Can someone enlighten me about the "Inheritance law" in Islam.?  From my 
knowledge of the Qur'an, this law is really very limited and is applicable ONLY 
to those cases where the will/testament was not written--which would be 
violation of Allah's injunction anyway. The Qur'an makes it clear--not 
once--but at least four in two ayahs (4:11, 12) that this law is only 
applicable AFTER the will has been executed and the debts have been paid.

Of course, one can write the will as he/she wishes and deems fit for his 
family.  The Qur'an fixes no shares there.  It does give the authority to 
declare the will null and void if there is manifest injustice--like someone 
gave away all or most of his property to someone he loved as a friend or an 
old-time companion while his own family suffered.

So what is all this fuss about?


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: S A Hannan
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:47 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dhaka Clashes between police and people.- Asia 
Post, Dhaka, editorial dated 16.4.08


  Dhaka Clashes between police and people.

  We have seen clashes in Dhaka city between police and people  around Baitul 
mukarram city center .The people were agitating against some parts of the 
recently announced women policy which has some parts which create confusion  
whether the policy violates the stipulation of the Quran with regard to 
inheritance. The confusion has been created because clause 9.3 of the policy 
says  that new law will be made to establish equal right in all movable and 
immovable property.Any body can see that this new  law will affect inheritance 
law in various ways.The drafting was indeed either foolish or very clever to 
deceive people.Islamic inheritance law is important for Muslims because it does 
justice keeping in view the liabilities of various parties. We are  not 
mentioning the advantage for women in maintenance law of Islam and how it gives 
over-all edge to women when implemented .The policy has further created 
confusion by mentioning  implementation of  CEDAW without mentioning the 
reservations Bangladesh like many other countries has given to this document .

  In any case these are no justifications for lawlessness. Some elements in 
press, in left political front have over stressed the clashes .Some people are 
calling it prelude to civil war and repeatation of Lal Masjid of 
Islamabad.These are clearly motivated propaganda.

  There had been much more police-people clashes in all parts of Bangladesh , 
specially in Dhaka, even around Baitul Mukarram , during the last time of 
President Ershad , last days of Khalida Zia's government in 96 and 2006 , at 
the beginning of present  caretaker government in october 2006.At that time , 
these  people  did not say  about civil war .

  The present problem has been created by several quarters, not one section, 
first making a women policy which can affect some Quranic provisions, then 
govt's failure to amend the policy quickly. Continuation of movement by some 
Madrasah and political elements even after government's declaration that they 
will do nothing against Quranic commands and laws was also responsible.Then 
police excess in not allowing a delegation to submit a memo to the Chief 
Advisor , attack on police by some elements in Baitul Mukarram area, and  
provocative statement by Madam Rasheda Chowdury that this policy is in accord 
with the constitution without realizing that all rights are subject to law and 
basic principles of the constitution contributed to escalation of  the problem. 
Some media and political people  are trying to discredit Islamic elements only, 
they are trying to blame main Islamic party  who are not involved in these  
clashes at all ( as stated by them in press statements).This part of the  press 
 has never been fair in news  generally , particularly about Islamic elements.

  We ask the government to quickly review the policy and also ask the agitating 
public to stop unlawful agitation.


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