Drawing by Ben Heine

One the day after the Resurrection
  the world is pretty much the same ,
  China may keep the Tibet and the Olympic-games , too
  Israel may keep Palestine and have the Peace, too
  The USA may keep Baghdad and have its Oil
  Otherwise not much......
  The rich remain richer.....
  and the poor..... do not pollute much the air.
  Kosovo is now independent  and Serbia has shrunken
  the Taliban are reviving,winning and expanding 
  while the NATO forces get fresh reinforcement....
  The Pope has converted one Muslim man
  and a Parliamentarian in Holland ,
  will teach us what is Islam.
  One day after the Resurrection
  Hilary might loose the election
  and Dick Cheney visited Mahmoud Abbas
  on his way to that huge Wall........
  One day after the Resurrection
  I wounder what-for he died ??
and how often must we also die ??

  Raja Chemayel
one day after the ressurection in 2008

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