For the non-Muslims from a Canadian Lady
  I am no scholar, and I am new to Islam (about a month)
  But one of the biggest things that I like to discuss are in fact women's 
rights in Islam.
  There are many questions I have received from friends and family members 
since my conversion and most of them have been related to this topic.
  Some of the main questions from people who know little about Islam were: 
"Won't your husband be oppressive, and isn't the hijab oppressive? Wont your 
husband beat you?"
  Please, ladies, know your rights in Islam! Men are not allowed to beat women 
in Islam. In fact IF they DO touch you, they can't even leave a mark on your 
skin, there should not even be a red mark (you know, that fades away in 
  The hijab is a woman's choice, it is not forced upon them. Anyone that forces 
their women to wear it is ruled by culture, and not by Islam.
Most women make the choice to wear hijab because it FREES them from oppression. 
Do you truly think a half naked woman sitting on a car to SELL the car is not 
oppression? Women being used as sexual objects? A woman in hijab is looked at 
with the highest respect, and for her mind, and not her beauty. 
  About men being allowed 4 wives. Do you think a woman would really want four 
husbands? Would YOU want 4 husbands to take care of at the end of the day?! 
It¡¯s hard enough caring for one! (laundry, dinner, ETC)
  The whole reason behind men being allowed 4 wives is for social needs. In the 
times of the Prophet (peace be upon him) there was a lot of war. Men would 
leave their wives and kids and not return home. What were these women supposed 
to do to care for her family? There was no social support in those days. 
Everything about Islam is an answer to a problem. You don't see too many Muslim 
men taking more than one wife these days because he has to treat each one 
equally. That means, a house for each wife, he has to spend the same amount of 
time with each wife, therefore you have to be WELL OFF in order to do this. And 
in fact, while polygamy is allowed, even Allah SWT in the Quran says one is 
  Another question I get is this "If a father dies, why the son gets more than 
the daughter? In the Quran, it says that the son is to receive double of what 
the daughter would get. HOW IS THIS FAIR???¡± Well I will tell you how it is 
fair. The Quran also says that the son must care for all the women in his 
family until his sisters are married, and if the mother doesn't remarry it is 
the son's responsibility to care for her entirely, just as his father did. That 
means, any money that he received, he will likely not see a penny of it for 
himself after he cares for his sisters and mother. ALSO the money the daughter 
receives is her in its entirety. While the son is paying for her living 
expenses and food, the money she gets, she may spend on whatever she likes, it 
is hers and nobody can touch it. Now does that seem fair?
  How about women in Islam that don't have jobs and slave away at home. Well, 
that is the woman's choice. A woman can either work, or stay at home and care 
for her children. Since it is the man's duty to provide for his family, the 
woman usually prefers to watch her kids grow, then to have them in daycare 
while she makes money. If she does decide to work however, any of the money she 
makes is hers to spend on whatever she likes, and she does not have to put a 
single penny of it towards the household. 
  Women in Islam are seen as more precious then diamonds and pearls. We are 
held high. It is US that carry life inside of us for 9 months, it is us that 
raise the children. 
  Allah (SWT) gives men and women equality or rights. We as women however are 
not the same as men. Men were made to be able to provide for a family, to be 
strong in times of need, to be the king of the home. But as history tells this 
story, No king can run a country without a right hand. No palace can stand 
without a pillar. We my sister, are the pillars for our men.
  I am sorry for going on like this, May Allah guide you to the truth. Aameen.

  "Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep 
sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty 
generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 
by the sword to get them to abandon their faith." (Uri Avnery, a Jewish 
  "Nay we might rationally ask, did any set of human beings ever really think 
the man they saw there standing beside them a god, the maker of this world? 
Perhaps not: it was usually some man they remembered, or had seen." (Thomas 

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