Guardan (UK)
  Israel today launched a powerful spy satellite to keep watch on Iran, its 
main threat in the region. 

The TecSar satellite has an advanced radar system that should allow Israeli 
intelligence officials to gather material at night and in cloudy weather, a 
capacity beyond current Israeli satellites. 

Reportedly capable of imaging with a resolution of up to 10 centimetres, TecSar 
is considered crucial to enable Israel to track Iran's nuclear activities. 
Israel suspects Tehran of trying to develop nuclear weapons, despite 
conclusions to the contrary by US intelligence agencies. 

Last November, a US intelligence report stated that Iran had halted its nuclear 
weapons programme, a finding that undermined hawks in the US who had been 
pushing for a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. 

Israel, however, has publicly disagreed with the US intelligence finding. 

Israel's most advanced satellite was sent into orbit by an Indian rocket from 
the Sriharikota launching range in south-east India. It was the first time an 
Israeli satellite had been launched by an Indian rocket. 

The decision to use an Indian vehicle was reached three years ago during a 
visit by the then defence ministry director-general Amos Yaron and marks 
growing Indian-Israeli cooperation. Two more satellites using Indian rockets 
are scheduled. 

The TecSar, manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), uses radar to 
identify targets. The use of radar marks a considerable advance on Israel's 
Ofek series of reconnaissance satellites that rely on cameras. 

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the satellite, weighing some 300 
kilogrammes, was launched at 5:45am (3.45am GMT), and was successfully placed 
in orbit. 

Scientists and engineers are now conducting tests to check the systems and 
gauge their performance. First pictures from the satellite are expected within 
two weeks. 

The TecSar launch was postponed a number of times, largely due to weather 

Israel operates a number of reconnaissance satellites, including Ofek 5 and 
Ofek 7, as well as several commercial satellites, such as the Amos and Eros 
series. A total of 11 Israeli satellites have been placed in orbit, a number of 
them still operational. 

"The TecSar is the first satellite of its kind developed in Israel, and ranks 
among the world's most advanced space systems," IAI said in a statement. 

The satellite includes an advanced imaging system based on synthetic aperture 
radar, or SAR, technology, the statement said. The development and launch cost 
tens of millions of dollars.

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