What Barak Obama means: "I agree that the US policy is one sided against the 
Palestinians, however I will not answer your question, and nothing is going to 


Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:         
http://www.palsolidarity.org/main/2006/01/15/an-invitation-for-barak-obama/  An 
Invitation for Barak Obama  ......
    So then I asked him, “You say the US is  opposed to theocracy and 
terrorism, how can you explain to the Palestinian people how the US can be 
opposed to these things but still supports a state that has racist, oppressive, 
unjust and apartheid policies. And do you see how this paints an inconsistent 
picture to the people of the Middle East?”
  He began his answer by saying he would not accept the assumptions I made and 
therefor was not going to address that part of my question. He said he could 
understand the Palestinian view that the policies of the US were one sided but 
he said the relationship with Israel was not going to change. My high hopes for 
Barak Obama’s foreign policy ideas were shot down!.....

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