The Muslim Division of the
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)

invites you to a seminar on:

The Sanctity of Life

We will be considering:

What is the Islamic view regarding the end of life and death?
Are patients safe in our hospitals today?
The Mental Capacity Act – a new and dangerous law, how will this affect us?
How can we protect people in hospitals?
A testimony from a Muslim son.

Date: 23 February 2008

 Lunch at 2.00pm

Seminar to start at: 2.30pm

Venue: The Gateway Resource Centre, Mill Road,
Semilong, Northampton NN2 6AX

Key speakers:

Dr A. Majid Katme - Muslim Co-ordinator SPUC and
spokesman for the Islamic Medical Association UK
Mr James Bogle – Medical Law Barrister.
Mrs Antonia Tully – Patients First Network.
Mr Pervez Ahkter - A testimony(his mother was "killed" in hospital?)

Muslims and non-muslims welcome.
Special seating arrangements for women.

This leaflet was produced by:
The Muslim Division of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children,
3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB. 020 7091 7091

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