Our Russian forum restarted dawah services.


Our Russian forum, which had been closed for awhile, restarted its dawah 
services. As Allah gives Muslims sabr (patience) and power, making dawah will 
speed up. The doubts around tawhid will be clarified one by one with the 
strength of the Muslims. The Muslims, who take haq above all, will squeeze the 
batil and all the batil (kafir/mushrik/murtad and deviant Muslims) will be 
perished. When the Haq comes, the batil is bound to be perished. Haq is always 
present but batil is fani (mortal) and it only comes out when mankind acts 
against their nature (of creation) and detaches from tawhid.

The struggle between the Haqq and Batil will continue ever-lasting and may take 
various forms, such as intellectual, physical or political forms, until the Day 
of Judgment. The Haqq will never tolerate the Batil, nor will the Batil ever 
accept the Haqq. As long as Muslims fear from only Allah; they worship only 
Allah and they only ask from Him, Allah will put down the haqq on to the batil 
and Allah will perish their tricky regime. O you who sell your religions for 
worthless goods of this life before death comes to you wherever you are, make 
repentance and be Muslims. Leave all the fake gods you name and the religions 
you made up; return to Islam. 

We Muslims will try to convey the dawah of Rasools of Allah to the mankind from 
each nation and each language as far as we know, and we take as an obligation 
over us to follow their way of haq.  

"And the system of Allah will not be altered." (Al-Ahzab:62)

Salam to all who hear the dawah and depend on it.

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