In the context of Arabia and the time when Islam emerged, Islam adopted a very 
moderate, pluralistic approach to other religions. This pluralistic, harmonious 
ideology of Islam was only later hijacked for a number of geo-political 
reasons. The true spirit of Islam always had ample room to accomodate and even 
give good news to people of other faith, namely Christians and Jews. Second 
chapter of Quran has a notable verse on this theme which says: Surely those who 
believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever 
believes in God and the Judgement day and does good, they shall have their 
reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. 
(The Quran| 2.62)
This verse not only give good news to genuine Jews and Christians, but also 
include another people of faith, namely Sabians. Some scholars argue that the 
term Sabians are used to accomodate people of different faith other than 
Judaism and Christianity. Yet other scholars have traced particular religious 
group known as Sabian that existing pre-Islamic time. The blog, Mavi Boncuk has 
an interesting article on the Sabians. let me share here.

Evangelical Christians do not read or understand Koran (Quran). Most muslims 
also do not read and question the information that is in plain sight. The 
Sabians existed before Muhammad, and are said to have read from a book called 
the Zabur. The Saabi`ah Hunafa came under Islamic rule about 639 AD. At that 
time in history they were described as Greek immigrants but were grouped 
together with the Saabi'ah Mushrikoon Nabataeans.

Under sharia, the Sabians form a protected religious group (along with 
Christians and Jews).

Many Islamic writers from the period of about 650 CE onward gave further 
descriptions of the Sabians. They wrote that the Sabians lived in Iraq around 
Sawad, Kutha and Mosul and they "wash themselves with water" and had "long 
hair" and "white gowns" [citation needed]. They had a monotheistic faith with 
religious literature (the Zabur) and acknowledged the prophets. Their theology 
resembled that of Judaism and Christianity yet were neither, nor were they 

As explained by Muslim historian of the eleventh century, Al Biruni, the 
Sabians were believed to have been remnants of the Jewish captivity who chose 
to remain behind in Babylon and practiced a combined religion of Judaism and 
Zoroastrianism, and claimed descent from Enoch. In their Hermetic literature, 
Enoch was equated with Hermes, and from their community, and the most famous of 
the treatise attributed to them, that was to become notorious in the West was 
the Picatrix.

It is also considered that a set of Sufi treatises, known as the Epistles of 
the Ikhawan al Saffa wa Kkhullan al Wafa, or of The Brethren of Purity and 
Loyal Friends, a philosophical and religious encyclopedia, which scholars 
regard as reflecting elements of Pythagorean, Neoplatonic, and the traditions 
of the Magi, were drawn up in the ninth century AD, under Sabian influence. It 
is generally agreed that the Epistles of the Ikhwan as Saffa were composed by 
leading proponents of the Ismaili sect of the Shiah.

Yazdânism or Cult of Angels (also Yazdâni or Yazdanism) is a modern term for 
the monotheistic, though universalist, religion that was practiced by most 
Kurds up to the Islamization during the sixteenth century. Yazdânism involved a 
belief in incarnation as well as 7 angelic beings which defend the world from 
their equal and opposite number. In Kurdistan a fair estimate still claims 
yazdanists being close to one third of the population. They are the Sabians of 
Harran described in Maimonides "Guide for the Perplexed" and mentioned in 
Bahá'í writings as Sabeans. The name Yazdânism derives from the Kurdish word 
Yazdân, meaning god or angel. 
  :: The significance of including a less prominent religious faith such as the 
Sabians in this particular Quranic verse, goes much deeper than it seems in the 
beginning. This shows the truly universal and harmonious approach of Islam to 
people of all faith to such a degree that Islam didn't hesitate to include 
Sabians, accepting and acknowledging their faith in God. This single verse thus 
have greater message to the modern world about Islam's tolerance and 
accomodating nature, when it comes to wrong perception about the religion of 

The very definition of the term pluralism allows for the development of a 
common tradition while preserving the right of each group to maintain its 
cultural heritage (faith is a part of culture, no doubt). Pluralism implies 
mutual respect. And if one looks close at Islam's spirit, one can see this 
right at the core of Islam's message to humanity.

saiyed shahbazi

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