About The Book
This book entitled, THE LANGUAGE OF REVELATION by Siddeeq Jihad is 
intended to introduce its readers to Qur'aanic Arabic (Arabic 
Fushaaa) while imparting knowledge of The Qur'aan. 
It endeavors to assist in the study of The Qur'aan in homes, 
masaajid, schools, universities and other venues. It contains some 
exercises that are designed to help students in the retention of 
this pure and beautifully structured language as well as aid the 
teachers in assessing the students' grasp of the language. 
It is our  prayer to Allah, highly glorified and free of defects is 
He, that "The Language of Revelation" inspires Muslims and other 
people of faith to Arabic fluency so that The Qur'aan can be 
understood more clearly and applied in the world as Allah wills.  
Qur'aanic Arabic is the foundation that is needed to understand 
colloquial/slang Arabic.  Understanding Qur'aanic Arabic also aids 
in grasping the dialectical differences of people who speak Arabic. 
Understanding Arabic grammar and relating it to English grammar will 
aid you greatly in the study of The Qur'aan. 
In a sentence, this book is about imparting some of The Glorious 
Qur'aan and Classical Arabic, the language of revelation to its 
readers for spiritual/material enrichment.
And if all the trees were pens and the Ocean (were ink). With seven 
Oceans behind it to add to its (supply), Yet would not the words of 
Allah ever be exhausted (In the writing). 
For Allah is exalted in Power and Full of wisdom.    (The Glorious 
Qur'aan, 31:27)
For purchase, Plz go to siddeeqjihad.com  and pay via paypal  29.95 
regular price. For forum 5.00 shipping and handling, which includes 
2 free enlightening lectures on  CD. 

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