pains him so much that even after all his garbage 
articles and attacks that his mission continues to fail and fail and fail, so 
you really cant blame him at all. Poor man.

  "Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep 
sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty 
generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 
by the sword to get them to abandon their faith." (Uri Avnery, a Jewish 
  "Nay we might rationally ask, did any set of human beings ever really think 
the man they saw there standing beside them a god, the maker of this world? 
Perhaps not: it was usually some man they remembered, or had seen." (Thomas 

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