FYI  please distribute it widely to all Muslims...

Subject: FW: US magazine distributes free anti-Prophet bookDate: Wed, 26 Mar 
2008 13:42:15 +0000From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Spencer is director of Jihad Watch (Screen shot)

Washington (America in Arabic)

A right-wing American weekly magazine will distribute free copies of a book 
that insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and associates Islam with terrorism, 
Washington-based news agency America in Arabic reported.The neo-conservative, 
Republican-oriented Human Events magazine will distribute Robert Spencer's The 
Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion (2006), 
America in Arabic said.The book -- regularly priced at 30 dollars -- is 
released by Regnery, which has published a string of controversial neo-con 
books and is a division of Eagle Publishing, which owns Human Events.

The latest book from Spencer

Well-known British writer Karen Armstrong, author of Muhammad: A Prophet of Our 
Time, has said that the book is "written in hatred," contains "basic and bad 
mistakes of fact" and that the author "deliberately manipulates the 
evidence".The magazine says Spencer unravels facts not known to historians.The 
book claims that Muhammad said terrorism made him victorious and that he used 
to tempt people with paradise so they would crush his enemies. The author also 
accuses Muhammad of treason, breaching the Treaty of Hudaybiya with the Meccan 
tribe of Quraish, and instigating Muslims to kill Jews. Spencer, the director 
of the Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch websites, also claims that the prophet 
encouraged Muslim men to take women captive to control them.Ultra conservative 
attorney Ann Coulter, who writes a column in the magazine, is taking part in 
the campaign to promote the book. Coulter is famous for her controversial 
statement about Arabs and Muslims, especially after 9/11 when she said 
Americans should invade Arab countries."We should invade their countries, kill 
their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about 
locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed 
German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war," she wrote in 
the conservative website National Review Online. Coulter also angered Jews in 
the United States when she said they should convert to Christianity to reach 
perfection.(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid).

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